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Is anyone watching CNN?

Well the 9th circuit court of appeals in San Fran. has found that the Pledge of Allegiance is unconstitutional because in 1954 the words "under God" were added and therefor kids nowadays should not have to recite it in school because it is in violation of the 1st admendment.

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Originally posted by lizard23

I'm so sick of all this PC crap. There was also a bit on CNN today about how damaging spanking is for children. Is that why kids with no discipline grow up and end up in jail or act like assholes their whole life?


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The way I see it, the PofA was written in 18?? and the words "under God" wasn't put in until 1954, and one of the reasons congress had it pu in was because of religious influence, now that we are in a changing country with a changing government and a changing lifestyle, I don't see why we can't have it removed. It wasn't there to begin with.

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Originally posted by lizard23

I'm so sick of all this PC crap. There was also a bit on CNN today about how damaging spanking is for children. Is that why kids with no discipline grow up and end up in jail or act like assholes their whole life?

werd. utter bs. if i have kids and want to spank, its my right to do so!

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I don't mean it like that! It just seems like there are obvious problems in today's society that I believe are a direct result of lack of proper parenting. I think some of the reasons for this include the fact that parents are scared to discipline their children b/c they are scared they'll be accused of abuse. Society has gotten involved in so many things that are none of it's business. I would never abuse my children, but I think that sometimes a child does need a slight spanking to get a point accross.

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Originally posted by vicman

werd. utter bs. if i have kids and want to spank, its my right to do so!

Story time, everyone gather around....

I was at the Comissary in Germany when this kid was running around all crazy, the father picked him and bent him over the grocery cart and went to town, nothing real drastic but enough to get the kid to realize he was doing wrong and that daddy was in control, nothing that warrants what happened next. I had already finished my shopping and was heading to the checkout line when the MP's came in and ARRESTED. Come to find out later that this guy was arrested and charged with child abuse because somebody in the store saw him SPANK his OWN child and called the MP's.

Now that is way too much of getting into someone elses business. And should not have happened.

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i dunno what this thread is even about anymore...

but the only reason that the senate voted all to none to keep "under god" in there is 'cause none of them has any balls. you know hillary clinton would want it out of there otherwise. and, furthermore, if they had a goddamn secret ballot goin' on, things would be different, i believe.

but i'm totally with that dude from the pacific northwest (oregon, where was it? i don't remember. but i was watching fox news network and cnn today); i don't need to hear other people's religious bullshit all the time. just because they're in the majority (people who believe in "god"), doesn't mean that they have the right to bombard me with their rhetoric everyday. if they had any empathy, they'd realize how pissed/vexed they'd be if we made them talk every day about how we don't believe in god. and that after-vote-display of the senate doing the pledge of allegiance on the senate steps, followed by a nice, off-key rendition of "god bless america," to which they all did not know the words (come on, even i do), was really sickening :puke: .

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Guest jroo
Originally posted by lizard23

I don't mean it like that! It just seems like there are obvious problems in today's society that I believe are a direct result of lack of proper parenting. I think some of the reasons for this include the fact that parents are scared to discipline their children b/c they are scared they'll be accused of abuse. Society has gotten involved in so many things that are none of it's business. I would never abuse my children, but I think that sometimes a child does need a slight spanking to get a point accross.

I'll tell you this. im gonna beat the shit out of my kid, boy or girl. if they are out of line. what goes around comes around.

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Guest jroo
orginal quote deleted for niceness of myself

who the fuck gives a shit, take your pagan ass somewhere else. here in america you have to tolerate everyone and everything and all the bullshit that they talk about or represent. who the fuck cares what people are talking, dont fucking listen. if your school makes you say the pledge of aliegence and you dont feel that God watches over our country then dont fucking say it. say what you mean and mean what you say. dont crumble to other people's ideas. but fuck an a. just take it. let people talk if it makes them feel good.

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Originally posted by jroo

I'll tell you this. im gonna beat the shit out of my kid, boy or girl. if they are out of line. what goes around comes around.

HELL YEAH!! My father didn't spank me. Spanking is to light of a term. Hell he hit me with a loaf of bread one time cause that was the first thing that he could find to hit me with. And my kids are gonna get the same thing. 2x4's, golf clubs, extention cords, record players, boots, The almighty belt, and the hairy side of the palm.

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Originally posted by therunner

HELL YEAH!! My father didn't spank me. Spanking is to light of a term. Hell he hit me with a loaf of bread one time cause that was the first thing that he could find to hit me with.

OUCh a loaf of bread:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by pgiddy

OUCh a loaf of bread:rolleyes:

Yeah it was pretty funny afterwards but at the time my dad had just come home and I had done none of the chores and he said something like he was gonna whip my ass if I didn't get them done and I said some shit like "yeah, you one armed cripple, how you gonna do that?" And the next thing I know there was bread flying around the kitchen and my ass was drying on the kitchen floor and he was standing over top of me saying something like "thats how I'm gonna whip your ass!"

After it was all said and done and the tears had dried and years of counceling we realized just how funny it was.

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Guest jroo
Originally posted by therunner

HELL YEAH!! My father didn't spank me. Spanking is to light of a term. Hell he hit me with a loaf of bread one time cause that was the first thing that he could find to hit me with. And my kids are gonna get the same thing. 2x4's, golf clubs, extention cords, record players, boots, The almighty belt, and the hairy side of the palm.

i think that my all time fav was the squege handle. you know at gas stations the squeges there, you can unscrew the head off of it. now that shit hurt, that probably should have been abuse. if youve ever seen a wieght belt one used for working out, try taking the buckle end in your eye, that was pretty rough too. nobody is too good to get their ass whiped, exspecially if you're a kid. i really enjoyed the one hit for each syllabel technique. i wish that i would gotten some good spelling knocked into me, damn.

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Originally posted by jroo

who the fuck gives a shit, take your pagan ass somewhere else. here in america you have to tolerate everyone and everything and all the bullshit that they talk about or represent. who the fuck cares what people are talking, dont fucking listen. if your school makes you say the pledge of aliegence and you dont feel that God watches over our country then dont fucking say it. say what you mean and mean what you say. dont crumble to other people's ideas. but fuck an a. just take it. let people talk if it makes them feel good.

you have missed zee point entirely, mah frenn...

i'm not even gonna go into the seperation of church and state thing. the point is that they get to say their shit because their religion is the majority. i'm not allowed to go up and say whatever bullshit i wanna say, so why should i have to listen to their bullshit?

what if i, a patriotic citizen as well (i do own a flag, i have voted in every election since i was 18, even primaries for city council and such, even absentee for three years, and you will see me wearing red, white and blue not only on 7/4, but on all election days when most people don't know it's an election day or who's running.), wanna say, "let's all look at this flag, and rejoice in that it is a symbol of our unity as a country made of fifty states. we should exercise our right to open elections, as they are the way that every voice in this land is heard. but there's still a lot of progress to be made, so let's toast to the improvement of this great nation for ourselves and the generations to come." how's that? well, apparently, not acceptable.

next you're gonna give me the "we have more land of the free stuff than any other country" speech. blahblahblah. that's what they love to say and all that crap, but everything is relative, and that's not good enough for me, bub, 'cause i have higher standards.

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Guest jroo
Originally posted by weyes

you have missed zee point entirely, mah frenn...

i'm not even gonna go into the seperation of church and state thing. the point is that they get to say their shit because their religion is the majority. i'm not allowed to go up and say whatever bullshit i wanna say, so why should i have to listen to their bullshit?

im sure that this person would be able to go up and say whatever they wanted too. i serously doubt that anyone would say anything. exspecailly if the person asked nicely and all. i dont see how that person could expect everyone to say along with him/her if other people didnt believe in it. but that one person im sure could say whatever they wanted too.

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Originally posted by jroo

im sure that this person would be able to go up and say whatever they wanted too. i serously doubt that anyone would say anything. exspecailly if the person asked nicely and all. i dont see how that person could expect everyone to say along with him/her if other people didnt believe in it. but that one person im sure could say whatever they wanted too.

the parent who's filing the suit's argument was that he didn't want his daughter to have to listen to the god talk, and especially everyday. what i was saying about me (as a child, hypothetically) "not being allowed to say my bullshit" is that they (the gov't) wouldn't allow me to speak my platform to them (the class) on an everyday basis. and that's a big difference. also, if my platform involved religion (which this man's doesn't), the gov't most certainly would not. the bush administration would not allow this nation's children to say, "one nation, under allah," trust me :) . (even though it's just the same to the father in california - another important point.)
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Guest jroo

so the under God part was really added later huh? not in the orginal verison? i really had no idea. about that guy in california with the problem. how is it one person has made his problem public and its widespread in the news. how many other people feel this way? shouldnt there be like a petition sign by thousands of people in America for us to even listen to him or pay him any mind? how is it that one person can get the attention of a nation? i say that we have a democratic vote and let that be the need of it. i can just see the next head line. "Inmates and native americans across the nation want to ban the Star Spangled Banner because of the offense lyrics. 'Land of the FREE and home of the BRAVE.' " you know seriously, i hate everyone.

and shady, go get one, you have my permission.

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Pledge of allegiance: Get God out of there.

Spanking: There are plenty of studies that show that corporal punishment is linked to later violent behavior. Bottom line? If you have to resort to physical violence, you aren't doing your job as a parent. My Mom never hit me and I obeyed her. My Father beat the crap out of me and I would go against his wishes just to hurt him.

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