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ATTN: DJs. Who taught you how to spin?

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Who was your Mr. Miaggi?

I have the fortune

of living in the house


I'm getting my techno

101 from some amazing


No set date yet..

But lets just say that I've been

promised a great reward by them

if I keep at it and get good by October..

DJ MUGZ from Sonic Groove


hmmm..that has a nice ring

to it don't it?


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Originally posted by mugwump


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Fuckin Quoth and shit!

Yo you Irish punk..

when are we gonna chill again and


Soon as i get the clearance from the doc to go ahead and drink again which should be by august cause i been real sick (and no dont ask questions) but fuckin...june and july are not my months...but i haven't forgotten chill times we had...i will SURELY be in touch when i find out how my health is FOR SURE...so if anything look twards august...

btw..out of curiosity...who in fact do ya live with from sonic groove? ya dont gotta post it..u can PM me..but just curious cause im sure its people my cousin knows...

slightly off-topic though but kinda having to do with sonic groove: ya ever fuckin meet Miss Dinky?? HOLY SHIT!!! HER ACCENT GIVES ME LIKE A TOTAL FUCKIN HARD-ON...she is VERY cute and VERY german and spins VERY good techno. (actually..i think she may have produced some tracks on vinyl and/or that SG compilation that i CAN NOT seem to find somewhere in my cd pile)

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Originally posted by quoth

Soon as i get the clearance from the doc to go ahead and drink again which should be by august cause i been real sick (and no dont ask questions) but fuckin...june and july are not my months...but i haven't forgotten chill times we had...i will SURELY be in touch when i find out how my health is FOR SURE...so if anything look twards august...

btw..out of curiosity...who in fact do ya live with from sonic groove? ya dont gotta post it..u can PM me..but just curious cause im sure its people my cousin knows...

slightly off-topic though but kinda having to do with sonic groove: ya ever fuckin meet Miss Dinky?? HOLY SHIT!!! HER ACCENT GIVES ME LIKE A TOTAL FUCKIN HARD-ON...she is VERY cute and VERY german and spins VERY good techno. (actually..i think she may have produced some tracks on vinyl and/or that SG compilation that i CAN NOT seem to find somewhere in my cd pile)


KILL THE BASS KICK!(She's from chile)

she's a cutie patootie that'll kick yer ass

with her shit!

I live with Dan Physics and

Adam practicaly lives here

from time to time

(the couch is starting to

have a shape in the out

line of his bald head)

get better yo!

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Originally posted by mugwump


KILL THE BASS KICK!(She's from chile)

she's a cutie patootie that'll kick yer ass

with her shit!

I live with Dan Physics and

Adam practicaly lives here

from time to time

(the couch is starting to

have a shape in the out

line of his bald head)

get better yo!

haha werd...

yo wait..are u sayin that miss dinky is from chile and not germany? christ i could swear she said germany...

anyhow....fuckin whats funny as hell to me is that..i don't see adam too often and when i do i fuckin totally forget what a short skinny fuckin dude he is :laugh: i swear it makes ME!! look like joeg and him Quoth.

p.s. sorry for hijacking yer thread haha

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

tony draper taught dj john stephen everything he knows

Seriously Nils, you are really dumb as shit.

I'm sick of defending your sorry ass on this board. You come out with the lamest of lame jokes and they do nothing but bother people.

Stay in your fucking cave you herb

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

Seriously Nils, you are really dumb as shit.

I'm sick of defending your sorry ass on this board. You come out with the lamest of lame jokes and they do nothing but bother people.

Stay in your fucking cave you herb

:laugh: :laugh:

yep...eric ...u deserved it...**SSSSSSLAP**

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

oohh...more! more! more!

The idiot just doesn't get it.........

As for the answer to this question......no one. Got a bunch of records and tried to make them blend. A friend of mine who spins hip hop showed me the basics of the disk and thats about it.

I learned more and more when I spun with people and their techniques. Other than that though, its been all me.

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Everything I know about mixing I learned myself or by watching other DJs. I have gotten a few pointers from people here and there that have helped me along the way as well. I still feel like all I really know right now are the basics. I still need to learn more mixer skills and even though I may not use it that often, I really want to learn how to scratch.

Cintron, would you be interested in giving me a lesson or 2 on the basics of scratching??

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sure. It's been a little while so i'm giong to be a tad rusty, but we need a few things.

Durable Crossfader (this is KEY).

Skip-Resistant needles. (i.e. Shure M44-7's or Ortofon somethings)

battle rekkids ;)

i forgot my battle records back in my apt. maybe i'll pick one up in the city.

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BogB gave me the overall basics chat showed me how to work the mixer besides that I just learn from watching and listening my life revolves around music...always has dance and piano and voice you just have to know your beats inside out and practice...which I would be doing instead of posting if my table wasn't broke

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