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A New World Trade Center???

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This new proposed building is hot!!! I defintely would like to see them build it. It will be a lil taller than the original towers. It looks stronger having 5 buildings standing together and has some hot features to it. Just read about it's features, design, security systems, etc. The only thing i dont like about the new design is having 2833 trees and with the names and pictures of all of those lost. Showing all those faces in my eyes can be tough for some people to deal with. Maybe to just have one big monument errected with a list of names with a flag pole near it and a dedication on the memorial. All in all I think it's a great idea to move on and rebuild and to still keep all of those lost in our hearts where they will remain forever, God Bless!!!

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Originally posted by quoth

what...so it could be targeted and get fuckin knocked down again? :confused:

yeah we could just go out to kansas and live in tents.

Here's what he had to say about it:

I have been repeatedly asked "Are you going to build another structure that becomes a target to terrorists ?"

My answer is this "Our New Cyber City Design Concept for The New World Trade Center 2002 will be impervious to attack" for an example:

1: Our Cyber City will have a State of the Art External Security System which at this stage evolves around "Sound Waves" which has the capacity at a specific frequency to repel flying objects up to a five mile circumference. We will seek support from the political system to bring about an edict that a "Five Mile No Fly Zone" area is put into effect around the island of Manhattan.

2: Our Cyber City will embrace multiple internal security systems to detect and thwart any potential detonation issue both at ground level and lower ground levels. Multiple individual recognition technological systems will be applicable to commercial occupants, residents and visitors alike. Inclusive of commercial delivery personnel at multiple checkpoints before gaining entry to our Cyber City. Examples of such technology will be Iris and Fingerprint security plus three dimensional full body scanning.

3: In the event of an emergency, residents, visitors and commercial occupants within our Cyber City will have multiple egress facilities,

A) Helicopter Pads (12) which are located on the four external towers (Levels 45 and 75).

B) Flexible titanium ladders will enable external movement upward or downward to the atrium Helicopter Pads on levels 45 and 75

C) Multiple internal egress stairwells within the four external towers will be linked directly to the transit levels transporting people to the inner fifth tower where further multiple egress stairwells will exist along with the 50 large, superfast elevators removing occupants from The "Cyber City" in safety

D) Further, the Atrium on levels 45 and 75 (Seven Levels) are all linked horizontally for the movement of people which in the event of an emergency has the capactiy for large volume of people movement.

E) Moreover, like the human backbone the fifth central tower is the anchor which reaches out to structurally support the outer four towers and will always enable a flow of persons from those external four towers to move to the safety zone being the fifth central tower in the event of an emergency and exit our "Cyber City" thereafter in absolute safety. To conclude, the best definition I can give you re the issue of "Security" is that we will manage security on the basis of RISK whereby no element of human doubt or human complacency will ever prevail and put our commercial occupants, residents and visitors AT RISK !

i think that design is an awesome concept and i hope it's built.

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Originally posted by cintron

yeah we could just go out to kansas and live in tents.

or we could say fuck those turban wearing assholes and live our lives. i think that design is an awesome concept and i hope it's built.

nah i think even in kansas there are turban wearing assholes.....they are fuckin everywhere.

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I think the design is awesome. Airspace around tall buildings and NYC in general is watched carefully now after all that crap happened. They should go for it and build it. Looks like some kind of space age building. The building would be significantly taller which is no big deal 'cuz the five buildings are connected altogether with the one in the middle being its strength. The Original World Trade Center was made to withstand Jet airliner impacts and it did withstand it noooooo problem. It was just that burning fuel which brought down the mighty towers burning and melting the steel skeleton. I'm sure they will install some kind of state of the art fire system and security.

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