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What are the top 10 things that...

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Originally posted by destiny779

you want to do in your lifetime??


1. Go Bunjee Jumping

2. Skydiving

3. Get Married in Vegas :tongue:

4. Have Sex in Limo

5. Go to a nude beach

6. Spinning at Exit opening up for Junior

7. Go to Ibiza, Spain

8. Be in a music video

9. Win the lottery

10. and Ofcourse get myself a new car :cool:

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Mine are :

1. Get lots of money (lottery or earn it)

2. Buy myself and some of my friends new cars

3. Travel all over

4. Get married and have kids

5. Have a career I love

6. Have sex in an airplane

7. Sky dive

8. Start a charity

9. Go cross country on a roadtrip

10. Buy a huge house


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1.Be rich as hell

2. Buy all my friends brand new vipers... but only way they can have it is if they play bumper cars with them.

3. own my own club

4. to win the U.S. Nationals (Racing)

5. have my father be better

6. have my mother be better

7. have my brother knocked off lol jk

8. yaht

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10>Have a steady income with comfortable living

9>go skydiving

8>have a summer home in South France

7>be able to travel the world (or at least New Zealand)

6>scuba dive in carribbean

5>own a porsche

4>find my smurfette and have little smurfs (2-3)

3>have sex under water

2>become a great cook

1>learn more languages


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1. find that someone, and be able to fall stupid in love with them.....:cheese:

2. spin at a major club on the main floor

3. have a job I love

4. Have a few drinks and a long conversation with Greg Graffin

5. Produce music

6. Play league basketball (again)

7. Retire early

8. Become recognized a little in my field, but not enough that people pull me over while I'm walking down the street

9. Scuba Dive in the Great Barrier Reef

10. Fuck the pope out in public just to be the asshole who finally brought down the Catholic church.

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1. to live a healthy life

2. fall in love & get married...start a life together

3. always be happy

4. get a career that lets me have a long summer vacation on the beach (or win the lotto so i dont have to work!)

5. travel the world..see everything~its such a shame, this is such a beautiful world and we don't get to see even 1/4 of it!!

6. dance on broadway

7. do something to help the animals (endangered and not~they all matter)

8. get my own boat and learn how to drive it etc

9. go on a real rollercoaster w/out completely freakin out

10. become a good cook


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Originally posted by brickhouse

1. find that someone, and be able to fall stupid in love with them.....:cheese:

2. spin at a major club on the main floor

3. have a job I love

4. Have a few drinks and a long conversation with Greg Graffin

5. Produce music

6. Play league basketball (again)

7. Retire early

8. Become recognized a little in my field, but not enough that people pull me over while I'm walking down the street

9. Scuba Dive in the Great Barrier Reef

10. Fuck the pope out in public just to be the asshole who finally brought down the Catholic church.

lol why greg graffin? just curious.

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1. meet a decent guy for once

2. go to every damn country in the world (40 and counting isnt too bad ?)

3. make a shitload of money and donate half to people that need/deserve it

4. can't think....but that's it right now.

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1find someone to truely love me and get married

2have ed mcman give me a big check/lotto whatever comes first so i will never have to work again if not ill settle for a sugardaddy

3see my daughter graduate college

4my daughter to get married

5get my motorcycle(hopefully that will be next summer)

6buy a gated community for me and all my friends to live

7finally graduate if the ed mcman/lotto thing doesnt work out i can fall back on to my dream job forensic scientist

8adopt children of all races

9put my mother in a nice retirement home in florida

10find a cure for all diseases

sorry need 10a just be happy for once

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1. be a F1 driver

2. score the winning goal in world cup final

3. make a billion

4. buy a Ferrari

5. have sex in my private jet

6. travel the world

7. beat up the singer from Creed

8. travel to the moon

9. stop tripping by 30

10. live life

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Originally posted by destiny779

you want to do in your lifetime??


1) SkyDive.

2.) Travel the World.

3.) Scuba Dive.

4.) Run my own business.

5.) Drive a very expensive sports car or motorcycle.

6.) Mountain Climb/ Rock Climb.

7.) Get Married. Have kids

8.) Conquer my fear of Roller Coasters.

9.) Bungee Jump

10.) See world peace before I die.

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Sing (something classical) in front of a huge audience (and not die of stage fright)

leave the country

find a career that doesnt make me want to shoot myself

own something thats worth something

get out of debt

be stable enough to have dogs

see my friends find true hapiness

find something close to it myself

acheive 'Relationship-Zen' with someone

make peace with the past

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1. shit myself as I introduce myself to someone

2. show John Digweed my 12 best dance steps

3. meet a CP'er at a club and have them remember me

4. FINALLY have that orgy I've been planning for three years and actually have people show up

5. epil stop and spray my entire body and donate the hair to the bald

6. pierce my balls and hang bluefish lures from them

7. eat something that has entered and exited Joeg

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Originally posted by LavenderMenace

Sing (something classical) in front of a huge audience (and not die of stage fright)

leave the country

find a career that doesnt make me want to shoot myself

own something thats worth something

get out of debt

be stable enough to have dogs

see my friends find true hapiness

find something close to it myself

acheive 'Relationship-Zen' with someone

make peace with the past

:laugh: sounds about right.
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Originally posted by brickhouse

10. Fuck the pope out in public just to be the asshole who finally brought down the Catholic church.

r u fuckin serious?? :bigfinge:


my top ten are:

1) get married and have lots of lil kiddies

2) def would want to skydive

3) become a psychiatrist and help people with mental and emotional disorders :plus make like $200+ an hour SWEET: lol

4) meet nsync and become like, their best friend LOL :cheese: oh and have mad passionate sex with justin timberlake :and britney spears at the same time but i want justin to myself 1st:

5) become a dancer for janet jackson :always wanted to do this:

6) buy the car/house of my dreams

7) somehow miraculously wake up and have a spitting image of britneys body :idea::drool:

8) make peace with anyone i ever fought with/hurt/has hurt me... put the past behind me... etc..

9) see world peace and stop violence everywhere

10) travel the world... and see every inch of it with my own eyes.

oh and i have to add one more for good luck... lucky #11) I DO NOT WANT TO DIE A VIRGIN LOL.... so yea. hopefully ill do somethin about that before my time is up :rolleyes::tongue:

theres probably more but these were the 1st things to enter my mind while writing this..

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