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Attn Mugz! Enough With The Binary!

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Originally posted by wideskies

now don't YOU start.

really, it is annoying. if there's a website that one can go to translate it, then what's the point of writing in binary in the first place? it takes up space.

. . one could say that it's the beauty of how machines speak to each other . . . so simple, yet producing such a complex result . . to machine speak . . I salute you!!! . . .

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Originally posted by wideskies

now don't YOU start.

really, it is annoying. if there's a website that one can go to translate it, then what's the point of writing in binary in the first place? it takes up space.



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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . one could say that it's the beauty of how machines speak to each other . . . so simple, yet producing such a complex result . . to machine speak . . I salute you!!! . . .

yeah, but isn't the beauty of machines that they enable you to do things more efficently? communicating in this manner is not efficient for those people who cannot 'read' it without decoding it on that website.

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Originally posted by wideskies

yeah, but isn't the beauty of machines that they enable you to do things more efficently? communicating in this manner is not efficient for those people who cannot 'read' it without decoding it on that website.

. . that's where the flaw comes about . . . Machines speak efficiently because they don't have to translate to archaic communication forms such as English . . . It's actually US as a speaking species that slows THEM down . . .

. . I'm such a geek . . . :tongue: . . . .

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that said...


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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . that's where the flaw comes about . . . Machines speak efficiently because they don't have to translate to archaic communication forms such as English . . . It's actually US as a speaking species that slows THEM down . . .

. . I'm such a geek . . . :tongue: . . . .

but although our machines are allowing us to communicate right now, mr phunk, *we* still speak english, even if it's inefficient for the machines. well, except for shook. i don't know what the hell he speaks.

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Originally posted by wideskies

but although our machines are allowing us to communicate right now, mr phunk, *we* still speak english, even if it's inefficient for the machines. well, except for shook. i don't know what the hell he speaks.

Shook speaks a dialect of Cock-sucking-goat-fucking-dark-alleyway-whore-piss-bitchese.

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Originally posted by wideskies

that said...

...it is kinda fun. i just wouldn't want to have to visit the site every time someone decided to break out with the 0s and 1s.


:clap: :clap: :clap:

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ZERO .D1 A3 ; i1 = 0

|| ADD .D2 B4, 4, B6 ; ptr_w1 = w + 4

|| SHR .S2X A6, 1, B0 ; n2b = n >> 1

|| MVKL .S1 stack, A9 ; f A9 = ptr_stack

MV .D1 A4, A5 ; ptr_y0 = ptr_x0

|| MV .L1X B0, A0 ; n2 = n2b

|| MV .L2X A6, B2 ; icntr = n

|| MVKH .S1 stack, A9 ; f A9 = ptr_stack

MV .L2X A9, B9 ; B9 = A9

|| MVK .S1 2, A7 ; ie = 2

|| SHL .S2 B2, 3, B1 ; B1 = B2 << 3

|| STW .D1 B3, *A9 ; f push B3

MV .L1 A7, A1 ; wcntr = ie

|| ADD .L2X A4, 4, B4 ; ptr_x1 = ptr_x0 + 4

|| SUB .S2 B1, 8, B7 ; reset = B1 - 8

|| STW .D1 A10, *+A9[11] ; f push A10

|| STW .D2 B10, *+B9[12] ; f push B10

SUB .L1X B6, 4, A6 ; ptr_w0 = ptr_w1 - 4

|| MV .L2X A7, B1 ; scntr = ie

|| MV .S2 B4, B5 ; ptr_y1 = ptr_x1

|| STW .D1 A15, *+A9[1] ; f push A15

|| STW .D2 B15, *+B9[2] ; f push B15

* Prolog Begins ****************************************************************

LDW .D1 *A4++[A0], A8 ; load rx0

|| LDW .D2 *B4++[b0], B8 ; load ix0

|| MV .S1 A9, A10 ; f A10 = A9

|| MV .S2 B9, B10 ; f B10 = B9

LDW .D1 *A4++[A0], A15 ; load rx1

|| LDW .D2 *B4++[b0], B15 ; load ix1

LDW .D1 *A4++[A0], A9 ; load rx2

|| LDW .D2 *B4++[b0], B9 ; load ix2

|| MV .S2X A3, B3 ; i1b = i1

LDW .D1 *A4++[A0], B10 ; load rx3

|| LDW .D2 *B4++[b0], A10 ; load ix3

|| SUB .S1 A1, 2, A1 ; if(wcntr) wcntr -= 2

[!A1] SUB .S1X A4, B7, A4 ; if(!wcntr) ptr_x0 -= reset

||[!A1] SUB .S2 B4, B7, B4 ; if(!wcntr) ptr_x1 -= reset

|| STW .D1 A14, *+A10[3] ; f push A14

|| STW .D2 B14, *+B10[4] ; f push B14

STW .D1 A13, *+A10[5] ; f push A13

|| STW .D2 B13, *+B10[6] ; f push B13

STW .D1 A12, *+A10[7] ; f push A12

|| STW .D2 B12, *+B10[8] ; f push B12

SUBSP .L1 A8, A9, A9 ; r3 = rx0 - rx2

|| SUBSP .L2 B8, B9, B9 ; s3 = ix0 - ix2

|| STW .D1 A11, *+A10[9] ; f push A11

|| STW .D2 B11, *+B10[10] ; f push B11


SUBSP .L1X B15, A10, A8 ; s4 = ix1 - ix3

|| SUBSP .L2X A15, B10, B8 ; r4 = rx1 - rx3

SUB .S1X B2, 4, A2 ; lcntr = icntr - 4

ADDSP .L1 A8, A9, A11 ; r1 = rx0 + rx2

|| ADDSP .L2 B8, B9, B11 ; s1 = ix0 + ix2

LDW .D1 *++A6[A3], A10 ; load co1

|| LDW .D2 *++B6[b3], B10 ; load si1

LDW .D1 *++A6[A3], A13 ; load co2

|| LDW .D2 *++B6[b3], B13 ; load si2

|| ADDSP .L1X A15, B10, A12 ; r2 = rx1 + rx3

|| ADDSP .L2X B15, A10, B12 ; s2 = ix1 + ix3

LDW .D1 *+A6[A3], A12 ; load co3

|| LDW .D2 *+B6[b3], B12 ; load si3

|| SHL .S1 A3, 3, A13 ; tmp = i1 << 3

[A2] LDW .D1 *A4++[A0], A8 ; @ if(lcntr) load rx0

|| [A2] LDW .D2 *B4++[b0], B8 ; @ if(lcntr) load ix0

|| ADDSP .L1 A9, A8, A11 ; r1a = r3 + s4

|| SUBSP .L2 B9, B8, B11 ; s1a = s3 - r4

|| SUB .S1 A6, A13, A6 ; ptr_w0 -= tmp

|| SUB .S2X B6, A13, B6 ; ptr_w1 -= tmp

[A2] LDW .D1 *A4++[A0], A15 ; @ if(lcntr) load rx1

|| [A2] LDW .D2 *B4++[b0], B15 ; @ if(lcntr) load ix1

||[!A1] ADD .S1 A3, A7, A3 ; if(!wcntr) i1 += ie

[A2] LDW .D1 *A4++[A0], A9 ; @ if(lcntr) load rx2

|| [A2] LDW .D2 *B4++[b0], B9 ; @ if(lcntr) load ix2

|| SUBSP .L1 A11, A12, A11 ; r2a = r1 - r2

|| SUBSP .L2 B11, B12, B11 ; s2a = s1 - s2

||[!A1] MV .S1 A7, A1 ; if(!wcntr) wcntr = ie

|| MV .S2X A3, B3 ; @ i1b = i1

[A2] LDW .D1 *A4++[A0], B10 ; @ if(lcntr) load rx3

|| [A2] LDW .D2 *B4++[b0], A10 ; @ if(lcntr) load ix3

|| ADDSP .L1 A11, A12, A14 ; ry0 = r1 + r2

|| ADDSP .L2 B11, B12, B14 ; iy0 = s1 + s2

|| [A1] SUB .S1 A1, 2, A1 ; @ if(wcntr) wcntr -= 2

SUBSP .L1 A9, A8, A13 ; r3a = r3 - s4

|| ADDSP .L2 B9, B8, B13 ; s3a = s3 + r4

|| MPYSP .M1 A11, A10, A11 ; p0_1 = r1a * co1

|| MPYSP .M2 B11, B10, B11 ; p1_1 = s1a * si1

||[!A1] SUB .S1X A4, B7, A4 ; @ if(!wcntr) ptr_x0 -= reset

||[!A1] SUB .S2 B4, B7, B4 ; @ if(!wcntr) ptr_x1 -= reset

MPYSP .M1X A11, B10, A14 ; p3_1 = r1a * si1

|| MPYSP .M2X B11, A10, B14 ; p2_1 = s1a * co1

MPYSP .M1 A11, A13, A11 ; p0_2 = r2a * co2

|| MPYSP .M2 B11, B13, B11 ; p1_2 = s2a * si2

**** Loop Begins ***************************************************************


SUBSP .L1 A8, A9, A9 ; @ r3 = rx0 - rx2

|| SUBSP .L2 B8, B9, B9 ; @ s3 = ix0 - ix2

|| MPYSP .M1X A11, B13, A8 ; p3_2 = r2a * si2

|| MPYSP .M2X B11, A13, B8 ; p2_2 = s2a * co2

||[!B1] SUB .S1 A5, A10, A5 ; if(!scntr) ptr_y0 -= reset_a

||[!B1] SUB .S2 B5, B7 , B5 ; if(!scntr) ptr_y1 -= reset

SUBSP .L1X B15, A10, A8 ; @ s4 = ix1 - ix3

|| SUBSP .L2X A15, B10, B8 ; @ r4 = rx1 - rx3

|| MPYSP .M1 A13, A12, A12 ; p0_3 = r3a * co3

|| MPYSP .M2 B13, B12, B12 ; p1_3 = s3a * si3

|| STW .D1 A14, *A5++[A0] ; store ry0

|| STW .D2 B14, *B5++[b0] ; store iy0

ADDSP .L1X A11, B11, A15 ; ry1 = p0_1 + p1_1

|| SUBSP .L2X B14, A14, B15 ; iy1 = p2_1 - p3_1

|| [A2] SUB .S1 A2, 4, A2 ; if(lcntr) lcntr -= 4

ADDSP .L1 A8, A9, A11 ; @ r1 = rx0 + rx2

|| ADDSP .L2 B8, B9, B11 ; @ s1 = ix0 + ix2

|| MPYSP .M1X A13, B12, A10 ; p3_3 = r3a * si3

|| MPYSP .M2X B13, A12, B10 ; p2_3 = s3a * co3

LDW .D1 *++A6[A3], A10 ; @ load co1

|| LDW .D2 *++B6[b3], B10 ; @ load si1

|| ADDSP .L1X A11, B11, A14 ; ry2 = p0_2 + p1_2

|| SUBSP .L2X B8 , A8 , B14 ; iy2 = p2_2 - p3_2

LDW .D1 *++A6[A3], A13 ; @ load co2

|| LDW .D2 *++B6[b3], B13 ; @ load si2

|| ADDSP .L1X A15, B10, A12 ; @ r2 = rx1 + rx3

|| ADDSP .L2X B15, A10, B12 ; @ s2 = ix1 + ix3

|| [b2] SUB .S2 B2, 4, B2 ; if(icntr) icntr -= 4

LDW .D1 *+A6[A3], A12 ; @ load co3

|| LDW .D2 *+B6[b3], B12 ; @ load si3

||[!B1] MV .S2X A7, B1 ; if(!scntr) scntr = ie

|| SHL .S1 A3, 3, A13 ; @ tmp = i1 << 3

[A2] LDW .D1 *A4++[A0], A8 ; @@ if(lcntr) load rx0

|| [A2] LDW .D2 *B4++[b0], B8 ; @@ if(lcntr) load ix0

|| ADDSP .L1 A9, A8, A11 ; @ r1a = r3 + s4

|| SUBSP .L2 B9, B8, B11 ; @ s1a = s3 - r4

|| SUB .S1 A6, A13, A6 ; @ ptr_w0 -= tmp

|| SUB .S2X B6, A13, B6 ; @ ptr_w1 -= tmp

[A2] LDW .D1 *A4++[A0], A15 ; @@ if(lcntr) load rx1

|| [A2] LDW .D2 *B4++[b0], B15 ; @@ if(lcntr) load ix1

|| ADDSP .L1X A12, B12, A9 ; ry3 = p0_3 + p1_3

|| SUBSP .L2X B10, A10, B9 ; iy3 = p2_3 - p3_3

||[!A1] ADD .S1 A3, A7, A3 ; @ if(!wcntr) i1 += ie

|| [b2] B .S2 LOOP ; if(icntr) branch to LOOP

[A2] LDW .D1 *A4++[A0], A9 ; @@ if(lcntr) load rx2

|| [A2] LDW .D2 *B4++[b0], B9 ; @@ if(lcntr) load ix2

|| SUBSP .L1 A11, A12, A11 ; @ r2a = r1 - r2

|| SUBSP .L2 B11, B12, B11 ; @ s2a = s1 - s2

||[!A1] MV .S1 A7, A1 ; @ if(!wcntr) wcntr = ie

|| MV .S2X A3, B3 ; @@ i1b = i1

[A2] LDW .D1 *A4++[A0], B10 ; @@ if(lcntr) load rx3

|| [A2] LDW .D2 *B4++[b0], A10 ; @@ if(lcntr) load ix3

|| ADDSP .L1 A11, A12, A14 ; @ ry0 = r1 + r2

|| ADDSP .L2 B11, B12, B14 ; @ iy0 = s1 + s2

|| [A1] SUB .S1 A1, 2, A1 ; @@ if(wcntr) wcntr -= 2

SUBSP .L1 A9, A8, A13 ; @ r3a = r3 - s4

|| ADDSP .L2 B9, B8, B13 ; @ s3a = s3 + r4

|| MPYSP .M1 A11, A10, A11 ; @ p0_1 = r1a * co1

|| MPYSP .M2 B11, B10, B11 ; @ p1_1 = s1a * si1

|| STW .D1 A15, *A5++[A0] ; store ry1

|| STW .D2 B15, *B5++[b0] ; store iy1

||[!A1] SUB .S1X A4, B7, A4 ; @@ if(!wcntr) ptr_x0 -= reset

||[!A1] SUB .S2 B4, B7, B4 ; @@ if(!wcntr) ptr_x1 -= reset

MPYSP .M1X A11, B10, A14 ; @ p3_1 = r1a * si1

|| MPYSP .M2X B11, A10, B14 ; @ p2_1 = s1a * co1

|| STW .D1 A14, *A5++[A0] ; store ry2

|| STW .D2 B14, *B5++[b0] ; store iy2

MPYSP .M1 A11, A13, A11 ; @ p0_2 = r2a * co2

|| MPYSP .M2 B11, B13, B11 ; @ p1_2 = s2a * si2

|| STW .D1 A9, *A5++[A0] ; store ry3

|| STW .D2 B9, *B5++[b0] ; store iy3

|| [b1] SUB .S2 B1, 2, B1 ; if(scntr) scntr -= 2

|| MV .S1X B7, A10 ; reset_a = reset

**** Loop Ends *****************************************************************

SHL .S1 A0, 2, A3 ; o A3 = n2 << 2

|| SHR .S2 B0, 2, B0 ; o n2b >> 2

|| SUB .D1 A5, A10, A5 ; o ptr_y0 -= reset_a

|| SUB .D2 B5, B7 , B5 ; o ptr_y1 -= reset

[b0] SUB .D1 A5, A3, A4 ; o if(n2b) ptr_x0 = ptr_y0 - A3

|| [b0] SUB .S2X B5, A3, B4 ; o if(n2b) ptr_x1 = ptr_y1 - A3

|| [b0] MV .S1X B0, A0 ; o if(n2b) n2 = n2b

|| [b0] ZERO .D2 B3 ; o if(n2b) i1b = 0

[b0] MV .L1 A4, A5 ; o if(n2b) ptr_y0 = ptr_x0

|| [b0] MV .L2 B4, B5 ; o if(n2b) ptr_y1 = ptr_x1

|| [b0] SHL .S1 A7, 2, A7 ; o if(n2b) ie << 2

|| [b0] LDW .D1 *A4++[A0], A8 ; p if(n2b) load rx0

|| [b0] LDW .D2 *B4++[b0], B8 ; p if(n2b) load ix0

[b0] MV .S2X A7, B1 ; o if(n2b) scntr = ie

|| [b0] ZERO .S1 A3 ; o if(n2b) i1 = 0

|| [b0] MV .L1 A7, A1 ; o if(n2b) wcntr = ie

|| [b0] LDW .D1 *A4++[A0], A15 ; p if(n2b) load rx1

|| [b0] LDW .D2 *B4++[b0], B15 ; p if(n2b) load ix1

[b0] MPY .M2X A7, B0, B2 ; o if(n2b) icntr = ie * n2b = n

|| [b0] B .S1 OLOOP ; o if(n2b) branch to OLOOP

|| [b0] LDW .D1 *A4++[A0], A9 ; p if(n2b) load rx2

|| [b0] LDW .D2 *B4++[b0], B9 ; p if(n2b) load ix2

||[!B0] MVKL .S2 stack, B6 ; f if(!n2b) B6 = ptr_stack

[b0] LDW .D1 *A4++[A0], B10 ; p if(n2b) load rx3

|| [b0] LDW .D2 *B4++[b0], A10 ; p if(n2b) load ix3

|| [b0] SUB .S1 A1, 2, A1 ; p if(wcntr) wcntr -= 2

||[!B0] MVKH .S2 stack, B6 ; f if(!n2b) B6 = ptr_stack

[!B0] LDW .D2 *B6, B3 ; f if(!n2b) pop B3

||[!B0] MV .L1 B6, A6 ; f if(!n2b) A6 = B6

[!B0] LDW .D1 *+A6[1], A15 ; f if(!n2b) pop A15

||[!B0] LDW .D2 *+B6[2], B15 ; f if(!n2b) pop B15

||[!A1] SUB .S1X A4, B7, A4 ; p if(!wcntr) ptr_x0 -= reset

||[!A1] SUB .S2 B4, B7, B4 ; p if(!wcntr) ptr_x1 -= reset

[!B0] LDW .D1 *+A6[3], A14 ; f if(!n2b) pop A14

||[!B0] LDW .D2 *+B6[4], B14 ; f if(!n2b) pop B14

[b0] SUBSP .L1 A8, A9, A9 ; p if(n2b) r3 = rx0 - rx2

|| [b0] SUBSP .L2 B8, B9, B9 ; p if(n2b) s3 = ix0 - ix2

||[!B0] LDW .D1 *+A6[5], A13 ; f if(!n2b) pop A13

||[!B0] LDW .D2 *+B6[6], B13 ; f if(!n2b) pop B13

* Outer Loop Ends **************************************************************

LDW .D1 *+A6[7], A12 ; f pop A12

|| LDW .D2 *+B6[8], B12 ; f pop B12

LDW .D1 *+A6[9], A11 ; f pop A11

|| LDW .D2 *+B6[10], B11 ; f pop B11

|| B .S2 B3 ; f return

LDW .D1 *+A6[11], A10 ; f pop A10

|| LDW .D2 *+B6[12], B10 ; f pop B10

NOP 4 ; f wait for return and LDWs


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Eh... it's amusing, but I don't think it's superior as a form of communication.

Consider this: binary is.. binary. Two states. To represent a single character requires five characters, just to fit in all the lower-case letters (00000-11111 = 32 possible combinations). The alphabet, on the other hand, has hundreds of states currently, but there are no restrictions on our ability to create new characters to represent additional states (just look at the CP smileys). It's more efficient.

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Originally posted by hoke

Eh... it's amusing, but I don't think it's superior as a form of communication.

Consider this: binary is.. binary. Two states. To represent a single character requires five characters, just to fit in all the lower-case letters (00000-11111 = 32 possible combinations). The alphabet, on the other hand, has hundreds of states currently, but there are no restrictions on our ability to create new characters to represent additional states (just look at the CP smileys). It's more efficient.

*too deep for me*


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