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fuck nyc in the summer jersey shore roll call

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thats right jersey shore is nuts this year roll call

xs friday - dj richie santana sick sick sick

sat - djais - adrew mendez and jose velez another sick party by bon solid well worth it

sunday - djais - rich rydel - then off to temps for some denny tsettos see you all thereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:D :party: :party: :party:

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Originally posted by iliana

Jersey Shore = People who can's afford a REAL vacation.

I hardly call going to a club for one night a vacation, nice attempt at a diss though didn't work here ........ finger:

U can find me at Merge Saturday..............

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Originally posted by perns2002

Originally posted by iliana

Jersey Shore = People who can's afford a REAL vacation.

I hardly call going to a club for one night a vacation, nice attempt at a diss though didn't work here ........ finger:

U can find me at Merge Saturday..............

Stepped on your fungus filled toes bitch? Too bad! Don't be mad that they turned you away at Spa and now you gotta fill your clubbing nights in Hoboken...lame ass bitch.



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Originally posted by iliana

Stepped on your fungus filled toes bitch? Too bad! Don't be mad that they turned you away at Spa and now you gotta fill your clubbing nights in Hoboken...lame ass bitch.



i think there is a little too much hostility in this thread.

let's just accept that the jersey shore sucks and move on. they can keep their roll call threads on the jersey board.

btw, i am from jersey and the whole state isn't that bad.

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Originally posted by iliana

Stepped on your fungus filled toes bitch? Too bad! Don't be mad that they turned you away at Spa and now you gotta fill your clubbing nights in Hoboken...lame ass bitch.



Ohhh please you wish.....................

I am not dissing NYC, ever but I have a great time at the JERZEY SHORE..................

I will no longer reply to your lame ass repsonses, just admit that you got caught trying to diss, THAT SHIT WASN"T EVEN FUNNY............. JERSEY VACATION ha ha ha ha ha ha ha - NOT


Don't hate the player hate the game...................

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Originally posted by perns2002

Ohhh please you wish.....................

I am not dissing NYC, ever but I have a great time at the JERZEY SHORE..................

I will no longer reply to your lame ass repsonses, just admit that you got caught trying to diss, THAT SHIT WASN"T EVEN FUNNY............. JERSEY VACATION ha ha ha ha ha ha ha - NOT


Don't hate the player hate the game...................

Well, actually Jersey Girl, there are many people who "go away" to the Jersey Shore for a couple a days as a "mini-vacation". I was refering to those people and not to the coked out, big hair, acrylic nail wearing bitches like you who frequent every existing shit hole in the RADIATION STATE.

Didn't like my "DISS", it's ok....I don't like your eighties lingo so get rid of it and face the fact that Vanilla Ice doesn't rap anymore.




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you know that no good semen receptacle, iliana is actually right in every way.

i mean i live in fuckin jersey (central) and i am ASHAMED to EVER be associated with the jersey shore....its alllllllll fuckin white trash..why do you think they call it SLEAside...cause its fuckin sleazy....i'd have much better luck gettin iliana's sterile bulemic pussy pregant than actually enjoying myself amongst such peasants.

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Originally posted by magilicuti

I agree that the Jersey shore is a lot more fun then NYC in the summer. Jersey in general the parties get better at this time.

Jersey doesn't smell and yes I go on real vacations every year.


Yeah where else can you drive 45 minutes have great clubs, jet skiing, boating and beaches...........

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Originally posted by howardstone

Yeah, I mean Jersey is cool and all if you like smelling sewers all day . . . Don't ever, EVER diss NYC, what were you thinking??????



And when did NYC begin to start smelling like bunch of roses??? NYC has overly its share of smelling sewers and streets that smell like dirty ass urine from all the bums and people that are too lazy to use the restroom. NYC is so much more filthier 'cuz of its dirty streets filled with urine, litter and bums. Let's not forget that huge cloud of smog mostly covering NYC which also is in NJ but not as bad as NYC. NYC is good in the winter but when it comes to the summer the city needs to be put on hold. We all have our own likes and dislikes which is fine but in the summer time I know i'd rather be away from this area entirely or down the beach in Jersey and @ the clubs in seaside like Temptations, XS, Surf Club, Merge, etc. The vibe and energy at these clubs in the summer can no be matched by anything in NYC. And consistently all summer. Especially @ Temptations and Surf Club sundays.

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Originally posted by iliana

Well, actually Jersey Girl, there are many people who "go away" to the Jersey Shore for a couple a days as a "mini-vacation". I was refering to those people and not to the coked out, big hair, acrylic nail wearing bitches like you who frequent every existing shit hole in the RADIATION STATE.

Didn't like my "DISS", it's ok....I don't like your eighties lingo so get rid of it and face the fact that Vanilla Ice doesn't rap anymore.



hey you sperm burping cum cuzzling whore .... YOU must be ONE of the people who go to the jersey shore for vacation since you think you know so much about it !!!

coked out, big hair, acrylic nail bitches huh ..... what a joke. you probably snort about 3 jars a day and then sell your sorry soul on the streets just to earn a living.

go back to your trailer parked in some alley way

maybe vanilla ice will be waiting for you there, like you hope !!!

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Originally posted by barbiegirl

hey you sperm burping cum cuzzling whore .... YOU must be ONE of the people who go to the jersey shore for vacation since you think you know so much about it !!!

coked out, big hair, acrylic nail bitches huh ..... what a joke. you probably snort about 3 jars a day and then sell your sorry soul on the streets just to earn a living.

go back to your trailer parked in some alley way

maybe vanilla ice will be waiting for you there, like you hope !!!

eh...that was just a lame attempt to start drama.

iliana told the bitch point blank where its at. end of story.

all you did was take her words and reverse them...now i love drama (and who doesnt) but where is the creativity? :confused:

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Originally posted by barbiegirl

hey you sperm burping cum cuzzling whore .... YOU must be ONE of the people who go to the jersey shore for vacation since you think you know so much about it !!!

coked out, big hair, acrylic nail bitches huh ..... what a joke. you probably snort about 3 jars a day and then sell your sorry soul on the streets just to earn a living.

go back to your trailer parked in some alley way

maybe vanilla ice will be waiting for you there, like you hope !!!

Thanks BARBIE, (You wish!) for your pointless rant in reapeating everything i said. Next time get your own material stupid jersey bitch!



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Originally posted by quoth

eh...that was just a lame attempt to start drama.

iliana told the bitch point blank where its at. end of story.

all you did was take her words and reverse them...now i love drama (and who doesnt) but where is the creativity? :confused:

THat was super creative, and read what Jen wrote it says it all........... Honestly NYC is great but u have to be at a shore in the summer......................

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Originally posted by iliana

Thanks BARBIE, (You wish!) for your pointless rant in reapeating everything i said. Next time get your own material stupid jersey bitch!



If you read what she really wrote u may have to take that back............. STEP OFF BITCH.............

DON'T get your panties all bunched up because people have more fun at the JERSEY shore then in NYC in the Summer time.............

Don't u have a john to make happy somewhere WHOA ...........

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Originally posted by iliana

Thanks BARBIE, (You wish!) for your pointless rant in reapeating everything i said. Next time get your own material stupid jersey bitch! :laugh:

you and quoth can both SUCK A FART OUT OF MY ASS !!!

the JERSEY SHORE is way better than NYC in the SUMMER - DEAL WITH IT CITY TRASH !!!

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Originally posted by quoth

eh...that was just a lame attempt to start drama.

iliana told the bitch point blank where its at. end of story.

all you did was take her words and reverse them...now i love drama (and who doesnt) but where is the creativity? :confused:

this is stupid to argue about. people like to hang out where they belong. so those of us who prefer new york should be grateful that the jersey shore type stays down there and not worry about it.

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Originally posted by hotcheme

this is stupid to argue about. people like to hang out where they belong. so those of us who prefer new york should be grateful that the jersey shore type stays down there and not worry about it.

Ohh that makes a lot of sense, since 1/2 of NYC even goes to the jersey shore............... in the SUMMER time which is still our pint here..............

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