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Explain Your Selves Merge! That Was A Fake Lasgo.....

Guest saleen351

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by mzevolution

Honest enough off all this bull shit already..... Saleen you simply are a hater.... If merge got duped, I feel bad for them but Lasgo did not make the night.......... Richie Rydell made the night....The people "us" 2000 strong jumping up and down in unison like one army marching to the beats the man was laying down. Which were just freaky incredible..... Like i said it was one of the best nights I;v e ever had a club..... Stop being a hater and experice it ...... You might like it.... 2000 people cant be wrong.....:eek: :eek: :eek:

the club is being sued for what they did..... so tell me again i was wrong... i can get the exact numbers but who cares, I only did this since they fucked with the cpers.... goodbye merge.......

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Originally posted by mzevolution

Honest enough off all this bull shit already..... Saleen you simply are a hater.... If merge got duped, I feel bad for them but Lasgo did not make the night.......... Richie Rydell made the night....The people "us" 2000 strong jumping up and down in unison like one army marching to the beats the man was laying down. Which were just freaky incredible..... Like i said it was one of the best nights I;v e ever had a club..... Stop being a hater and experice it ...... You might like it.... 2000 people cant be wrong.....:eek: :eek: :eek:

nothing against richie rydell, he is the man, but the 2000 people your talking about came for lasgo. if they didn't then merge would have 2000 people every weekend. that's a fact.

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Originally posted by theripper

nothing against richie rydell, he is the man, but the 2000 people your talking about came for lasgo. if they didn't then merge would have 2000 people every weekend. that's a fact.

I dont think that is true. This weekend was the best weekend weather wise since Memorial Day weekend. And anyone who knows anything about Merge/Metro, they go all out for their anniversaries.

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Originally posted by theripper

nothing against richie rydell, he is the man, but the 2000 people your talking about came for lasgo. if they didn't then merge would have 2000 people every weekend. that's a fact.

I doubt thats true. I certainly didnt go to see Lasgo, nor did any of my friend or anyone I have talked to. Sure, I guess some people still like that song and appreciate it being on the radio every 10 minutes. Some of us went there just to have fun.

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Originally posted by cmb1975

I doubt thats true. I certainly didnt go to see Lasgo, nor did any of my friend or anyone I have talked to. Sure, I guess some people still like that song and appreciate it being on the radio every 10 minutes. Some of us went there just to have fun.

I have to agree with you (shocker). I didn't even know anyone was performing & if anything, I probably would have made sure I left before that. NOONE I know goes to a club to see a silly club song performed.

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Originally posted by Kermzy

I have to agree with you (shocker). I didn't even know anyone was performing & if anything, I probably would have made sure I left before that. NOONE I know goes to a club to see a silly club song performed.

A~men ...to that!!!!

i know myself and my friends in most cases cringe at the mention of a performance......*most of the time....these songs performed live SUCK......*a performance draws out even more of the ktu rockin'~can't dance~takin up space~losers.......and also means the music will be stopped and everyone will stand around for just waaaay too long.........

anyways.....wtf.......saleen.......do u really need to post about this 46 times.........u seriously have some issues.....build a bridge and get over it.........BETTER YET.....cry me a river and go drown in it!:rolleyes:

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COLOR=skyblue]I am pretty new to this web site and I came about this message board. The funny thing is, I was actually there at club Merge on the night of the infamous performance. I thought it was a great show and it was what it was meant to be. A SHOW! How many times have we gone to a club to see a performance and get ripped off when we see a weak and Lip synced act. Real or not! I was in the front of the stage and am pretty damn sure that it was live. You could tell because there where add libs that just were not on the album. Real or not, I would rather see a "live performance" by somone who actually put some effort into the show, dancers and all , than some blown up artist who comes in and hides behind her studio voice. If this is what the "real" lasgo will do, tell her to stay home! I think that all of this drama is causing more publicity and giving those promoters and clubs alot of attention that they may not have recieved otherwise. Could this all have been fabricated by Label and and posters to peak our interest?

PS: Peolple these are dance artist we are talking ! Not Whitney Houston as some meat head mentioned!:laugh: :laugh:

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PS: Peolple these are dance artist we are talking ! Not Whitney Houston as some meat head mentioned!:laugh: :laugh:

I'm sorry, but are you calling me a meat head????????? Being as I was the one who said Whitney Houston.

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Originally posted by saleen351

I only did this since they fucked with the cpers.... goodbye merge.......

Saleen....I can't really say anything about the performance because I wasn't there on Sat but I do want to bring this up...you keep saying this same line...that you are putting this out there to let the Cpers know...blah blah...but you are the only one who really cares so why don't you just drop it already.

I think you've proven your point. :bored:

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PS: Peolple these are dance artist we are talking ! Not Whitney Houston as some meat head mentioned!


That is just the problem...

This is one of the reasons why many times dance music and its artists are not taken seriously, and it sucks.

And for the record, to that person who wonders if this was fabricated for publicity, it was not. Neither the label nor the REAL management of Lasgo had anything to do with this. This has to do with someone who books acts in clubs who can't get the real acts to come from overseas, so he creates his own to save time, energy, and money.

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Originally posted by Kermzy

I'm sorry, but are you calling me a meat head????????? Being as I was the one who said Whitney Houston.

i am new to the board.......don't even know how to post in a color......and don't pay attention to what i am reading.......let me let my first post call someone a meathead!!!!!! moron....keep your voice to yourself...

because i am sure this person.....dedicating their first post to this wonderful topic.....will disapear soon enough.....if only we could say the same for saleen

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Originally posted by misk

will disapear soon enough.....if only we could say the same for saleen

Seriously!?!?!? He needs to be shot! And I don't think down south is the best place for him, there's too much of a chance for him to actually have some spawn down there.

And avoice it's okay, no biggie!!!

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Originally posted by avoice

You know instead of being immature and jumping the gun, you could have waited for a reply. Your comment was wonderfly third grade. You must be proud!

who me?! personally...i like to think of myself as a 5th grader.....not 3rd grade.....but not quite middle school yet.....and it's my parents who r truly the proud ones!!!:D;)

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Originally posted by avoice

COLOR=skyblue]I am pretty new to this web site and I came about this message board. The funny thing is, I was actually there at club Merge on the night of the infamous performance. I thought it was a great show and it was what it was meant to be. A SHOW! How many times have we gone to a club to see a performance and get ripped off when we see a weak and Lip synced act. Real or not! I was in the front of the stage and am pretty damn sure that it was live. You could tell because there where add libs that just were not on the album. Real or not, I would rather see a "live performance" by somone who actually put some effort into the show, dancers and all , than some blown up artist who comes in and hides behind her studio voice. If this is what the "real" lasgo will do, tell her to stay home! I think that all of this drama is causing more publicity and giving those promoters and clubs alot of attention that they may not have recieved otherwise. Could this all have been fabricated by Label and and posters to peak our interest?

PS: Peolple these are dance artist we are talking ! Not Whitney Houston as some meat head mentioned!:laugh: :laugh:

You are not too intelligent....
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