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To be fat and safe in the sack or skinny and risky?

Guest tilly

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

fuck trusting someone else to tell u the truth..many of my friends have been screwed by psycho bitches




::wtf. . .she "takes" the pill and they still rule out std's. . .horrible::

Ive heard it all before "sarge" ;)

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Guest tilly

let me add,

condoms are ALWAYS a MUST at first regarless ...pill or no pill..

you guys are right about not trusting girls..why?

well, girls aren't always smart..they forget to take their pill one night around the time you guys have sex..BAM...they are at risk of becomming pregnant. you guys should be using your brains too and not put all the responsiblity on the woman. It's not necessarily done intentionally but it happens..there's always room for error!

(I did not start this thread to cause any major sentivities in woman or men, btw..now that i think about how huge and broad this topic can be...I almost regret starting it cuz i don't want to drum up any negativity in ppl's thoughts).

It's just the age old damn question...you're fat but you are pretty safe, you're thin but you are constantly worried about getting prego...

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Originally posted by hoke

I think it's really sad that some women seem to think that +10 is the difference between fat and thin. :blank:

if i gained 10 pounds right now (which i don't plan on), it would change the size of my clothes. so then i have to shell out the money for new clothes in addition to being conscious of weight gain.

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Originally posted by hoke

I think it's really sad that some women seem to think that +10 is the difference between fat and thin. :blank:

personally. . .thats PERSONALLY. . .10+lbs is 3-4 dress sizes. . .

yeah id want a fatter booty but umm. . .id rather gain it myself than having a chemical do all the gaining to the point where i dont feel comfortable.

feeling comfortable in your own skin is the keyword

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my girl went on the pill 2 years ago and she hasnt gained any weight.....you just gotta talk with your DOCTORS and find a way to keep your weight where you want it to be and still take the pill if you feel its necessary...but no offense to all of us who posted here for this but we dont know the half of it, thats why DOCTORS are doctors and we go to clubs.....good luck with your decisions though girls......

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Sorry... I didn't mean to insult the smaller girls on the board, for whom 10 lbs is like 10% of their bodyweight... but there are definitely girls out there who are maybe 5'6 or 5'8 and lighter than air, and get all worked up over a few pounds -- pounds that they had to starve off their already emaciated bones in the first place. That kind of thing sickens me.

On the actual topic: depo is a wonderful thing, though there are horror stories about not being able to get pregnant at all, even after going off it... sounds like maybe it works a little TOO well.

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This is an interesting thread. I never knew women had a high rate of weight gain after going on the pill. Personally, I think if you are in a long term relationship and are not interested in pregnancy then the pill is definitely the way to go. Condoms on a regular basis suck ass. Plus there is a higher chance of error.

EmbodiedHate: The best contraceptive for you is keeping it in your pants. We don't want any other little haters running around here. ;)

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Originally posted by codica3

Hmm.. I'm on Depo Provera, and I think average weight gain is like 3lbs which isn't bad at all.. I think the pill can be up to like 10lbs or something right?? Depo is a lot easier too.. I dunno, I'm happy with it. :D

Actually, no- there's a great risk for weight gain on Depo than on the Pill.

Tilly, are you asking because you've been on the pill before and gained weight? There are a lot of different types of pills out there, and several that are pretty new. I've been on two different types of pills and I gained zero pounds. The only thing that swelled even a little bit was my boobs. And that is a good thing!

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my advice? ---> listen to Theory. i do or she beats me.

girl i know got pregs 2 times on the pill and she was religious about taking it. nothing is certain. (and yes, she got rechecked for her prescription after the first time).

my opinion: if you are gonna use condoms anyways cause of STD worry and are worried about the weight, then don't take the pill.

if you are in a good relationship...take the pill. if he's worth it the weight shouldn't matter to him that much, so it should be your choice. benefits of more mild periods are a huge plus (at least for my girl). AND sex is SO much better without the caps!

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Condoms are not always 100%.They break, leakage is a problem. I know there is always the morning after pill.. but you have to tke that within 48 hours.

So why not double up, always good to be safe then sorry.

Thats right barvybe..listen or i'll beat you!:)

Switching to diff pills migh thelp but some girls gain weight no matter what due to hormones from the pill...

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Originally posted by theory

Condoms are not always 100%.They break, leakage is a problem. I know there is always the morning after pill.. but you have to tke that within 48 hours.

So why not double up, always good to be safe then sorry.

Thats right barvybe..listen or i'll beat you!:)

Switching to diff pills migh thelp but some girls gain weight no matter what due to hormones from the pill...

Yes, condoms break... plus the morning after pill isn't 100% effective either.

Imagine this scenario: girl goes off the pill, condom breaks, morning after pill doesn't work. It happens :shaky: ... the decision you'll have to make after that is a lot more difficult than whether or not you can live with a few extra pounds.

Doubling up is really the safest thing. Seriously, folks... sex is risky in so many ways. No excuses -- take care of yourselves, okay? :)

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Originally posted by hoke

Yes, condoms break... plus the morning after pill isn't 100% effective either.

Imagine this scenario: girl goes off the pill, condom breaks, morning after pill doesn't work. It happens :shaky: ... the decision you'll have to make after that is a lot more difficult than whether or not you can live with a few extra pounds.

Doubling up is really the safest thing. Seriously, folks... sex is risky in so many ways. No excuses -- take care of yourselves, okay? :)

the preceeding post was payed for by The Rackham Hoke Safe Sex foundation...


(j/k, I agree with ya)

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Originally posted by joeg

the preceeding post was payed for by The Rackham Hoke Safe Sex foundation...


(j/k, I agree with ya)

The foundation is currently accepting contributions and volunteers for further research into this important field, all in the name of public safety of course. ;)

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She's on the pill & you use a condom - high chance of catching NO STDS and not getting pregnant

She's on the pill only - chance of getting an STD (its like the new york lottery, hey you never know)

Condom only - if used correctly, very slight chance of getting STD and/or geting pregnant

Nothing - chance of std and very high chance of pregnancy. (btw pullout method doesn't work either)

Birth Control Pills - wouldn't use them or any other drug that affects processes in my system. Especially if they can alter body weight and menstral processes. (some exceptions here:rolleyes:

Condoms - if used correctly are 100% effective on a safe and satisfying experience for both/multitude of partners involved

So be safe, use a condom every time.

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You know there is a shot that MEN can get if youre really concerned. Then you guys can deal with whatever whacky ass shit it does to your body and see how you like it :tongue:

personally, I'm not particularly interested in having mood swings, gaining weight, having my cycle all messed up, and jesus christ if my boobs swell any more I think I'll cry.

then again its amazing what we'll do for sex.


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Originally posted by hatternyc

Condoms - if used correctly are 100% effective on a safe and satisfying experience for both/multitude of partners involved

Please stop spreading lies. Condoms break, and certain brands are worse than others.

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CONDOMS: Efficacy May Be Higher for Pregnancy Than for HIV

Condoms may be as effective or nearly as effective at preventing heterosexual HIV transmission as they are at preventing pregnancy, according to a study in the recent issue of Family Planning Perspectives. Noting that the "absolute amount of protection" provided by condoms has not been accurately established, Karen Davis and Susan Weller of the University of Texas Medical Branch analyzed 25 studies that had previously assessed condom usage and HIV serostatus among heterosexual couples with one HIV-infected partner.

To calculate overall condom effectiveness, researchers analyzed the transmission rate among couples who reported always using condoms and the transmission rate for couples who reported never using condoms. Of the cohort samples with information on couples who always used condoms, researchers found that eight of 504 people seroconverted, with an incidence rating of 0.9 per 100 person-years. For the cohort samples analyzing couples that never used condoms, the incidence of male-to-female transmission was estimated to be 6.8 per 100 person-years, and 5.9 per 100 person-years for female-to-male transmission. The overall efficacy of condoms was estimated to be 86.6%.

However, when the authors took into account the confidence limits for always-users and never-users, they pegged true effectiveness somewhere between 60.0% and 95.8%. Indicating that condom efficacy for preventing pregnancy ranged from 90.7% to 98.6%, the researchers concluded that "condom efficacy may be higher for pregnancy than for HIV."

The researchers noted that the difference may be related to the fact that while pregnancy can only occur from vaginal sex, HIV can be transmitted through vaginal, oral and anal routes. And unlike pregnancy, HIV transmission can happen at any time in a woman's menstrual cycle.

The authors also point out that "HIV particles are smaller than sperm cells and may actually leak through condoms." They conclude that when condoms were used during every sexual contact, "they provide a reduction in risk [of HIV transmission] similar to that for pregnancy prevention."

The authors cautioned that while condoms are not 100% effective, it is "reasonable to assume ... that estimates obtained for contraception are the upper limits of the condom's efficacy for prevention of HIV transmission" (Davis/Weller, Family Planning Perspectives, Nov./Dec. issue).

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