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Anyone have any obsessive compulsive disorders??

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Call me wierd... But the volume on everything I own must be set on an even number. TV, home stereo, Car stereo Etc... Etc... Sometimes pisses me off cause usually the even number is not just right it is always the odd number that would be just right... GO FIGURE... Also if a billboard catches my eye I must read it before it passes... Almost causes accidents cause I will follow the damn sign...

Thats about it I think... Oh I don't think this is one but not sure... May just be respectful but it is something I never forget to do... When I pass a cemetery or a funeral procession I will do the sign of the cross.....


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Originally posted by elementx

Call me wierd... But the volume on everything I own must be set on an even number. TV, home stereo, Car stereo Etc... Etc... Sometimes pisses me off cause usually the even number is not just right it is always the odd number that would be just right... GO FIGURE... Also if a billboard catches my eye I must read it before it passes... Almost causes accidents cause I will follow the damn sign...

Thats about it I think... Oh I don't think this is one but not sure... May just be respectful but it is something I never forget to do... When I pass a cemetery or a funeral procession I will do the sign of the cross.....


I always do the sign of the Cross to.....:D

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during a time in my life when i was in the hospital for six months and out another six, i became obsessed with washing my hands due to overall fear of germs in anything other than a totally aseptic germ-free environment (i.e. anything that wasn't a hospital or doctor's office) - even stuff from around the house with dust on it or whatever would freak me out and i couldn't do anything else for fear of touching my face or eyes or ears with these dirtied hands so i'd run off and wash 'em... it got to the point where my mom sat me down and talked to me about OCD's and that this was a classic example of one and talked me through my general fears of disease and death, etc. and i realized how silly it all was considering the overall strength of the human immune system to fight off run of the mill everyday germs; so i stopped... good thing too cuz my hands were always cracked and sometimes a little bleedy between the fingers.... not too cool a fashion statement for a 13 year old. good thing i quit it cold turkey - some people never get over this classic OCD.

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whenever i leave the house for anything i gotta make sure like a million times that its not gonna blow up or something....i check the oven, make sure all sinks are turned off, all lights off, appliances, fans, everything. after I leave and I lock the door, sometimes I go back in again "just to be sure". And this is when I'm just leaving and coming back like the same day....If i'm going on a trip I take 10 times longer, making sure im bringing everything, triple checking everything etc....

you'd think its an OCD but guess what? i do it because at LEAST 20-30% of the time I do forget to turn shit off, even lock the door.....it sucks.

same with my car....i check all doors make sure its locked, check the alarm, press the beep thing like 3 times "just in case". sometimes I'll walk for like 5 minutes and it pops up "shit did I leave my car unlocked"....then I go back and check.....I'd say that 1 in 10 times i do this I DID leave it unlocked.....my brains gone shoot me. :blown:

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