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To be fat and safe in the sack or skinny and risky?

Guest tilly

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I wouldn't go raw unless I trusted the person and we've been together at least a few times already. No STDs for me. To avoid getting pregnant I would suggest the following:

Don't bother with pills that make you gain weight and mess up your system, don't waste money on condoms.


hehhe, ok I had to say that. Anyway back to reality, I never knew that the pill can cause you to gain weight. If a girl really wanted to gain weight she would, so the pill is bad. I guess the only real solution was stated 5 lines up. Good luck

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Originally posted by teklord310

I wouldn't go raw unless I trusted the person and we've been together at least a few times already. No STDs for me. To avoid getting pregnant I would suggest the following:

Don't bother with pills that make you gain weight and mess up your system, don't waste money on condoms.


hehhe, ok I had to say that. Anyway back to reality, I never knew that the pill can cause you to gain weight. If a girl really wanted to gain weight she would, so the pill is bad. I guess the only real solution was stated 5 lines up. Good luck

back in the old times where girls could get in deep shit if they lost their virginity before getting married, they'd take it in the pooper instead on a regular basis.

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Originally posted by hatternyc

i said if "used correctly"

I can read. I'm sorry, but it's still bullshit. Condoms are NOT 100% effective at preventing pregancy. Misuse is NOT the only reason why a condom can break.

Look... I've never had a Trojan break on me, in hundreds of uses. Ever. On the other hand, in the few times that I used them, I never had a Durex Ultra-Thin NOT break on me. You want to tell me I don't know how to use a condom?

Factor in the possibility of manufacturing error, too. They stress-test condoms, but let's say they stress test a condom 3 times... who's to say that it won't break the fourth time -- when it's actually being used?

I agree completely that everybody should use condoms, but to say that they're 100% effective, even when used right, is an outright lie and nobody should EVER be led to believe that.

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Originally posted by hatternyc

i said if "used correctly"

even so, still not as effective as pill for pregnancy. 99% plus versus low 90's.

and, if you think that sex with a condom is AS satisfying as without you've been having some pretty bad sex.

hey lav: agreed on the male thing. i would say that the pill's been around so much longer and has so much info on it that the male version is LIKELY to cause more side effect / be less attuned to an individuals hormones.

also - depending on you and your perscription: pill can REDUCE moodiness, significantly reduce cramping, regulate u (obviously) and may not cause weight gain. only way to know is to try.

of course, always use condoms unless both of you have been tested AND you're willing to bet your life on your partners trustworthiness.


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Originally posted by lavendermenace

You know there is a shot that MEN can get if youre really concerned. Then you guys can deal with whatever whacky ass shit it does to your body and see how you like it :tongue:

personally, I'm not particularly interested in having mood swings, gaining weight, having my cycle all messed up, and jesus christ if my boobs swell any more I think I'll cry.

then again its amazing what we'll do for sex.


what's wrong with nice, hard, firm swollen boobs? :D

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Lav- you're right there is a shot a guy can take in which it will kill the sperms.

Honestly like barvybe said it hasn't been around that long. The pills has been around much longer.

Many new developments in the pills industry has made is more stable and also nowadays some pills help towards the risk or cancer. I guess in some ways its a win/win situation.

Nothing is 100% -- ( only if you don't have sex)

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Originally posted by lavendermenace

nothing at all. I just dont want them to get any bigger for christ sake.

anyone from the LavenderRackâ„¢ fan club care to back me up here?


Now do you really think a bunch of sex deprived males are going to argue against the purposeful swelling of your rack?

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Originally posted by lavendermenace

nothing at all. I just dont want them to get any bigger for christ sake.

anyone from the LavenderRackâ„¢ fan club care to back me up here?


a self declaration of well endowment i see.

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Originally posted by hatternyc

Condoms - if used correctly are 100% effective on a safe and satisfying experience for both/multitude of partners involved

Wow, talk about misinformation.

Don't fool yourself. NO form of birth control is 100% effective, even if used correctly. Abstinence is the only certain way to prevent pregnancy.

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