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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

Do you ever think you will stop posting on Clubplanet?

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How long do you guys think you will post on CP?

Do you think it will take some life-changing demeanor in order to make you stop?

I mean you figure a good majority of you post from your office to kill time at work right?

Now..figure you got some young buck.....er....pick joeg for example (sorry first name that came to mind)...so u figure he works in an office...is 19...no college nuttin...so u figure he prolly will keep this job for least hell who knows 5 years...i mean there are others out there like that but shit...do any or all of you honestly think that you will STILL say 5 years from now at your office job be posting on here to kill time....or do you think clubplanet wont even be around.....or do you think it will become a pay-site in which no one will pay?

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im being forced to stop!!!! ;)

::already i feel the cold breath of death on my neck. . .or is that just someone kissin up on me?::

Yeah, I dont see myself being on in 5 years lol. . .nahh. . .Im thinking. . .soon as Im the big 2-1. . .thats it haha :tongue:

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the cycle:

Start CP, feel all special, gain popularity, loose popularity, someone you hate takes YOUR popularity, loose interest in board.

Miss board, try other boards, try to justify now why "your" board is so much better than CP.

Slowly reply here and there on CP (just to prove yourself correct)

then miss it, but still denounce it.

Hardly ever post on CP

BUT SURE AS HELL STILL READS!!! (you know who you are)

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