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Don't believe the twist-off Snapple "Real Facts" poopoo

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Originally posted by suthrnbelle

pay attention, cutie, i already linked that on page 1 :) did you play the silly game they have??

Cutie?/? He's got a mug only his mother could love (and even that's a stretch)


btw, off a lemon snapple today, and this reminds me of that horror flick where the killer ants attack the humans and take over a house:

There are 1 million ants for every person in the world


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  • 1 year later...
~~an average person consumes an average of 8 spiders during his lifetime

i seriously doubt that!:puke:

~~a ducks quack doesnt echo that might be true

~~there are 62 lighthouses in the state of massachusets

A duck's quack doesn't echo. That is true

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  • 2 weeks later...
those gdamn afflac commercials are false then~!

One of the "facts" on the caps is "Only half these facts are true". So...if that cap is one of the true ones, then truely only half are facts and lipstick one is probably one of the false ones. But, if that fact is false, then they are all true. But if they are are all true, then only half the facts are true (as this cap states). Its a big circle of lies and confusion....

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Just read this one on my snapple bottle...

" The average CP Poster kills a minimum of 3 hours a day while at work posting and 1 hour per day posting from home"

" Barstar Averages 18.5 hours per day posting either at work or home"

But seriously - Some of them are believable... The lipstick one is probably the amount of LBS a woman purchases and uses. I am sure they do not mean consume it orally.

150 Gallons of water Per day is possible... Remember they are talking on average. If you take 2 - 15 Minute showers per day that is a whole shit load of water. If you bath and shower that is even more. Do not forget the amount of times you wash your hands, and when you brush your teeth with the water running. Then add cleaning dishes, or just household chores etc... etc... 150 gallons is very easy.

The spider one - Spiders come out more often when there is less light. Alot of people sleep with there mouth open or partially open. Especially when congested. I can believe it is very easy for them little fuckers to crawl in there...

I had a cap the other day that said " If you count the number of times a cricket chirps over a 15 second period time and add 37 to that number it will give you the current temperature... If you notice the crickets do chirp much more often when it is hotter. So that one is almost believable.

I dont know call me gullable but I think some of them are believable...

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