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worst feeling...

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... thinking you have a decent chance at getting a great internship and repeatedly with no respone till a month later when they say the position has already been filled. No other options, gotta look for a job so I can make money.

I feel you pain, need income! :(

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Originally posted by linabina

no i mean actually being negative in my bank acct....

Yes I know just what you mean... thank goodness rent has been paid and none of my checks bounced before hitting that negative balance... :rolleyes:

Oh yeah and let me thank my aunt in advance for the bday money i'll prob. be getting from her tomorrow... lol

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Yeah I definitely know the feeling of being broke.. I dunno how I survive.. my bank account has never been negative, but I've had like .13 in it before.. :blown: Ahh!! Well I just got paid today but my paycheck is lousy and I got MAD bills to pay.. :blown:

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i hear you; i am broker THAN. i have only been out three times this year, cp'ers, and once was when my brother treated me 'cause he was visiting. i used to have money, back when i wasn't into dancing/going out all that much. unfair. but that's just the fun stuff; it's way too spoiled for me to be complaining about missing deep dish, sasha & digweed, and pvd when it'd really just be nice to be able to pay my bills on time (the late fees just make it more anyway - there has to be a better way...) :( .

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Lynne.. I hear ya.. I owe my mom about $5,000 and i just gave her $1,000.. I just spent $325 on a new cd player for my car today b/c my other one broke (which was $450... 1 1/2 years old).. I went to take out money from my bank so I can get PVD tix tonight and I have $104 left in it.. lol.. i got paid this last thurs but i gave my check to my mom.. I dont get paid till next thurs.. life sux right now!! oh well...

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I owe my parents about $3000, my aunt $1600, and $1000 on my credit card.

Still am not broke, but slowly, very slowly payin it off. How does one let their account hit rock bottom? Being in debt fuckin sucks, but no way I'd let myself get that low.:mad:

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Originally posted by linabina

is not only being broke, but being NEGATIVE! grrrrrrrrrr i need to make money. bad. :mad:

after i had a car accident 2 years ago i was left with very little (my fault...didint claim insurance) while i was still working my crap job at a&p. how did i get out? did what weyes is doing...staying home/not spending anything. its painful, but it needs to be done. you might want to start looking for a higher paying job, or work more hours at your current one.

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

or work more hours at your current one.

To help me out, this week im workin six days. Fuckin shoot me:blown: BUT, the time and a half on Overtime I'll be making will be a nice help.

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Quit eating

Stop sleeping

Work 25 hours a day

Thorw on your headphones at full volume

click your heals and wish the world away


Its the little things that kill when it comes to money.

Best way to survive is on a budget...which really sucks.

But it works...although you cant go club hopen on a budget.

You could always donate blood for those pvd tickets....:laugh:

My biggest problem though is my computer addiction...

Parts n' games are expensive.

then theres the fact that i practily live in a poolhall.

Believe it or not...I quit drinking...and thats saves me some serious $....trying not to spend the saved $...thats the tricky part.

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Originally posted by roninmess

I owe my parents about $3000, my aunt $1600, and $1000 on my credit card.

Still am not broke, but slowly, very slowly payin it off. How does one let their account hit rock bottom? Being in debt fuckin sucks, but no way I'd let myself get that low.:mad:

well... it has only been recently that ive been running really low on money... u know i work at a bar.... and business has been really bad lately... so im suffering b/c i only work for tips... i dont get a salary... i cant necessarily quit and look for a new bartending job b/c i work for my family... and with a job like this u gotta take the good with the bad... i dont wanna quit b/c things are supposed to be bangin this summer... but ive been hurtin waiting for business to turn around... i just got a brand new car... and having money when i signed the lease was a good thing... goin broke because business kinda crashed, is not... and my parents will help me out if need be but the main reason why i went negative in my account was b/c when i transfered money into my checkin acct from my savings acct.... i made the mistake of not recording all of my transactions with my debit card.. like for gas and shit... im still not used to only having a couple hundred dollars in there... but ill learn to manage my $ now that i have no choice but to budget myself and i just have to get used to the fact that there isnt a couple thousand in there whenever i needed it... and that i actually have car payments to make now...

phew... didnt really need to explain myself there but i did anyway... i just hope things turn around at my job for the sake of my family and my own bank account... :crosses fingers: if not, ill be looking for another bartending job in a few weeks!


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