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Wouldnt it be nice to have a DOOR POLICY AT Vinyl/ARC

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Originally posted by hoke

I disagree... in fact, I've heard a lot more judgement coming from the Be Yourselfers than from the supposed "guidos". The "guido" (please note quotes) crowd seems to pretty much go about its business... they may judge us behind their backs, I don't know, but they're less public about it, it seems to me.

The fact is, no amount of complaining's going to change the crowd at Vinyl... people should just go where they're comfortable and leave it at that. If Vinyl changes into no longer being that place, well... something else will come up. Not right away, maybe, but as long as there's a sufficient demand, somebody will provide for it.

My 2 cents, as always.

How long have you been going to this party?

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Originally posted by bustaknut2001

How long have you been going to this party?

Not long at all (less than a year)... but I'm not talking about what I hear at the party... I'm talking about what I see on the boards.

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Originally posted by girly

I mean correct me if I'm wrong;) , But along with the "be yourself" theme at Vinyl i think that anyone who goes there should not be judged by what they are wearing. I mean who really gives a shit when we are *ALL* there enjoying ourselves, the music and eachother. Some of the people on here i feel are bringing the negative vibe they post about other people bringing by posting about nonsense like this. GO there and enjoy the music and the party. i have been in Vinyl a couple times with some of you and i didn't see anyone that was wearing "labels", guidos, juiceheads,fake tan, fake boobed bitches or whatever else you have to say about anyone ruining your time or the vibe.

Thats cause you have gone mainly on Saturdays when its not the DT party......

You people have it all wrong. Its not what people are or aren't wearing down there that sets the party back, its the people that are making it their party. The way that you can spot these people is because of what they wear and the heard they hang out in. You all know what I'm talking about and I really don't feel like hearing girly defend them again. The truth is most of them walk around with attitudes like they are better than everyone else at a party where attitude is not welcome. The funny part is, they are not better than myself or anyone else there.

They need to go back to where they came from......its a different type of party at vinyl and they need to recognize that if they want to go there to chill. I know juicers and fake bimbos that are mad cool with everything, and I also know of assholes that push people around while trying to clear space to do their little patented shuffle in the chill out room.

About three or four weeks ago I was talking to a girl I knew from a while ago at SF. She said it all too plain for me when she said "I love this....this is our party now." I know the type of crowd she hangs with and they are all loser assholes......absolutely horrible.

They do ruin the vibe. They have made the party turn into just another party. Their attitude sucks.

I still have a lot of faith in every person though, people gotta just get it through their thick skulls that attitude is not welcome.

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

Thats cause you have gone mainly on Saturdays when its not the DT party......

thats funny i thought i went mainly on friday nights.:D The only 2 times i went on saturdays was the 2 saturdays i saw all of you. I've been there more on friday nights and my reasoning still stands. I haven't experienced this attitude or ruining of the vibe that you claim you all have experienced. Maybe i went the wrong fridays:confused: . i really feel that alot of people on this board are negative and judgemental and create the vibe that they say others create.

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Okay motherfuckers that's it. I'm letting loose...

I don't give a fuck who goes to Vinyl. I really don't. It could be my damn Mechanical Engeering professor or the most guidoed guido that ever guieded a floor.

I'm there to Dance and I'm there to enjoy MYSELF.

When i'm dancing i like to smile.

I like to see other people smiling.

I like to smile at someone and get that smile back.

The special one.

The one that is like a bond between us... where we dont need to say anything to each other at all. It's just "yeah i know. and i'm feeling what you're feeling."

I don't get that anymore. I dance a lot becase i'm powered off the vibe. When there's Vibe, you'll see me on the floor all night with no break. When there's no vibe, elitism, judgement, prejudice... you'll see me in the chill room feeling shitty and zonking out on Clubkat's shoulder.

I felt the vibe when i first came there. I danced ALL night no stopping, no chilling. Siceone and his crew literally PICKED ME UP and DRAGGED me out the door by my FEET because i wouldn't leave any other way.

It's no longer like that. Whose fault it is isn't important.

The importance is how I feel because when i'm there it's so that I can have a good time. If you go there to have a good time and you see some kid smiling at you, smile back.

Give out some hugs occasionally, offer someone a drink of your water (which you should carry with you at all times).

Say hi to random people, give props for damn good dancing or even if someone's just really happy and bringing good vibe to the place.

Give credit where credit is due, and let the goodness of what you do reflect back upon yourself. You are an ambassador of House Music both IN and OUT of the club. You've got to REPRESENT yourself and your style, and RESPECT yourself, others and their styles.

If anybody argues with this i'm sorry but it's not meant as a debate. It's how i feel when i go ANYWHERE, Vinyl or Starscape, Pseudo or Groovejet. It's all about Soul.

If you Got Soul, then Give Soul.

If you Ain't Got Soul, be Open Minded to those who do.

If you Can't Feel Soul then Stay Home!! :)

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Originally posted by cintron

Okay motherfuckers that's it. I'm letting loose...

I don't give a fuck who goes to Vinyl. I really don't. It could be my damn Mechanical Engeering professor or the most guidoed guido that ever guieded a floor.

I'm there to Dance and I'm there to enjoy MYSELF.

When i'm dancing i like to smile.

I like to see other people smiling.

I like to smile at someone and get that smile back.

The special one.

The one that is like a bond between us... where we dont need to say anything to each other at all. It's just "yeah i know. and i'm feeling what you're feeling."

I don't get that anymore. I dance a lot becase i'm powered off the vibe. When there's Vibe, you'll see me on the floor all night with no break. When there's no vibe, elitism, judgement, prejudice... you'll see me in the chill room feeling shitty and zonking out on Clubkat's shoulder.

I felt the vibe when i first came there. I danced ALL night no stopping, no chilling. Siceone and his crew literally PICKED ME UP and DRAGGED me out the door by my FEET because i wouldn't leave any other way.

It's no longer like that. Whose fault it is isn't important.

The importance is how I feel because when i'm there it's so that I can have a good time. If you go there to have a good time and you see some kid smiling at you, smile back.

Give out some hugs occasionally, offer someone a drink of your water (which you should carry with you at all times).

Say hi to random people, give props for damn good dancing or even if someone's just really happy and bringing good vibe to the place.

Give credit where credit is due, and let the goodness of what you do reflect back upon yourself. You are an ambassador of House Music both IN and OUT of the club. You've got to REPRESENT yourself and your style, and RESPECT yourself, others and their styles.

If anybody argues with this i'm sorry but it's not meant as a debate. It's how i feel when i go ANYWHERE, Vinyl or Starscape, Pseudo or Groovejet. It's all about Soul.

If you Got Soul, then Give Soul.

If you Ain't Got Soul, be Open Minded to those who do.

If you Can't Feel Soul then Stay Home!! :)

Anybody who questions this needs to hang up their dancing shoes right now... I've seen this guy out there, and he really is 100% about the music and the vibe... a lot of people could learn a lesson from Cintron.


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Personally I Think all of you need to shut the fuck up and just dance...

I think it's funny how every one talks about the love of the music and whatever then we actively try and exclude people who were just like you and I a couple years ago.. LOST KIDS who didn't know anything about the music..and it took us time to figure out alice Deejay was bad and webster hall was evil..

you don't like the way someone based on how they look then fuck you... you don't want to give someone a chance because they fit a stereotype... then fuck you... what makes you better than any of them id you got the proof then present it but I don't want to hear generalization and trite stereotypical blather to justify your pre judging people.. Deal with people on a case by case basis.. its hard but don't be lazy. Mean people suck and every one deserves a shot or two.. for me it's usually only one..

BE good, BE happy, BE free BE where ever you want, BE yourself and let others do the same.

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