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funny-ass cp dream!


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my dreams are so close to reality in that they're always about actual things and people in my life, that may or may not have happened. the only real differences are in the likelihood of the events having actually taken place. sometimes i wake up and have to ask my friends if we actually had the conversation that i really only dreamed about, etc. nope, i never have dreams with rainbows, secret evil caves, faraway planets, or marvin gaye coming back from the dead. o well.

last night was a kooky one, though circling.gif . i dreamt that one of my wisdom threads had loads of mean and nasty posts from dc people and it got bumped to the drama board! people were arguing and threatening each other, but i don't remember what it was about. when i woke up, the first thing i thought was, "shit, i'd better check the board and see what's happened." but then i thought about it and realized that nothing sweet lil' ol' me could start could get so hateful and out of hand. and why would dc wanna be so hostile ;) ? so i took to laughing and went off to eat my morning cheerios :laugh: .

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The D.C. people are a strange crew (aside from vicman, who is in a class all his own ;)-) I tried posting there once b4, but if you don't know anybody, you'll be a ghhost there.

I wish i was in one of your dreams, weyes :D

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you know its weird, sometimes waht ahppens to me is that i will have a dream and then like 5 or 6 years later something happens that is similar to teh dream i had a few years back. i dunno if its weird, or if i'm weird or what the deal is.

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Originally posted by nourishment

Marvin Gaye died? When did that happen?

i don't know if you are being sarcastic or not, but in case you aren't, he was shot in 1984, on the day before his 45th birthday, by his father.
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o, and gmc, i hear you on the dc thing. they all seem to know each other and be pretty close, so they have their share of inside jokes. as for the dream, only time will tell ;) .

yeah, vic, i get deja vu, too. but what always turns out with me is that, as soon as i realize i've seen it before, what i think should happen next doesn't. is that what happens to you?

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Originally posted by weyes

o, and gmc, i hear you on the dc thing. they all seem to know each other and be pretty close, so they have their share of inside jokes. as for the dream, only time will tell ;) .

yeah, vic, i get deja vu, too. but what always turns out with me is that, as soon as i realize i've seen it before, what i think should happen next doesn't. is that what happens to you?

weve been lucky in the dc group that its not as large as the ny board so almost all of us know each other and more or less get along pretty well. we all try to avoid drama to the full extent possible and thats what makes it a great board to post on. like nourishment said, you akready know a couple of people there gmc and joey also lurks the dc board so you basically know 3 of us and recently i've seen weyes posting there also.

as for the dreams weyes, sometimes that does happen. i expect that according to my dream something should happens, but then it doesnt, but its funny how at least part of the dream became a reality, whether it be going somewhere, finding yourself in a certain situation, having something occur to you, meeting someone etc.

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Originally posted by weyes

i don't know if you are being sarcastic or not, but

Unfortunately, it's always a safe assumption that I'm being sacastic.

However, despite the sarcasm in this case, I didn't know the story.

Note to self: Watch more VH-1.

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