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Big Trucks, infront of VINYL/ARC Awww Shit

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Just passed 6 Hubert St, there were BIG Trucks, parked near, and in front of it, and a painter's Truck, and it looked like there was lots of activity, going on in those WALLS

Makes me all Tingly

i know everyone is kinda ehhh about it

but some paint, and a Digital Phazon System,

And DANNY? if that dont make your shit drip, Than i know deepDish will, ohhhh and howells and DANNY

god im Excited!

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Won't matter anyway. That place is being overrun by juicebags as it is. I kind of feel bad because this Howells night is probably going to be the last one for a while, if not ever. After the nice n' meaty crowd get an ear on him, we can kiss that party goodbye as well.

A.R.C. = Another Reason to Cry.

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Originally posted by cintron

LOL. :laugh: :laugh:

well it's not funny, but it is... in a very sarcastic hateful way.

It's sad, I wasn't kidding. That place is gonna die after Next Saturday. The thing that annoys me the most is ONCE again the Juicefucks get to have their cake (in the form of Vinyl) and eat it too (In the form of Factory Afterhours). And what does that leave us? Where the FUCK do we stand?..

But I really shouldn't get angry, I really really shouldn't because THIS is the natural progression of all things nightlife. It just burns me to no end how those fucks NEVER have their crack den's harrassed by the local authorities and WE have to put up with all the shit from the city. And now...NOW they're invading the last place in the city that people could actually kick it real-like in.

Is that fair? Getting screwed once, well...that's life..Having every single FUCKING place that tries to do it differently shutdown, that's just foul. That's a sign that the deck is forever stacked against us, and there is NO hope that we will ever win.

I fucking hate the juicebags now, and I will hate them and their 5 dolla cock sucking whores until the end of time. They can all get cancer and die a slow wasting death for all I care, and if anyone's got a plan to cause that, call me up...I'll be on point. Hell, I'll even fund all your expenses.


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Originally posted by embodiedhate

It's sad, I wasn't kidding. That place is gonna die after Next Saturday. The thing that annoys me the most is ONCE again the Juicefucks get to have their cake (in the form of Vinyl) and eat it too (In the form of Factory Afterhours). And what does that leave us? Where the FUCK do we stand?..

But I really shouldn't get angry, I really really shouldn't because THIS is the natural progression of all things nightlife. It just burns me to no end how those fucks NEVER have their crack den's harrassed by the local authorities and WE have to put up with all the shit from the city. And now...NOW they're invading the last place in the city that people could actually kick it real-like in.

Is that fair? Getting screwed once, well...that's life..Having every single FUCKING place that tries to do it differently shutdown, that's just foul. That's a sign that the deck is forever stacked against us, and there is NO hope that we will ever win.

I fucking hate the juicebags now, and I will hate them and their 5 dolla cock sucking whores until the end of time. They can all get cancer and die a slow wasting death for all I care, and if anyone's got a plan to cause that, call me up...I'll be on point. Hell, I'll even fund all your expenses.



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you're right, hate. it isn't fair. but then again the less mainstream places we enjoy aren't the ones giving the city the bribes and kickbacks, so they dont get notice on when they're getting raided.

Mainstream venues last a while. Once it's commercial, it's harder to shut down. It's a bigger mess and it's "less threatening" then the "drug dens" we like to party in. (According to the city.)

so hey, we just gotta keep moving on. that's the way of life in the city.

I do wish we could get rid of the meatheads at least. Everywhere else seems to have a good sense of "if you're a meathead, you go here.... if you're a partykid you go there."

in NYC i'ts all mixed and there is too much friction.

i blame soundfactory ;)

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OK, because all the world needs is to listen to a guy with Hate for a name!!

I don't understand how anyone could threaten someone so much that he'd be so agonized by them. Yeah, so they walk funny and look funny and don't dance very well, but why would you ever let them ruin YOUR night out? Besides, the music at Vinyl/arc is always so good that no crowd of people can do it justice.

While you're whining about how bad nightlife sucks because some other goofhead has bigger muscles than you, I'll be dancing my ass off to the best music in the world.

When did PLUR die? It was such a beautiful message. Now it's all about HATE. It makes me feel so sick and so sad, and I think I'm the only person who even cares....

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Originally posted by guinevere

OK, because all the world needs is to listen to a guy with Hate for a name!!

I don't understand how anyone could threaten someone so much that he'd be so agonized by them. Yeah, so they walk funny and look funny and don't dance very well, but why would you ever let them ruin YOUR night out? Besides, the music at Vinyl/arc is always so good that no crowd of people can do it justice.

While you're whining about how bad nightlife sucks because some other goofhead has bigger muscles than you, I'll be dancing my ass off to the best music in the world.

When did PLUR die? It was such a beautiful message. Now it's all about HATE. It makes me feel so sick and so sad, and I think I'm the only person who even cares....

You're missing my point. I too am a child of the P.L.U.R. mentality, and for the LONGEST time I believed in it. But I've seen TOO many clubs die for absolutely NO reason other than they couldn't pay enough for protection or the crowd mentality changed to the point when there WERE people actively destroying that beautiful concept of inclusiveness.

These juiceheads ARE those people. They ARE the ones who will walk into a place and slowly, over time INFECT a nightspot with their pretentiousness and game. They speak in terms of "OUR PARTY" ... ITS OUR PARTY NOW!! Well, when the FUCK it is going to me MY party and STAY THAT WAY. When the fuck can I feel safe that the place that I LOVE to go out to every weekend is gonna be around to welcome me with open arms??

Well??? When!!?!! Cause from what I see in this beautiful city is ALL THE FUCK WRONG. These juicebags don't care about PLUR, they never fucking did!!! All the fucking care about is taking off their shirts and flexing for the FUCKING crowd. Well, you know what? YOU CAN DO THAT AT FACTORY.

STAY THEE FUCK OUTA VINYL!!!! Cause if I rolled into factory with my crew one Saturday night, you'd be DAMNED SURE I'd be given shit for the way I am.


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Originally posted by aphelion

This reeks of self-righteousness

Self righteousness? That's a new one.

I don't see how finding some humor in something can be called self righteous.

If it is, then whatever. I have better things to do than worry about what you think of me.

Oh and Hate, hah i hear EVERYTHING you're saying. it's raw and in your face but that's alright. Some people won't like it, but what else is new.

House is a Spiritual Thing and we've got those spirits inside of us. And when we feel violated, as if our spirits are being drained and stolen from us, we're going to have something to say about it.

I'm all for respect and happiness wherever I go. I dance best when the vibe's best...

so when i have bad things to say about something, you can bet it's because i wasn't feeling the same respect i was giving, or recieving the happiness i was trying to spread.

When you try and share vibe and it gets cut off and stomped on, i think you're entitled to a few choice words about how your feelings on the matter.

That's all i'm doing, and i respect what you've got to say too, man.

Keep those words coming.

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IF you want to get rid of the intolerant juciers find a way to bring back more jacked Gay men to vinyl.... and back to DAnny's party

the juciers will bounce faster than the barbie dolls.. but thats only because the dumb bitches wear big ass stillettos and can't run as fast as the muscleboys in thier steve madden shoes...


now someone tell me Im wrong

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