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Holy fuck, Shawn Michaels is nWo!!

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Originally posted by legend38

Why don't you untuck your balls from between your legs and participate in a real sport.

But for now I must part, I have to go sllit my wrists :blown:

Congradulations, Eunuch38! You've just fucked up!

You fall into the category of immature and insecure kids you try and put down people on the activities they participate in. Intelligence is something you lack, and your watching wrestling and participation with Exit heads is an obvious by-product of that. For the exeption of your other waste of life friends going "it's gay, yo," please give me one shred of evidence that shows cheerleading isn't a real sport. You have no evidence supporting an ignorant and moronic claim like that...but then again, your empty words merely look like a forgetful peice of cow dung.

I actually have respect for Helen, unlike someone who calls themself "Larry the Legend" when absolutely no one outside some useless town of Johnson, NY knows who the fuck you are...

If you need help with slitting your wrists, I'm always here to help.


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Originally posted by highmay

theres a difference between watching wrestling and cheerleading...HUGE DIFFERENCE...so your line of thinking is WAY MUTHAFUCKING OFF...piece of shit...

Like what? Are you talking about fitness, or just watching on TV?

And yes - I know wrestling is fake. :tongue:

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Originally posted by highmay

theres a difference between watching wrestling and cheerleading...HUGE DIFFERENCE...so your line of thinking is WAY MUTHAFUCKING OFF...piece of shit...

my point was you are putting him down for watching wrestling and going to exit (i'm not denying that i dont), but then get all pissy when he does the same

you cant have your cake and eat it too

so STFU and maintain....BIATCH!!!


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Originally posted by highmay

Congradulations, Eunuch38! You've just fucked up!

You fall into the category of immature and insecure kids you try and put down people on the activities they participate in.

You are a hypocritical waste of sperm. I can put down the fact that you participate in an extracurricular activity that is comprised of 90% females and be called immature, but it is safe for you to mock my monicker claiming no one knows who the fuck I am.

For one, I never gave myself the nickname "The Legend", it was given to me a while back because of my accomplishments in sports. It doesn't end with athletics, I strive for excellence in everything I do, and am more often then not a success. I do not owe you a further explanation, so I am not going into it any deeper.

.....themself "Larry the Legend" when absolutely no one outside some useless town of Johnson, NY knows who the fuck you are...

If you want to turn this into a debate as to who has more friends, more pull, etc. you would surely lose. That is middle school shit, I am not concerned with "mother fuckin Highmay" cause I think you are a mutha fuckin herb. Get your facts straight before you speak. You will portray yourself to be less of an imbecile.

I am constantly told "oh, don't mind HIghmay, that is just his board personality, he is really sweet in person." Board personality? :laugh: Is this some sort of act? It seems to me that you are an angry person; you say things on this board that you do not have the balls to say to anyones face. Maybe this helps you vent out some of that anger. I don't see anyone as hostile as you being "sweet in person".

Sorry, I do not consider tossing and catching a bunch of 90 lbs blondes a sport. I do not think there is a terrible amount of skill involved in making a human triangle. While i respect the abilities of you and your competitors, i do not find cheerleading a display of physical AND mental acuteness.

and your watching wrestling and participation with Exit heads is an obvious by-product of that. For the exeption of your other waste of life friends going "it's gay, yo,"

My participation with Exit heads? I am no draper lover, and I hate exit. I go to exit to hear good talent. I have stated over and over again that Exit has so much potential, but is currently a waste of real estate. So Highmay, once again, practice what you preach

You have no evidence supporting an ignorant and moronic claim like that

You are an eyesore to this board, I hate these drama threads, and I stay away from them. I find you intolerable,however .You continue to feed the cancer that has made this board go downhill.


No Jayme,I believe you have been dismissed.

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Originally posted by legend38

For one, I never gave myself the nickname "The Legend", it was given to me a while back because of my accomplishments in sports. It doesn't end with athletics, I strive for excellence in everything I do, and am more often then not a success. I do not owe you a further explanation, so I am not going into it any deeper.

If you want to turn this into a debate as to who has more friends, more pull, etc. you would surely lose. That is middle school shit, I am not concerned with "mother fuckin Highmay" cause I think you are a mutha fuckin herb. Get your facts straight before you speak. You will portray yourself to be less of an imbecile.

I am constantly told "oh, don't mind HIghmay, that is just his board personality, he is really sweet in person." Board personality? :laugh: Is this some sort of act? It seems to me that you are an angry person; you say things on this board that you do not have the balls to say to anyones face. Maybe this helps you vent out some of that anger. I don't see anyone as hostile as you being "sweet in person".

Sorry, I do not consider tossing and catching a bunch of 90 lbs blondes a sport. I do not think there is a terrible amount of skill involved in making a human triangle. While i respect the abilities of you and your competitors, i do not find cheerleading a display of physical AND mental acuteness.

My participation with Exit heads? I am no draper lover, and I hate exit. I go to exit to hear good talent. I have stated over and over again that Exit has so much potential, but is currently a waste of real estate. So Highmay, once again, practice what you preach

You are an eyesore to this board, I hate these drama threads, and I stay away from them. I find you intolerable,however .You continue to feed the cancer that has made this board go downhill.

You dumb piece of shit...ill give you the small amount of respect for taking the time to come back on me...but again, ill prove that it is flawed and a waste of mine and everyone else's time...

I don't give two flying shits about your accomplishments, but you are flawed in telling me that you don't find cheerleading a sport...come to one of my practices, try and toss a girl up (even if i spot you a week), try and hold a pyramid, and as a matter of fact, why don't you keep doing that for 2 minutes and 15 seconds straight in clean formation...then you can tell me that you don't consider cheerleading a sport...if you dont want to and pussy out as i expect you to, then STFUâ„¢, because people in the know just look at you with disgust and laughter...

hypocritical? cmon...telling me that you have more pull and friends, and then calling that "middle school shit" seems to clash doesnt it? cmon kid...i attack with hatred and comeback with logic...

my board personality is also apart of me as a person...dont ever get that twisted, eunuch...if im at a party, though, where social interaction is wanted in a positive direction, then starting arguments and shit-talking will be looked upon as unwanted, so i dont do it...if you want to argue like men in person, give me the time and place and ill be there...

the board sucks for other reasons other than my ranting...i go nowhere near the top of why this board sucks...this isnt the time nor the place, but placing me up there overlooks the main reasons why people leave and join other boards...

and another thing, kid...I also earned my name, they don't call me MUTHAFUCKINHIGHMAY for nothing...so please, this will get pointless once you start to repeat yourself...comeback with something pertinent, if not, go waste your life watching wrestling...

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You dumb piece of shit...ill give you the small amount of respect for taking the time to come back on me...but again, ill prove that it is flawed and a waste of mine and everyone else's time...

You may give me a small amount of respect now, but rest assured you will learn to respect me in further debate.

I don't give two flying shits about your accomplishments, but you are flawed in telling me that you don't find cheerleading a sport...come to one of my practices, try and toss a girl up (even if i spot you a week), try and hold a pyramid, and as a matter of fact, why don't you keep doing that for

2 minutes and 15 seconds straight in clean formation...then you can tell me that you don't consider cheerleading a sport...

if you dont want to and pussy out as i expect you to, then STFUâ„¢, because people in the know just look at you with disgust and laughter...

I respect the ability to perform the feats exemplified above.

This is a test of strength and physical fitness, while it may take some focus to "hold a pyramid for 2 minutes and fifteen seconds in perfect formation" it is not something your above average athlete could not master in a short period of time. Give me 2 weeks in your camp and I gurantee I would perform up to whatever standards your program has set.

And if you don't care about my achievements, do not attack my name when you have little to no information about my history and accomplishments.

hypocritical? cmon...telling me that you have more pull and friends,

and then calling that "middle school shit" seems to clash doesnt it? cmon kid...

i attack with hatred and comeback with logic...

No, hypocritical would be digging deeper into the issue, citing examples while makingmyself sound important. I stated a fact with assurance.

my board personality is also apart of me as a person...dont ever get that twisted, eunuch...if im at a party, though, where social interaction is wanted in a positive direction, then starting arguments

and shit-talking will be looked upon as unwanted, so i dont do it...if you want to argue like men in person, give me the time and place and ill be there...

Hmmm, when is insinuating debate and talking shit WANTED? But then again I don't know what kind of society you live in, or what pent up frustration you harbor within.

Oh and meet me at the flagpole at 3:30, gimme a fuckin break. :laugh: Sooner or later We will meet, and if you have the balls

to tell me to slit my wrists to my face, then we will see what mutha fuckin Highmay is really about.

Eunuch? Aren't you the one competing in competitions with the majority of the participants being female :idea:

the board sucks for other reasons other than my ranting...

i go nowhere near the top of why this board sucks...this isnt the time nor the place,

but placing me up there overlooks the main reasons why people leave and join other boards...

You attack people and cause drama, one the main reasons why people with intelligence leave this board for higher grounds.

And I am NOT saying that is the only reason this board has sucked.

but again, ill prove that it is flawed and a waste of mine and everyone else's time...

Solving The Highmay formula is not a difficult task to compute. You have been blessed with the ability to

convey your thoughts on a screen/piece of paper in a clear and concise manner. With your Roget's online thesaurus loaded and ready to rear,

you attack members of this board using your ability to assemble a decent piece of literature, for lack of a

better word.

Your thoughts and written ability do not intimidate me, Jayme . I ignored your antics until you attacked me, now you will

deal with your match.

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Originally posted by legend38

No, hypocritical would be digging deeper into the issue, citing examples while making myself sound important.

Originally posted by legend38

Aren't you the one competing in competitions with the majority of the participants being female :idea:

A demonstration of Hypocritical to perfection

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Just to prove the maturity.......

HiGhMaY9 is online but not available... Hitting off the wieght room like I hit of iTaLiAnG0DeSs19's mom...

Still using the mom jokes huh? And on your away message, even better.. come on... :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by xtcgspot

drama runs rampant 'round these parts


I stay away from it until I am called out.

Marci, crazy idea but it just might work. Lets think before we speak!! :idea:

Let me define hypocrite for you


n : a person who professes beliefs and opinions that they do not hold [syn: dissembler, phony, phoney]

Source: WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University

I find no contradictory statements in what I said, what you quoted. If you cannot intelligently interact in this argument, do not offer your two sense.

Brush up on your vocabulary skills before you make an attack at me.

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oh blah blah blah...met my match bullshit...youre just going on and on about yourself now, kid...and guess what, we got something in common: your words cant ever intimidate me...so youre not proving anything with this show of machismo in the face of adversity...this "i am great, you're nothing jayme, cheerleading has no skill..." proves nothing to me...

whatever...youre taking this shit too seriously, but next time i see you at a club, i LOVE to see your reaction...ill tell you right now that ill go straight up to you and say everything i said to your face...

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Originally posted by legend38

I stay away from it until I am called out.

Marci, crazy idea but it just might work. Lets think before we speak!! :idea:

Let me define hypocrite for you


n : a person who professes beliefs and opinions that they do not hold [syn: dissembler, phony, phoney]

Source: WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University

I find no contradictory statements in what I said, what you quoted. If you cannot intelligently interact in this argument, do not offer your two sense.

Brush up on your vocabulary skills before you make an attack at me.


\Hyp"o*crite\, n. [F., fr. L. hypocrita, Gr. ? one who plays a part on the stage, a dissembler, feigner. See Hypocrisy.] One who plays a part; especially, one who, for the purpose of winning approbation of favor, puts on a fair outside seeming; one who feigns to be other and better than he is; a false pretender to virtue or piety; one who simulates virtue or piety.

Syn: Deceiver; pretender; cheat. See Dissembler.

Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 2001, 2002 MICRA, Inc.

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