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What club in NY usta be called "EXPO"?

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Originally posted by nycmuzik2000

I think it was somewhere on 43rd Street and it might have been its own seperate club.....:confused:

yea maybe....my friend and i were chattin bout back in the day and i always remember her little slutty ass usta always hooch it out and sneak out on friday nights to club Expo...but then it just BAM!! closed down...or least thats what she thinks....but you know clubs go through umpteen million name changes (carbon...mirage....exit...twilo...paradise garage....vinyl...Arc..the fuckin list goes on)

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Originally posted by highmay

EXPO then is THE WORLD now...

Nope..You're wrong. Expo was located about a block away from where the world is now. Expo used to be an old movie theatre, while the world is located inside the wwe(f) restuarant.

I remember going there after my prom back in 97..I think the Expo building still stands, but its probably used for live theatre or something.

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Yup, Expo became Kit Kat Club a few years ago.. Then after there was a knifing and the Jay-Z incident when he hit somebody with a bottle of Champagne, they closed the place.

EXPO was awesome I remember goin back there in 97, this was around the time, the Song by Club 69- Drama came out,,

IF U WANT DRAMA u came to the RIGHT PLACE.....

they should bring EXPO back



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The EXPO.....turned into the kit kat klub, and than it was closed down....for reasons im un sure of,

No club sits in its former space, and i do Believe it is empty, because i know of a few Buyers that are looking into it,

or were looking into it;)

but i could be wrong......u never know? :)

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you wanna laugh???

I went there once and this is what i remember:

1. $20!?! to go to a club?!?

2. This place is HUGE

3. Why are there no words to any of the songs!!!

4. I dont know any of the songs!

5. These arent songs, it just a dam beat

6. Wait, was that a sample of something i think i know?

I left after 90 mins.

Ahhh the memories of being young and stupid :)

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I went there for the first time in 94 and I remember they use to play house until about 3:30a am then it turned to hip hop..then everyone use to leave and go to afterhours.

BUT my usual spot in EXPO was in the front to the right of the stage...where they had that small little bar. I never missed a Fri in that place for 8 months.

I have some great memories there. *sigh*

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Originally posted by leopardlady

amazing nights at expo!! Except all those stairs in my platform shoes:tongue: I remember when my feet hurt I used to just chill on those different levels above on the balcony with all the pillows. Those were the days....

SAME HERE!!! After hours of pounding on my feet I would retreat to the stairs and wait for my friends to pick me up! lol! They never ID at that club.

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Expo was great in 96, 97. They had Rob Corbett as the DJ on Saturday nights. He was amazing. He played amazing house and dance mixes. He's the best DJ I ever heard. Its a shame that these promoters dont call on him much today. Anyone who heard him in 96,97, always says how great he was. Here's a pic of him djing at Expo in 96. http://www.djcorbett.com/pictures/Corbett@Expo.gif

Here's his site. www.djcorbett.com

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magic magic magic magic magic.... orgasm!

haha memories. live performance by la bouche. hahahahaha!!!!!!!

(but damn did i love that place)

i remember dragging my friend (who is now an investment banker) to expo for his first "proper" clubbing experience and he said that we were all like people in the movie time machine or time travellers or something like that - whenever there was a loud siren everyone had to hide in their house... well at expo whenever there was a siren everyone started cheering :)

damn. memories.

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Originally posted by danwilson

Expo was great in 96, 97. They had Rob Corbett as the DJ on Saturday nights. He was amazing. He played amazing house and dance mixes. He's the best DJ I ever heard. Its a shame that these promoters dont call on him much today. Anyone who heard him in 96,97, always says how great he was. Here's a pic of him djing at Expo in 96. http://www.djcorbett.com/pictures/Corbett@Expo.gif

Here's his site. www.djcorbett.com

that girl in the background is HOT (with that madonna pose at the time)


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