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Senate Declares War On Raves

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No nightclub owner, promoter, or event coordinator is safe. Bill could halt musical events such as raves

The Senate is poised to pass legislation that would give federal prosecutors new powers to shut down raves or other musical events and punish innocent business men and women for hosting or promoting them. The bill, known as the

Reducing American's Vulnerability to Ecstasy Act (RAVE Act), was just introduced in the Senate on June 18th and has already passed the Senate Judiciary Committee. It is moving VERY rapidly and could be passed by the Senate as early as

next week. Worse still, the Senate leadership considers this draconian drug war bill to be so uncontroversial that they are trying to pass it under "unanimous consent" rules, which will mean no debate and no real vote. It is absolutely

vital that your Senators here from you today. They need to know that this bill is a danger to civil liberties and is unacceptable.


--Call your Senators and tell them to stop S. 2633, the Reducing American's Vulnerability to Ecstasy Act from becoming law. Tell them that innocent business owners shouldn't be punished for the crimes of their customers. Tell

them this bill has dangerous anti-civil liberties provisions that they need to be aware of, and this bill deserves serious debate.

You can contact your Senators through the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121. To find out who your Senators are go to: http://www.senate.gov/senators/senator_by_state.cfm

--Please forward this action alert to your friends and family. The Senate needs to know that voters find this bill unacceptable.


S. 2633, sponsored by Senators Durbin (D-IL), Hatch (R-UT), Grassley (R-IA) and Leahy (D-VT), would greatly expand the so-called "crack house statute" and potentially subject innocent business men and women to enormous fines if customers sold or used drugs on their premises or at their events - even if they were not involved in the offenses in any way. If the bill becomes law, property owners, promoters, and event coordinators could be fined hundreds of thousands of dollars if they hold raves or other events on their property. This bill is a part of

a Justice Department strategy to halt all musical events they don't like, such as raves. For more information on this bill, go to http://thomas.loc.gov/ and under "bill number" search for S2633.

(from the Drug Policy Alliance)

Please people, don't just sit on your ass and say "Oh that sucks...I hope it doesn't pass" CALL YOUR SENATOR, EMAIL YOUR SENATOR, do EVERYTHING you can possibly think of to try and stop this violation of all of our civil rights!

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

someone get the ACLU on the phone....


btw: what do they define "rave" as exactly?

oh im sure they leave it nice and vague, so the cops can classify anything they like as a rave in order to shut it down

its how the government works.

Vulnerability to Ecstasy Act? where the hell do they come up with this shit?

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(RAVE Act) is the name of the damn bill! The OH SO WISE senate seems to think that penalizing the people that throw raves or electronic dance music events will reduce the amount of ecstacy that their kids are doing. There is so much about this bill that is SO wrong and unconstitutional...People need to voice their opinion, at least EMAIL your senators if you don't call them...go to your senators part of the page (http://www.senate.gov/senators/senator_by_state.cfm) and go to contact your senator. Their is an email form thing you can fill out. Just bitch about how this is unconstitutional and it violates the first amendment and our right to assemble. This not only affects Raves like One Nation or Boo 6, but it affects megaclubs like EXIT, VINYL, AVALON, BUZZ....If you people like your techno clubs, DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS!

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Originally posted by xtcvitality

(RAVE Act) is the name of the damn bill! The OH SO WISE senate seems to think that penalizing the people that throw raves or electronic dance music events will reduce the amount of ecstacy that their kids are doing. There is so much about this bill that is SO wrong and unconstitutional...People need to voice their opinion, at least EMAIL your senators if you don't call them...go to your senators part of the page (http://www.senate.gov/senators/senator_by_state.cfm) and go to contact your senator. Their is an email form thing you can fill out. Just bitch about how this is unconstitutional and it violates the first amendment and our right to assemble. This not only affects Raves like One Nation or Boo 6, but it affects megaclubs like EXIT, VINYL, AVALON, BUZZ....If you people like your techno clubs, DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS!

Dude, you forgot... we're "at war" against terror, the constitution just doesnt apply anymore. hell, its not like we even used it before, im sure most of the techies on the board know about the DMCA (Digital Millenium Copyright Act), and just how much bullshit that thing has caused.

im moving to ibiza.

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Originally posted by dirtyepic18

Dude, you forgot... we're "at war" against terror, the constitution just doesnt apply anymore. hell, its not like we even used it before, im sure most of the techies on the board know about the DMCA (Digital Millenium Copyright Act), and just how much bullshit that thing has caused.

im moving to ibiza.

Sad as it may be, he's right. If the bill involves drugs (= terrorism, remember?) then we don't stand a snowball's chance in hell of stopping it.

I'll still contact my senators, but I have zero faith it will accomplish *anything*.

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Originally posted by snoozi8

more encouragement to move back to England

more encouragement to jerk the wheel of my car at high speeds into a solid steel guard rail...

oh uhh i mean... time to protest! :idea:

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im all for calling senators, however i know it wont do anything.

the government wants to appear hard on drugs, and so they quite simply wont say no to any sort of anti-drug legislation no matter how absurd it is. And since drugs do indeed suddently equal terrorism, there is less of a chance now than ever.

from your senators standpoint, he'll probably just label you as a drug fiend and forget about you.

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The drugs are the last thing I'm worried about when it comes to this bill. The government is singling out a certain type of person and hindering them from assembling. This is prejudice at its finest here folks...I really could give two shits about the drugs...I'm more worried about our civil liberties that they are slowly taking away. The government is becomming more ignorant by the day, if enough people say something about this, then our voice will be heard!

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these old farts are just jealous that they can't go out and drop some e and dance like crazy in a fun environment...stupid motherfuckers now have to ruin the fun for everyone else! fuck old wrinkly men....:mad:

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. . I think it has even more to do with the fact that these are the people who's kids are the ones who usually get TOO fucked up for their own good and end up ruining the party for everyone else . . . It's that fucking simple . . . When I was partying down south, it was ALWAYS the kids from Shady Acres who couldn't handle their shit . . . The kid's from the ghetto we never had a problem with . . .

. . .Go Figure . .

. . This one's gonna pass and they'll try to enforce it . . . So all promoters will do is add the word "festival" to the end of their parties to get around it . .

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They already have a law in California that any event of over 500 people attending that plays electronic dance music is considered a rave and with this new law that most likely will pass, raves in california are going to be non existent or few and far between. This is not only going to affect raves, but ANY club that plays electronic music or even any club where there is a possibility of there being ecstacy there....hrmm....I'm sure theirs Yankees games where there are people rolling....are they gonna fine the yankees too??

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Originally posted by xtcvitality

They already have a law in California that any event of over 500 people attending that plays electronic dance music is considered a rave and with this new law that most likely will pass, raves in california are going to be non existent or few and far between. This is not only going to affect raves, but ANY club that plays electronic music or even any club where there is a possibility of there being ecstacy there....hrmm....I'm sure theirs Yankees games where there are people rolling....are they gonna fine the yankees too??

there are plenty of raves in cali

they hold them on indian reservations, which are exempt from the law

does NY have any of them?


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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

there are plenty of raves in cali

they hold them on indian reservations, which are exempt from the law

does NY have any of them?


i dont think NY has any indian reservations... well, mayby upstate, but im not gonna drive 6 hours for a rave.

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Originally posted by dirtyepic18

i dont think NY has any indian reservations... well, mayby upstate, but im not gonna drive 6 hours for a rave.

Yeah, up near Syracuse there are some, that's where Turning Stone casino is.

Anyway, I still find it hard to believe that NO ONE is the government has the balls to point out the fact that it is actually the US drug policy that supports terrorism. What are you fighting against in the drug war? Addiction, desired to get messed up? HELL NO, you are fighting the 200% profit margin involved. Cocaine with a street value of $500 in Columbia has a street value of $100,000 in the US. No matter what you do or how much you spend, the profit margin is too high. There will always be people willing to risk it.

People don't want to admit that the war on drugs failed, but there is a simple solution. Legalize it, tax it, and American companies will make the money instead of terrorists. The drugs aren't to blame, our government's ignorance and stupidity is. Remember that next time you see the drug money supports terror ads.

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Originally posted by djrobmurray

Yeah, up near Syracuse there are some, that's where Turning Stone casino is.

Anyway, I still find it hard to believe that NO ONE is the government has the balls to point out the fact that it is actually the US drug policy that supports terrorism. What are you fighting against in the drug war? Addiction, desired to get messed up? HELL NO, you are fighting the 200% profit margin involved. Cocaine with a street value of $500 in Columbia has a street value of $100,000 in the US. No matter what you do or how much you spend, the profit margin is too high. There will always be people willing to risk it.

People don't want to admit that the war on drugs failed, but there is a simple solution. Legalize it, tax it, and American companies will make the money instead of terrorists. The drugs aren't to blame, our government's ignorance and stupidity is. Remember that next time you see the drug money supports terror ads.

the sad thing is that he's true.

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