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Attn: people who think I bitch too much...

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Originally posted by flying_high

Stop apologizing... speak your mind and if people have something to say about that....well, then so it be...they speak their mind... there will always be people that feel offended by general critizism and take it far too personal... :rolleyes:

Other than that....just be yourself and if that's how you are than hey, more power to you!


I use to catch heat for hating

some nights at TWILO..

well you know what!


I'm glad some people

enjoy each and every night out...

There is a difference between

"BITCHING" however..

and reporting what

you experienced and what you thought about it.


All perspectives are acceptable

but beware..

there are always those that are

so insecure that they

wind up taking observations on a

night as an insult to

what they like.

They equate it to

a personal attack.

So be it!

like perry Farrel

once sang:

"Everybody has their

own opinion..

Everybody has their

own opinion..

Holding back it hurts so



(Write your mind)

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

:idea: ...maybe if u wanted to chill all night...u coulda met up at Starbucks....im sure they have good relaxing music...maybe ull think its better than Howells as well...and i also heard their A/C is on full blast...and check this out..this is the killer..NO DOOR COVER!!

my problem is i felt like i wa chilling out the whole night...whats the point of going to a club and only have the space to bob your head?!

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

my problem is i felt like i wa chilling out the whole night...whats the point of going to a club and only have the space to bob your head?!


Under the disco ball the AC was blasting cool air BUT people only stood there. WTF was that all about, people just STANDING on the dance floor, not even bobbing their heads. Or just when a small area clears up and you ATTEMPT to dance, people just walked right thru!

Otherwise I had a good time.

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

:idea: ...maybe if u wanted to chill all night...u coulda met up at Starbucks....im sure they have good relaxing music...maybe ull think its better than Howells as well...and i also heard their A/C is on full blast...and check this out..this is the killer..NO DOOR COVER!!

a -mother fuckin- men

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. . . Where the fuck did THIS thread go? . . .

. . anyways, bitching aside . . . I think we all just need to tune into how the club is going to operate if there is gonna be this kind of crowd draw at ARC each week . . . It's quite simple actually:

. . If you're interested in just being there, then go early, if you're interested in boogeying down, then go late . . . I actually don't really mind the fact that it's crowded early in the night . . The revenue stream helps the club early, and you'll still get a good solid 4-5 hour+ expanse of time where it'll be open enough to get down late . . .

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . Where the fuck did THIS thread go? . . .

. . anyways, bitching aside . . . I think we all just need to tune into how the club is going to operate if there is gonna be this kind of crowd draw at ARC each week . . . It's quite simple actually:

. . If you're interested in just being there, then go early, if you're interested in boogeying down, then go late . . . I actually don't really mind the fact that it's crowded early in the night . . The revenue stream helps the club early, and you'll still get a good solid 4-5 hour+ expanse of time where it'll be open enough to get down late . . .

As long as they don't continue to jack up the price as the night wears on, that's the perfect solution... I don't normally hit up Vinyl till at least 4 anyway...

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I'm just gonna have to start going to bed at 10pm on Saturday nights and waking up at 4am... make it to Arc by 5am, catch the last few hours... something I've been thinking of trying for a while anyway... hmm. :)

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It's alright man. I know you don't bitch unless there's good reason. Hell i'm SO glad i chose NOT to go. There's nothing i hate more than an over-packed house with no air circulation and stifling heat. I would NOT have had a good time and i DEFINITELY would have let everyone know it.

You're entitled to your opinion, as are the rest of us, and seeing as you and i see eye to eye on so many things, i'm willing to bet i'd be saying the same things you did about the party if i'd gone.

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Originally posted by tastyt

No... sometimes Starbucks is just too crowded... especially the one on Astor place... nowhere to sit and enjoy your cup of joe... and you wanna talk about a line for the bathroom...!!!


sweaty starbucks massiv REPREZENT!! :D :D :D

i've been in that starbucks...

this girl knows what she's talkin' about!

the one on broadway just past bleecker is even worse.

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Originally posted by hoke

Where were you when I was bouncing my ass off to the Bassbin Twins and Usual Suspects at Buzz?

watching the twins from one of the second floor balconies...

and right there w/ you during the suspects' assault on the dnb crew.

Where were you when I was grooving to psytrance and 2-step at Starscape?

bouncing around endlessly from the dnb tent to the 2 step stage to the house stage to the experimental stage on the pier to the psytrance chillout area by the bay... then to the main stage to see john acquaviva, then back to the psytrance area for sunrise...

Where were you when I was abusing my body to d&b at Shelter last Friday?

watching you unwind and unravel and let loose, to become xpander's main competition on the dancefloor.

you don't know me, you've hardly even spoken with me

i do know you, and i know there isn't a damn thing wrong w/ you... it's everyone else who fails to go out and experience anything on account of not being able to find anyone to go with... you could learn a thing or two from rackham hoke, people... just get the fuck out there and listen and/or dance and come back here and report on it -- nevermind trying to get people to go with you, then not going out cuz you can't get "your crew" to come out - JUST GO; you'll be glad you did.

granted, going places with friends is a worthwhile endeavor, but so is just leaving your crowded ass apartments to hear some pounding tunes and meeting kindred spirits doing the same...

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