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Gotti cant have a ceremony in the catholic Church?

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Okay I was thinking, he did a lot of horrible shit..and felt that he doesnt have the right to be buried in a Catholic Church..then something came over me...what gives the Catholic Church the right to deny a man a ceremony in the Church? After all God is supposed to be a forgiving man......and that is a house of god but they shouldn't play god...especially not after all the shit that has been going down in the Church...I mean being pedophiles and gay and all...:rolleyes:

So what is everyone elses take on this???

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You expect consistency from the Church?

These are the same people who said that priests should be removed if they molest more than one child... as if the first one is okay, but any more than that and, "Sorry, you're not holy anymore!" :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by tunnelbandit

Bury the piece of shit in the back of the prison and stick a wooden cross on his grave just like any other murderer.

yes I agree..but I am sure many other murderers were buried in a Catholic Church..

I just dont think the church should judge..especially since it isnt so Holy....

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Originally posted by synderella420

yes I agree..but I am sure many other murderers were buried in a Catholic Church..

I just dont think the church should judge..especially since it isnt so Holy....

this reminds me of a flyer i saw this past weekend for some show. it had a priest in the front saying something funny which I can't remember (i was wasted) but there was a quote in the bottom straight from the bible, it was hilarious it said something like "and let Him touch boys in a funny way"

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Not all churches or members of the clergy are unholy.

Gotti doesn't deserve to be buried on Catholic grounds, and some members of the church, despite the negativity surrounding them, are sound in judgement and in opinion. The Catholic church is taking a real beating right now, but they were more than right in denying Gotti the right to be buried on Catholic ground. Members of the clergy are forced to make moral decisions which reflect their reasoning / decision making abilities to the public, and the afterlife or the forgivingness of God doesn't always fit into such decision making.

I don't think its fucked up of them to deny him the right to be buried there. The reputation of the church as an institution, and more importantly, the grief of many of the family members of John Gotti's victims are more important than the overall forgivingness of God. As an institution, the church shouldn't have a man like Gotti on what they consider holy grounds. I doubt many of their patrons would appreciate it.

While we are alive, decisions like these are what really count.

John Gotti lived a long life in which he fucked up the lives of many Catholics and Non-Catholics alike. I hope his death was painful, just as the deaths of his many victims were.

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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth

Not all churches or members of the clergy are unholy.

Gotti doesn't deserve to be buried on Catholic grounds, and some members of the church, despite the negativity surrounding them, are sound in judgement and in opinion. The Catholic church is taking a real beating right now, but they were more than right in denying Gotti the right to be buried on Catholic ground. Members of the clergy are forced to make moral decisions which reflect their reasoning / decision making abilities to the public, and the afterlife or the forgivingness of God doesn't always fit into such decision making.

I don't think its fucked up of them to deny him the right to be buried there. The reputation of the church as an institution, and more importantly, the grief of many of the family members of John Gotti's victims are more important than the overall forgivingness of God. As an institution, the church shouldn't have a man like Gotti on what they consider holy grounds. I doubt many of their patrons would appreciate it.

While we are alive, decisions like these are what really count.

John Gotti lived a long life in which he fucked up the lives of many Catholics and Non-Catholics alike. I hope his death was painful, just as the deaths of his many victims were.

right on. let the motherfucker burn in hell. :licker:

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While I agree that Gotti was a rat bastard, if he claimed to be a Catholic, then he should be given a Catholic burial.

"Catholic" means "universal", i.e. open to everybody, and it's a religion based on repentance and forgiveness. If Gotti was a Catholic, then one would have to assume that he had repented, and therefore, had been accordingly forgiven.

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Originally posted by misticminister

so one "evil" act neccessitates the acceptance of another? good thinking

ugh, where do we find these clowns...

Let me clarify for you, chief... before you start running your mouth at people...

1) It was a joke referencing hoke's post about the ridiculous inconsistancy of the catholic church.

2) It had nothing to do with anyone accepting anything... IMO the catholic church has been reduced from a centerpiece of society to a shell for financial gain/wrongdoing/and politcal maneuvering...

3) I have yet to make a statement on whether he should or shouldn't be burried in a church, I was merely adding a touch of satire to the church's thought process.

in short... before you start throwing comments like "good thinking" around... understand what you're commenting on and put on your asbestos suit...

Thanks. :flame::D

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Originally posted by hoke

While I agree that Gotti was a rat bastard, if he claimed to be a Catholic, then he should be given a Catholic burial.

"Catholic" means "universal", i.e. open to everybody, and it's a religion based on repentance and forgiveness. If Gotti was a Catholic, then one would have to assume that he had repented, and therefore, had been accordingly forgiven.


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All this religious talk is creeping me out.

I must now counter this force by posting some satanic lyrics:

"Propaganda death ensemble

Burial to be

Corpses rotting through the night

In blood laced misery

Scorched earth the policy

The reason for the singe

The pendulum it shaves the blade

The strafing air blood raid

infiltration push reserves

Encircle the front llines

Supreme art of strategy

Playing on the minds

Bombard till submission

Take all to their graves

Indication of triumph

The number that are dead

Sport the war, war support

The sport is war, total war

When victory's a massacre

The final swing is not a drill

It's how many people I can kill

Be dead friend from abve

When darkness falls

Descend into my sights

Your fallen walls

Spearhead break through the lines

Flanked all around

Soldiers of attrition

Forward their ground

GRegime prophetic age

Old in its time

Flowing veins run on through

Deep in the Rhine

Center of the web

All battles scored

What is our war crimes

(Era forever more...war)

Propaganda war ensemble

Burial to be

Bones shining in the night

In blood laced misery

Campaign of elimination

Twisted psychology

When victory is to survive

And death is defeat

Sport the war, war support

The sport is total war

When victory's a massacre

When victory is survival

When this end is a slaughter

The final swing is not a drill

It's how many people I can kill"

sweet dreams kids.

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Look whether or not his body is buried in a Catholic cemetary is a moot point. He's dead and God has already made a decision on where to send his ass. So any of this ceremonial fluff is just bullshit to make a crooked story seem more round.

I'm roman catholic and i'm proud. But i definitely don't think an asshole like that ought to be sharing the same kind of grave as my father. that's an insult to everyone else who shares the faith and it detracts from the character of other Catholics to allow someone like that to be such an important issue. Death isn't a celebrity event.

He's gone and whatever happens to his body i could care less about. The church can allow or deny whatever the hell it wants with the corpse. hell it's JUST a corpse. I'ts not like burying it in a catholic cemetary is going to get him into heaven all by itself.

The Man (or woman) above has already made their decision on what's happenin' to lil Johnny boy.

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Originally posted by joeg

ugh, where do we find these clowns...

Let me clarify for you, chief... before you start running your mouth at people...

1) It was a joke referencing hoke's post about the ridiculous inconsistancy of the catholic church.

2) It had nothing to do with anyone accepting anything... IMO the catholic church has been reduced from a centerpiece of society to a shell for financial gain/wrongdoing/and politcal maneuvering...

3) I have yet to make a statement on whether he should or shouldn't be burried in a church, I was merely adding a touch of satire to the church's thought process.

in short... before you start throwing comments like "good thinking" around... understand what you're commenting on and put on your asbestos suit...

Thanks. :flame::D



*Listen, if you were joking I apologize. I agree with some of what you say. I happen to believe, sadly that organized religion is incredibly corrupt - even though I am Catholic.


*I think the values of the church still mean something despite the sick - and I mean this literally - priests who abuse helpless children. And I guess I've been hearing this argument alot - the one I thought you were making - the idea that the actions of these priests somehow means the church should throw it all away and honor a murderer who's sole purpose in life was rob and drain others of everything they have for his own gain. To me that's a higher hypocrisy.

*And I guess Im tired of hearing such a comparison that contains no logic whatsoever. But, apparently, this wasn't your point.


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Originally posted by misticminister



*Listen, if you were joking I apologize. I agree with some of what you say. I happen to believe, sadly that organized religion is incredibly corrupt - even though I am Catholic.


*I think the values of the church still mean something despite the sick - and I mean this literally - priests who abuse helpless children. And I guess I've been hearing this argument alot - the one I thought you were making - the idea that the actions of these priests somehow means the church should throw it all away and honor a murderer who's sole purpose in life was rob and drain others of everything they have for his own gain. To me that's a higher hypocrisy.

*And I guess Im tired of hearing such a comparison that contains no logic whatsoever. But, apparently, this wasn't your point.


Yeah, no big deal... its been a rough week... sorry If I went for the throat on that...

I see where you're coming from, and no, that wasn't my point at all.

peace ;)

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