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that starburst commercial is a load of hooey!!!


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all right, you know the one i'm talking about. scene: an o-so-hip party with "swingin' yuppies" doin' the swingin' things that "swingin' yuppies" do. a man is sitting on one end of a retro style bench/couch type piece of furniture. a woman sits down on the other end, giving him the eye. he melts into a ten-year-old boy. the woman reaches for the package of starburst sitting on the table, in front of the man. she then puts a wrapped piece of cherry starburst in her mouth, turns it around it her mouth a few times, then spits out the wrapper, flat and unharmed, label facing the right way, too.

i had some time on my hands today - my day off - and i was trying to keep myself from eating so many goddamn oreos (reduced fat or not, they still make me sick), so i figured i'd occupy myself with the starburst trick.

first of all, starburst chews fuse a little to their wrappers, being as sticky as they are. but that wouldn't be so much of a problem if the wrapper were durable. but the wrapper, my friends, starts dissolving in 15 seconds. so, i hereby challenge the people who put this ad out to perform this miracle. otherwise, they should take it off the air, 'cause of those "truth in advertising" laws 'n shit :no: .

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i kinda sorta recall that the starbust wrapper is a bit waxy on the outside..havent had them in some time..great weyes, you now are gonna make go out and buy some starburst and see for myself if i can perform that trick...i'm tellin' ya, i start posting on the LA board and my weight goes up...:(

btw...have you tried the new oreos with both a chocolate and pb filling? halh the filling in the cookie is pb and the other half in chocolate..yum, yum

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Originally posted by nourishment

Hmmm. Maybe if I can get this trick down, I can signiicantly improve my smooching prowess.

if joo want, i more than readily, volunteer myself as a guinea pig, lab rat, etc. to rate your improvement in smooching prowess pre- and post- starburst trick brow.gif

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Originally posted by nourishment

I can tie a cherry stem in a knot, but I'll have to give this one a try. Reports to follow. Haven't seen the commercial.

Hmmm. Maybe if I can get this trick down, I can signiicantly improve my smooching prowess.


I just realized nourishment is a she :eek:

Gosh, another case of misidentified gender location :woah::shaky::what:

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Originally posted by vicman

i kinda sorta recall that the starbust wrapper is a bit waxy on the outside..havent had them in some time..great weyes, you now are gonna make go out and buy some starburst and see for myself if i can perform that trick...i'm tellin' ya, i start posting on the LA board and my weight goes up...:(

btw...have you tried the new oreos with both a chocolate and pb filling? halh the filling in the cookie is pb and the other half in chocolate..yum, yum

sorry we're doin' the sweet thang to ya, vic, but you know ya love it saevilw.gif...

and the peanut butter thing comes up for me, ya know... even though i gave up the real stuff in '93, i still let myself have some phony peanut butter things - if they're phony enough to not really count as peanut butter. for instance, reese's peanut butter cups are ok. but a friend of mine brought some fudge his mom made to a party in 2000, and i reached for a flavor that was tan, thinking it'd be vanilla. i took a bite, though, and although i liked it, i was very disturbed by the fact that i couldn't identify the flavor; it seemed like something was very wrong with the picture somehow. i then realized it was peanut butter and spit it out :eek::yuck: .

and nourishment, i wish i could do the cherry stem thing, too. maybe i'll get a jar of maraschinos for my next day off :laugh: .

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i thimk that what weyes refers to as real pb is the natural pb. the one with only peanuts and maybe salt, where the oil naturally separates.

the fake i guess would be like jif or peter pan that does have some peanuts but also has hydrogenated oils, sugar, xantham gum, etc..that would be my guess.

i luv pb, but i dont have as often as i used to. although sometimes if i feel that i have not eaten enough fat for the day, i do eat a couple of table spoons of pb or just add it to oatmel and stuff. where possible i avoid the other types of pb if they are not natural.

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Originally posted by nourishment

I'm not following you, Weyes. What's you and peanut butter and what exactly is the difference between the real and fake varieties?

i am so pissed at the cp search engine. i have never been able to find something i've searched for, even if i knew the title of the thread, or an exact sentence that was written therein. bastards :mad3: !!!!!!! i wrote about this before, big part of my life :rolleyes: .

anyway, the summer that i gave it up, i was eating peanut butter and jelly as well as peanut butter on rice cakes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. i was also eating peanut butter out of the jar whenever i passed the kitchen or whenever my dad wasn't looking. mind you, i wasn't overweight, my dad just liked to harrass me about it - but he was right; there i was, thinking that i was getting all this protein and yadda yadda yadda, when i never looked at the fat content :eek: . and for someone who was really eating as much peanut butter as i was eating, yuck... well, whatever. forget about the statistics. my real point (i know i'm being redundant) is that it was all i was eating that summer. because i was always in a rush to have fun and was on my way out, was really hungry and needed something right away, had the munchies... and i couldn't cook (still can't, really).

so i had to give it up cold turkey. and i love the stuff, so i let myself have things that "don't count," like reese's pieces (those are better than the peanut butter cups) every once in a while, and i'm still not even cheating. but i won't go near a peanut butter cookie, 'cause those have real peanut butter in them. lucky for me, though, i never liked those :) . nine years, this month :D ...

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Well, that's interesting. I suppose we all have our addiction and our own individual ways of handling them.

I have a problem with popsicles. I can't stop. Particularly the ones in the plastic sleeves that you freeze yourself in boxes or like a hundred. It's terrible.

Good for you for sticking with your commitment!

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yeah, i think if i started eating peanut butter again i'd probably eat pb & j for 3 meals a day and snacks all over again. and out of the jar really was sooooo good. it's just one of those things, like pringles - once you pop, you (or i, in this case, with peanut butter) can't stop :eek::D .

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well i kinda have that problem with other foods so i just dont buy them anymore. like dorito's...OMG..i luv those things....and i did have taht problem once in a while w/ pb, but it was the "hydrogenated" type, like skippy or jif, which they add sugar and it had to be EXTRA-CHUNKY, 'cos i love the chunks. but i only eat natural now.

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btw, i dunno if there is a fresh fields or whole foods out in cali, but i'm hooked on almost all of their cookies, the damn things are the most awesome i've ever had bought from a store. i'm seriously addicted to them.

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Originally posted by vicman

the whole big package or the small trail size package?

ugh..those things are disgustingly good

the whole big one, baby! i'm talkin' some hardcore cookie eatin' burb1.gif ...

and we don't have fresh fields or whole foods. there were a couple of whole foods stores in nyc, but i don't think they could be related to the ones you're talking about, 'cause those seemed so small. are those part of the same chain?

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Originally posted by weyes

the whole big one, baby! i'm talkin' some hardcore cookie eatin' burb1.gif ...

and we don't have fresh fields or whole foods. there were a couple of whole foods stores in nyc, but i don't think they could be related to the ones you're talking about, 'cause those seemed so small. are those part of the same chain?

yup. they are part of the same chain. i never went to the ones in ny, but an excoworker lived close by to one of them, and bring stuff from there to the office.

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i stand corrected about whole foods! i was driving today and saw one, totally did a double-take, and had to go in. but the cookie aisle confused me; i didn't know to which cookies you could have possibly been referring. i bought the wrong one though; it was some sort of "espresso chocolate chip" thing that sounded good, but its being vegan wrecked it, i guess. cookies aren't supposed to be salty :yuck: .

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Originally posted by weyes

i stand corrected about whole foods! i was driving today and saw one, totally did a double-take, and had to go in. but the cookie aisle confused me; i didn't know to which cookies you could have possibly been referring. i bought the wrong one though; it was some sort of "espresso chocolate chip" thing that sounded good, but its being vegan wrecked it, i guess. cookies aren't supposed to be salty :yuck: .

in the bakery department they have teh ones that are freshly baked. they usually have chocolate chip, chocolate chip w/ walnuts, pb, pb/chocolate chip, snickerdoodles :) , oatmeal rasin, oatmeal cranberry, double chocoalte chip...:eek:

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Originally posted by vicman

in the bakery department they have teh ones that are freshly baked. they usually have chocolate chip, chocolate chip w/ walnuts, pb, pb/chocolate chip, snickerdoodles :) , oatmeal rasin, oatmeal cranberry, double chocoalte chip...:eek:

shitters! why didn't i think about looking for a bakery department? damn, that was a major oversight. and i'm not in that neighborhood much. well, when i do get back around that neck of the woods ( ;) ), i'll make sure to get some.
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