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A Public Apology To Rony And Bog!

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Hey guys..

I just wanted to let you all know

that I Realize I got out of control

with my tantrum about the EX thing!

I really loved your night..

loved it so much because I knew

I was "home" with people that I

care about..


and then this stupid girl

has to be there as well...

And well..

I just kinda lost it!

Got home trashed and blew

up on my keyboard..

Woke up with a hangover and a feeling

that I did something I shouldn't have..

Got to work and ooohhhh..

what did I do now!?

CP is a giant shit vent for

my personal crap..

I realize it was fucked up and that

I should keep that kind of shit to private

e-mails etc..


Since I did lay it all out

like I did perhaps you all

should get the reason why I'm so pissed off.


but because I just want you all for a second

to get into my head (Scary as that may be for

some of you..)

*If you give a shit keep on reading..

(If you could care less

then just take this apology for what is)..

I'm sorry..

I'm sure the rest of the nights will

be great! You all have a family

that carries a great vibe. Unfortunately

at this time I can't be a part of it

if someone keeps popping up

like they do.

(Tilly Dejavu anyone?)


and mad love..


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so I've told this

one before so many times that

I'm sure some of you could fill in the


Why do I do it PUBLICLY

you ask?

~well..Because perhaps if enough

people Keep asking a certain someone

what the fuck he's doing with

someone that obviously NO ONE LIKES

then maybe he might hide her under a rock

next time he plans to invite her to

my very few places that I escape and try

to drown my sorrows in.

Then again that's just wishfull thinking!

In the end she'll wind up probably

sleeping with a few more of you and

will eventually strut my DOG in

just for good measure.

So you wanna know..?

Here its is AGAIN!:

(spot light on Mugz)

A)Mugz lives with someone

six years..marriage.

B)Mugz intrioduces that someone to

many of his closest friends from

back home and around NY..

Mugz is very happy..he gets a dog.

C)Mugz flies to Italy often

with that whore..he thinks all is


(Five years in)

*(Spot light on EX)

D) That whore sleeps

with one of his friends when he

is still in Italy..

talks shit about Mugz at a Dinner

party that she invites all

of Mugz friends to in his own house..

E) Mugz gets back..

looses job..losses money..

IRS fucks him..Mugz drinks too much..

Whore moves out ..Takes Mug'z doggie.

F) No money..

no girl..

no dog..


Lots of booze!

G)Mugz meets new friends that

help him through his tough time..

Mugz discovers New people that

help him back to his feet





(*Spot light on "So called FRIENDS!")

H)Friends start to talk to whore...

A certain friend becomes quite chummy..

Mugz stops hearing from all friends..

Mugz no longer knows who friends are anymore..

Mugz runs away to clubplanet land

to find a sense of community..

I)CP, Clubs..Mugz forgets

old friends..

Mugz finds new ones..

Mugz falls in love again..

all is well..

J) Mugz discoveres that he is really sick..

He has cancer. Mug ztries to reach out

to his closest friends from back in the day..

but they are gone..

they are with her now.

K)"Friends" with whore invade CPland.

Show up at old haunts..."Friends"

give Mugz funny stares..no one

calls Mugz ever again...

L)Mugz tries to find

some place to call his home..

some kind of support system..

Mugz has none. Because..


Because I Get too fucked up

and loose my mind on here and loose all of you.


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So what have we learned here kids:

Well perhaps that Mugz is as loudmouth on CP

because It's the only way he knows

how to make H"HIM" stop

bringing "HER" out to

HIS PLACES Filled with people he cares about..


Is Mugz not "OVER" his Ex!

No that he is..

In fact he is quite in love

with a beautiful person and HATES that

other bitch...

She took his dog,his friends, used

him for FREE trips to ITALY and Talks shit about all of YOU everytime that "so called friend" brings her out!


Mugz reeaallly reaally hates her!

He just really wants to move on..

be left alone..

not have to be ALWAYS reminded

of everything he lost!

Mugz dosen't want sympathy..

just respect..

If He EVER meant anything

to those old "so called" friends

they would understand that.





might make you do stupid

angry things like point

in his direction and tell


there he is!"

Fucked up isn't it!


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That is some serious fucked up shit that has happened to you.

If you really want to show her, then be happy, don't give a shit that she doesn't deserve what she has not. I went thru a similiar thing in the last few months (though maybe not to such an extreme) and I realized that harping on the past, always thinking about what she did to you will not make things better for you, or make you happier, it will just drive you crazy and keep you fucked up in the head.

Yeah she fucked you over, but be the better person, go on with your life, your new job, your new woman.

What goes around come around, karma, trust me she will get what she deserves in the end, and also those who sided with her or fucked you over too.


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Originally posted by thehacker

and that's just the kind of guy maudy is...

nothing if not Eventually totally honest and open.

im all for honesty but seriously theres a time and place for some things to be let out and sometimes you should keep shit to yourself forever if it takes.

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Originally posted by gqraver

That is some serious fucked up shit that has happened to you.

If you really want to show her, then be happy, don't give a shit that she doesn't deserve what she has not. I went thru a similiar thing in the last few months (though maybe not to such an extreme) and I realized that harping on the past, always thinking about what she did to you will not make things better for you, or make you happier, it will just drive you crazy and keep you fucked up in the head.

Yeah she fucked you over, but be the better person, go on with your life, your new job, your new woman.

What goes around come around, karma, trust me she will get what she deserves in the end, and also those who sided with her or fucked you over too.


I don't think Mugz really cares what SHE thinks.

I think he's just upset because he lost his doggie..


His old friends..


and having her invade places

that are thrown by people he

cares about makes

him go loco!

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Originally posted by dr0ne

im all for honesty but seriously theres a time and place for some things to be let out and sometimes you should keep shit to yourself forever if it takes.

come on now..

fess up.... you loved it!

You read every godamn word of it

didn't ya..

So did "THEY" I hope..

and if you want the rest of the story

go ask THEM next time you see either of them!

Mug'z stage is a great place to stand in

a spot light aint it "FRIEND!"

That is all now..

nothing left in here to see..

move along.:direct:

(Oh..and it's boxers not briefs..

I've experimented with homosexuality

once in highschool and I'm really a closet

SMITHS fan!)


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Originally posted by djjonstephen

I am completely confused with this last statement

That's Maudy being totally honest and open.

Maudy, I was really wondering this morning why you were going off so hard... now that I know the story, I totally understand why you're so upset.

Just remember that there are plenty of people in this world, in this same scene even <hint hint> who are completely outside of that situation... don't throw out the entire basket over one rotten egg -- your presence in clubland has brought smiles on many faces, and it would be a shame to lose that. :)

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i didn't read the whole thing 1) cuz i've heard the story before from the man known as mugz, himself (mind you it's just his side of the story so i take it with the necessary grain of salt everyone should when only hearing one side) and 2) if i wanted to more i'd just ask, in person.

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NO you silly people.



It's all music for all people!

This stupid crap with me and certain

people has pushed me away from this




What Ron and Bog are doing

is really really great!

Giving back to the scene

and bringing people together..

I just can't be there because it hurts

too much to have to look at a friend you lost

if he and she are there.

But that is my problem and life goes on!

You all go and support!


*Now everyone just

go do your own thing!

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