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RE: Johnny Vicious

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OK Id like to know why all of you hate on JV so much.. I am personally good friends with JV and he is good people.. You all judge him on his performances at roxy.. have any of you gone elsewhere and heard him.. Memorial Day weekend i was with him down at XS and he was off the hook.. last week at ROXY i thought he played an awesome set... The night at Roxy when he did classics.. i thought was rediculous.. That night i was workin over at SF and came over and stopped at roxy and i didnt wanna leave the music was soo off the hook... It seems you all just dont like his style... so cmon whats your reasons for hatin on JV

I mean not to sound like a dick .. but i know soo many idiots that praise on JP and how fucking good he is.. (I personally think he sucks big hairy moose cock) but he isnt even ranked in the world.. JV is number 98, he is part of the Ministry of Sound (I Dun think they let just anyone work with them), as a person he is one of the nicest fucking people you will ever meet, and he has been around for how long.. i mean personally i think when johnny is on he is one of the nastiest DJ's around, however I will admit him playing the Children 2002, Rapture ETC gets annoying... but you have to cater to the crowd..

So just curious whats some of your reasoning behind hatin on JV...

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Im friends with Johnny too.

I think most people don't understand that someone like Johnny is a DJ who adapts to the crowd. Thus, for Roxy, he will play that style of music.

I saw him at Brazil last week and he tore the fucking place apart. Music was great, and no where near what he plays at Roxy.

Sometimes, ignorance is bliss.

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because roxy vicious is not the same as tunnel vicious. two completely different styles. old school clubbers and fans of his dont like the direction he's taking with his music. most want the tunnel vicious back. its obvious he's playing to the crowd, but he should just be true to his style instead of "adapting"..

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i agreee with ya... he was sick over at tunnel.. but like anything you have to adapt to the crowd... if its a ktu crowd hes gonna play ktu music.. i would love the johnny of tunnel to be at roxy... but as hard as he played back then.. alot of people arent into the hard music anymore... i personally love it..

i wasnt able to get up to brazil but i spoke to him the day after and i was told the place was off the hook...

just look at classics night.. you cant tell me johnny doesnt have it anymore... its just he is catering to the crowd... seriously go hear him at another place and you will be suprised...

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

he's paid his dues..hes established..u cant hate on that..

its ppl like Draper who were spinning at Sweet Sixteens 5 yrs ago that piss me off..being all cocky and shit for no reason

draper is GoD ;) LoL i just like sayen that cause on some boards thats all u read :tongue:

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Originally posted by hawaiiguestlis

my personal opinion bout draper is.. i dont like him.. he is not a cocky person.. i know him personally.. i believe the people who listen to him are the ones who make him seem that way because they hold him on a thrown as the all mighty draper

go ask Tiesto what he thinks about Draper...

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I take nothing away from JV. Not many DJs can say they've been on the Billboard charts once, much less the number of times he has. He's been one of the greatest producers around, and most people recognize he's extremely talented.

I think Roxy would still pack the place if he spun the way he spins outside Roxy. I was looking forward to Roxy opening up because I had heard JV so many times at the Tunnel. I went there a few times earlier this year and was thoroughly disappointed. His style changed drastically.

Even if that change is attributable to his "playing to the crowd," that doesn't mean old school Vicious heads don't have a right to feel jaded.

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

go ask Tiesto what he thinks about Draper...

hmmm outta all the people i know.. tiesto isnt one of them.. i know most dj's hes one of the few i dont...

seriously.. i dont think Draper is a bad person... i just dont like his style.. i hear the same sound pounding on the wall as listening to him... just my opinion.. but he is not a cocky person.. its the people who listen to him and enjoy his music that are the ones who are like he is the best, there is nobody else, blah blah blah.... its prolly the same way i am with Johnny Vicious.. JV is a real good friend of mine.. and i personally think he is the best... but to each their own... alot of the people who listen to these dj's are the ones who give them their images...

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Originally posted by £ddie

I take nothing away from JV. Not many DJs can say they've been on the Billboard charts once, much less the number of times he has. He's been one of the greatest producers around, and most people recognize he's extremely talented.

I think Roxy would still pack the place if he spun the way he spins outside Roxy. I was looking forward to Roxy opening up because I had heard JV so many times at the Tunnel. I went there a few times earlier this year and was thoroughly disappointed. His style changed drastically.

Even if that change is attributable to his "playing to the crowd," that doesn't mean old school Vicious heads don't have a right to feel jaded.


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its normal for people to mistake comedy, cynicism and sarcasm for "hate". Say, just because some comedian gets on stage and starts ripping on someone like his uncle or something, doesn't mean he hates him....its just that his uncle is an easy target for some reason. His uncle (if he cant take a joke....or three or four :laugh: ) might not like the idea too much, but the other 1,000 ppl watching the guy are laughing. The same applies here. I personally have nothing against anyone.....its all in good fun. ;)

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Originally posted by £ddie

I take nothing away from JV. Not many DJs can say they've been on the Billboard charts once, much less the number of times he has. He's been one of the greatest producers around, and most people recognize he's extremely talented.

I think Roxy would still pack the place if he spun the way he spins outside Roxy. I was looking forward to Roxy opening up because I had heard JV so many times at the Tunnel. I went there a few times earlier this year and was thoroughly disappointed. His style changed drastically.

Even if that change is attributable to his "playing to the crowd," that doesn't mean old school Vicious heads don't have a right to feel jaded.

agreed.. i am a vicious fan of tunnel and present... i will always love his music.. i have heard johnny from ny, nj, mexico, canada, michigan,, i have heard him everywhere.. and he isnt the same dj everywhere he goes... and i give him that as a credit.. because he is able to adapt to the crowd... however.. yes i would love it if he played like he used to in tunnel...and i personally think he would pack the place if he did... just my two cents

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cant u understand that? you dont go from what he used to play at the tunnel to what he does now. why do u think KTU is there now and MTV? they make him play the utter fuckin crap he is playing. same with rizzo, you may have said last week he sucked, but you know what? i can gaurentee out of maybe 10 tracks he played, he was forced to play 6 KTU anthems that he didnt want to play. its like your boss telling you things to do, and things not to do, u dont do them, your gone. yea, thats what the nyc scene has come to. pretty fuckin pathetic.

anyone who tells me different is a fuckin invalid cuz its fuckin clear as day.

i got 7 words to sum it up: I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER.

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Originally posted by scoob-e


cant u understand that? you dont go from what he used to play at the tunnel to what he does now. why do u think KTU is there now and MTV? they make him play the utter fuckin crap he is playing. same with rizzo, you may have said last week he sucked, but you know what? i can gaurentee out of maybe 10 tracks he played, he was forced to play 6 KTU anthems that he didnt want to play. its like your boss telling you things to do, and things not to do, u dont do them, your gone. yea, thats what the nyc scene has come to. pretty fuckin pathetic.

anyone who tells me different is a fuckin invalid cuz its fuckin clear as day.

i got 7 words to sum it up: I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER.

Scoob's gota point..i heard JV murdered Classics night..like he was in his element and all..that shit kinda sux that Radio stations and MTV can dictate what one of the most well established DJ's has to play..o well..welcome to NYC

Hawaii- Ill keep that in Mind :D

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Originally posted by scoob-e


cant u understand that? you dont go from what he used to play at the tunnel to what he does now. why do u think KTU is there now and MTV? they make him play the utter fuckin crap he is playing. same with rizzo, you may have said last week he sucked, but you know what? i can gaurentee out of maybe 10 tracks he played, he was forced to play 6 KTU anthems that he didnt want to play. its like your boss telling you things to do, and things not to do, u dont do them, your gone. yea, thats what the nyc scene has come to. pretty fuckin pathetic.

anyone who tells me different is a fuckin invalid cuz its fuckin clear as day.

i got 7 words to sum it up: I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER.

interesting....if its being broadcast live then he probably has to throw shit from the play bin. I remember the ridiculous amount of crap we had at our college radio (considered one of the best in the country for underground electronic, jazz and rock) and we were only required to play 2 things from the bin every hour (no one ever fucking did that though hahah) i wasn't too hot about his tunnel shit I can't even begin to imagine what the fuck he must be dropping.....like a fucking whitney houston britney spears duet trance version remixed by darude and aqua.


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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I want to hear some serious hard core hard/progressive house/trance from Johnny Vicious like his remixes of "I'll Fly With You" and "Here With Me". Does he not play shit like that @ Roxy? If not, then I'm not going there tonight because it'll be a waste of my time. Does anyone know where else i can go to catch his act besides @ Roxy? Thanks CP'ers.


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