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attn neena and piro

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i spoke to 3rdflfactoria last night.. i informed him of the "no couches" at his home. he was very :mad:

but he is already scheming about plans in two weeks --anthony's bday :party: and a certain Underwear Party at his home :eek: i just wanted to forewarn you :hat:

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Originally posted by nycchic24

i spoke to 3rdflfactoria last night.. i informed him of the "no couches" at his home. he was very :mad:

but he is already scheming about plans in two weeks --anthony's bday :party: and a certain Underwear Party at his home :eek: i just wanted to forewarn you :hat:



What up chic? Its oldies night at tempts. Neena and piro arent coming down. I would invite you down but I dont have a shore house for you to stay at.

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Originally posted by stardo



What up chic? Its oldies night at tempts. Neena and piro arent coming down. I would invite you down but I dont have a shore house for you to stay at.

hey girlie! its okay, i am low on the funds right now anyways... i went back to "bawhston" last week for the fourth.. and i am going to Florida at the end of the month and then... saving for Vegas in September... (its me plus 16 other girls! :eek: )

but actually 3rdflrfactoria and i were talking about making my shore debut next week (not this sat.. the week after) you gonna be around :) and get this... we figured out he hasn't been back to his home in 4 months!!!!! he is already planning his outft. :laugh:

and yeah you know THE Couch, too!... we have to say RIP to The Couch, only chairs now :(

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Originally posted by nycchic24

hey girlie! its okay, i am low on the funds right now anyways... i went back to "bawhston" last week for the fourth.. and i am going to Florida at the end of the month and then... saving for Vegas in September... (its me plus 16 other girls! :eek: )

but actually 3rdflrfactoria and i were talking about making my shore debut next week (not this sat.. the week after) you gonna be around :) and get this... we figured out he hasn't been back to his home in 4 months!!!!! he is already planning his outft. :laugh:

and yeah you know THE Couch, too!... we have to say RIP to The Couch, only chairs now :(



I cant believe he hasnt been there in 4 months.

You should def come down. Yeah:rolleyes: Ill be there I was going to take two weeks off but I have not will power to proceed with my plans.

Dam your all over the place

I havent been to Vegas yet.

I have only heard great things about it.

Iam going next Aug for my girls bach party.(My girls are dropping like flys);)

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Originally posted by stardo



I cant believe he hasnt been there in 4 months.

You should def come down. Yeah:rolleyes: Ill be there I was going to take two weeks off but I have not will power to proceed with my plans.

Dam your all over the place

I havent been to Vegas yet.

I have only heard great things about it.

Iam going next Aug for my girls bach party.(My girls are dropping like flys);)

yeah never been to vegas either... its my first time.. ill tell ya all about it :) this is actually for me and my best friends bday (turning 25)

btw... where the hell is "the couple"? :laugh: :laugh:

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What's up nycchic, stardo?? neena and i will be down next weekend, 7/20. i would love to go down for classics night on saturday, but we have too much going on this weekend (i.e. nephew's 1st birthday party saturday, house warming party for her girls in brooklyn saturday night and a wedding on sunday in long island- not cool).

nycchic- we'll pick you up if you want to make your jersey shore debut next week. let neena or myself know.

stardo- have fun this weekend, make sure stiffler can stand on his two feet this time. ;)

as for 3rdfloorlafactoria, i doubt he'll be in good physical condition to go to SF if he goes to Tempts first, we know him too well.

neena's systems are down at work plus everyone called out today at her job so she's running around like a lunatic at work.

time for me to go to a meeting that i won't pay attention in.

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Hey...sorry I've been neglecting Cp lately, but things are pretty hectic at work right now..I'm about to pull my hair out.

So I've read about the SF trip planned for the 20th...I should of guessed 3rdflfactoria would have something crazy up his sleeve. Are you down nycchic?? I don't know...I would need lots of persuasion. ;)

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Originally posted by neena16

Hey...sorry I've been neglecting Cp lately, but things are pretty hectic at work right now..I'm about to pull my hair out.

So I've read about the SF trip planned for the 20th...I should of guessed 3rdflfactoria would have something crazy up his sleeve. Are you down nycchic?? I don't know...I would need lots of persuasion. ;)

oh yeah he does.. he wants to run around in his santa tee and boxers (i told him to get xmas boxers to complete the outfit ) good lord. :laugh:

and what kind of persuasion ( :jar: ) would you need neena ?? ;)

i am going to have to be very well rested for that weekend :D:clap:

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Originally posted by piro8

What's up nycchic, stardo?? neena and i will be down next weekend, 7/20. i would love to go down for classics night on saturday, but we have too much going on this weekend (i.e. nephew's 1st birthday party saturday, house warming party for her girls in brooklyn saturday night and a wedding on sunday in long island- not cool).

nycchic- we'll pick you up if you want to make your jersey shore debut next week. let neena or myself know.

stardo- have fun this weekend, make sure stiffler can stand on his two feet this time. ;)

as for 3rdfloorlafactoria, i doubt he'll be in good physical condition to go to SF if he goes to Tempts first, we know him too well.

neena's systems are down at work plus everyone called out today at her job so she's running around like a lunatic at work.

time for me to go to a meeting that i won't pay attention in.

Stiffs going to MANGALONIA this weekend. Is that nice this time of year?:laugh:

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Originally posted by stardo

Stiffs going to MANGALONIA this weekend. Is that nice this time of year?:laugh:

:laugh: I heard that there's alot of tourists this time of year. I'm thinking of asking neena if she wants to book a flight to "Manglastralia" at the end of end of the month. Maybe stay in the states and take a nice drive to "Manglazona"

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Originally posted by neena16

a :jar: hehe maybe??

well rested isn't even it...we'll have to sleep from Thurs night until Sat..and then take off Mon too cause you know you can't miss Surf Sun..we mind as well go all the way. Just saying that gives me the :shakes:

After therow(however you spell it) review of this thread I have come to the conclusion that we are all WHACKED:laugh:

Ps. We will call carry the couch and our hearts and shed an occasional tear when our feet are giving out on us at factory.

It will always be there in spirit.

I remember the first time I met neena and piro on the left arm of the couch:cry:

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Originally posted by stardo

Stiffs going to MANGALONIA this weekend. Is that nice this time of year?:laugh:

Yes, I frequent there often this time of year. The weather is always lovely, the people are nice and the side show attractions are great. But, do not get me wrong PIRO, I can always stand on my own two feet. It was Stardo doing the leaning and when I can't stand there is always that good ol electric door that I have come to know so well.

As for this weekend my stepneices b-day party is saturday. ill be down for surf on sunday then a guest appearence at tempts, but once again i have an appointment monday a.m. that probably won't be cancelled.(shit)

I also spoke with da hat who will be in full effect this weekend.

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F**** had an awesome reply and it didnt take!!! My day keeps getting f*** better. Piro....its making me want to 'jump' in a hole!!

In a nutshelll............

I will go "home" on the 20th...

You will be coming.....there will be a caravan ready to go :letsgo: after I recruit the "hardcore" only....if the weak dont want to come :moon:.

What the f*** is up with the oldies? If u are going to bring them back, bring back the good stuff too!!! S*** sucks...stacker 2 is better!!! Barely strong enough to make me keep "it" in my pants and stop me from running around :hump: like a dog in heat who has been trapped inside a house for 6 months watching SPICE channel. Mental note....keep the blood flowing to the head on my shoulders.............

I stay away from HOME and they take the couch away, punishment for staying away 4 MONTHS!!!!....need to go :shake:!!! where am I going to go into a comma and :drool: now???

Someone tell the :dj: to be in too....no weak :curse:!!!

Next week I WILL go down in the record book...right above...my other record. Get ready....get sleep.....but be there!!!! Its on.

Installing a 7th gear for that night!!!

T-minus 2 hrs then off to stop my impersonation of shamu!! Need to get cut!!!! Next Sat will call for tip-top shape.

Couple, nychicie and Stardo....be ready...your in................

Someone let me out of here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by 3rdflfactoria

F**** had an awesome reply and it didnt take!!! My day keeps getting f*** better. Piro....its making me want to 'jump' in a hole!!

In a nutshelll............

I will go "home" on the 20th...

You will be coming.....there will be a caravan ready to go :letsgo: after I recruit the "hardcore" only....if the weak dont want to come :moon:.

What the f*** is up with the oldies? If u are going to bring them back, bring back the good stuff too!!! S*** sucks...stacker 2 is better!!! Barely strong enough to make me keep "it" in my pants and stop me from running around :hump: like a dog in heat who has been trapped inside a house for 6 months watching SPICE channel. Mental note....keep the blood flowing to the head on my shoulders.............

I stay away from HOME and they take the couch away, punishment for staying away 4 MONTHS!!!!....need to go :shake:!!! where am I going to go into a comma and :drool: now???

Someone tell the :dj: to be in too....no weak :curse:!!!

Next week I WILL go down in the record book...right above...my other record. Get ready....get sleep.....but be there!!!! Its on.

Installing a 7th gear for that night!!!

T-minus 2 hrs then off to stop my impersonation of shamu!! Need to get cut!!!! Next Sat will call for tip-top shape.

Couple, nychicie and Stardo....be ready...your in................

Someone let me out of here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Need he say anymore? I think not.

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Originally posted by neena16

Hey...sorry I've been neglecting Cp lately, but things are pretty hectic at work right now..I'm about to pull my hair out.

So I've read about the SF trip planned for the 20th...I should of guessed 3rdflfactoria would have something crazy up his sleeve. Are you down nycchic?? I don't know...I would need lots of persuasion. ;)

U need some persuasioon? Well i'm going, bmw4jay, you and piro and your friends and whoever else from cp that is going that i havn't met. We'll all be there and havin a grand ol time like whoah :party:

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Originally posted by nycchic24

you know the kid may only have 8 posts.. but they are damn good EIGHT posts

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

and it was probably half ass since he had to re write it.

IMAGINE the original.

Is this trip a def or is everyone going to back out at the last minute you think?

I remember the weekend before memorial our 3rdFl was thrust from 7th gear to 0 gear.

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Originally posted by Jsen7

U need some persuasioon? Well i'm going, bmw4jay, you and piro and your friends and whoever else from cp that is going that i havn't met. We'll all be there and havin a grand ol time like whoah :party:

This is going be a rough one...Temps then Factory...:eek: I better not go out for the next 2 weeks so I can get myself ready for this one..I know I am a real wimp but I really care about my liver...I'm a little skeptical abou subjecting it this kind of torture...

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nneennnaaaaa...baby....I agree with you. Honestly if you are having doubts its ok babe. Love the couple....its always better when the couple is there..but will never pressure u babe :-)

So when will u be driving with me or you 2 going in a separate car............;-)

Liver? What do u mean? Is that a new type of 'skittle'?

stardo....weekend b4 memorial day? 7th to 0?

Now if you reference the time when my body 'shut down', now that I can understand....lol. In my defense, 7th gear came back and brought me out of the 'dead'. :-p

you are right, the initial one would have knocked u on your booty.....even harder.

I know this weekend will be weak with the "oldies" crap, so I'm will need to "release" like only I can the weekend after.

Just in case, the festivities will start in Belmar this weekend......

ande end.....well.....an FYI...may end up in AC after this weekend if it is weak......anyone???????????????????????????????

You my motto.....I'll sleep when I'm dead!!!!

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Originally posted by 3rdflfactoria

nneennnaaaaa...baby....I agree with you. Honestly if you are having doubts its ok babe. Love the couple....its always better when the couple is there..but will never pressure u babe :-)

So when will u be driving with me or you 2 going in a separate car............;-)

Liver? What do u mean? Is that a new type of 'skittle'?

stardo....weekend b4 memorial day? 7th to 0?

Now if you reference the time when my body 'shut down', now that I can understand....lol. In my defense, 7th gear came back and brought me out of the 'dead'. :-p

you are right, the initial one would have knocked u on your booty.....even harder.

I know this weekend will be weak with the "oldies" crap, so I'm will need to "release" like only I can the weekend after.

Just in case, the festivities will start in Belmar this weekend......

ande end.....well.....an FYI...may end up in AC after this weekend if it is weak......anyone???????????????????????????????

You my motto.....I'll sleep when I'm dead!!!!

7TH GEAR TO ZERO - I was refering to the weekend that you were all ready to go and got left alone:( . Maybe two ends from MEMORIAL then:confused:

Later gator;)

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3rdflrfactoria :eek:

you have braced us with your presence....it's like the almightly coming down to speak words of encouragement. We are down if...and I say if...we are all in good condition to drive...and if there is still a C-note in piro's pocket. This is all I ask...if all is good then I am down in joining you for a night of the living dead...that's what we're going to look like after factory has it's way with us. hehe!! I do understand that we need a proper ritual and burial for your good friend "Mr. Couch." :laugh:

Have fun this weekend...sorry we have to miss...but we'll make up for it next weekend. MUAH!!!!

p.s. since when is there a 7th gear???? I thought there was only 5..is 7th gear "the outer body experience"??????? ;)

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I got you stardo....yeah...there's been a couple times, but it was longer than that. Its all good. You going to the oldies???

:cuss: damm oldies.....I'll be making an appearance @ Dejais too.

Neena...more important to you going is that you will go because you want to go, and because everything is ok where you wont have any worries about going. You and 'my main man' have my utmost respect, devotion and are the best!!! If all is well, we go, if everything is not well, then we think about it and dont go. I love my "home" but I dont plan on going to 'sleep' just yet...knock on wood!!!....over it.

Whatever you decide will not change anything.....you 2 are the best. Always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FYI....There are 6 gears....but for next weekend...I'm installing a 7th one.

1:10 am and my day at work has me up.....tomorrow me and C***

:mad3: go at it. Sometimes people forget that behind the continous smiling, 'try to be friendly to everyone' demeanour and 'avoid trouble' attitude is what I know is...THE DEVIL's SPAWN....:flame: with a touch of sicilian mind you!!!! Tomorrow I will unleash the wrath and start a SLOW, PAINFUL revenge on the one who f*** the bull. When I do not like you, I make it a hobby and it brings me great pleasure to make your life a LIVING HELL. Tomorrow will be the 1st day of hell for this individual. I will stay up all night and plan every move, a rebuttle to every statement, an answer to anything that she tries to pull....with evidence and documentation.

The reason why I am always so friendly is because I know what the opposite of friendly is.....once I cross the edge...whatever happens...happens.

Where is my other favorite wingman???? nychic??? MIRA!!!!!

She better be ready for that weekend. I am trying not to get too excited about it in case it results in disappointment!! Get your underwear outfit ready, cause Santa is coming to town!! Let's go ladies, sit on my lap, tell Santa what u want...and what u will do for it :bj: (I love this smiley face, can u tell?)

LOL....already started telling myself that I am NOT going to Sandbar tomorrow..that should last until 5pm when the whistle blows tomorrow. After the day that I am going to have tomorrow,

will I stay home on a Friday night??? and make it the first time I did that in YEARS??.........................................news @ 11.

Time to go into the war-room. Let's get ready to


I'll sleep on Monday.....uhhmm...make that Tuesday... will probably still be a little "wired" on Monday.

I'll miss my party-mates this weekend..................


Signed: Sleepy!!

"Work hard...but..party like you are not going to make it to see the daylight of a new day"

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can we say..... crackhead? :cool::shades:

lmao again i have to say, another quality post!

3rdflr -- you forgot that we are also having a memorial for THE couch next week too.

and hey guys... he;s checkin cp at 1am... are we turning him into a CP addict as well? :tongue:

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Another quiet weekend....

Sandbar.........Close Vinyl........nap.......gym.......Temps......

Surf Club....close Temps....drive home....shower.....work........

Damage: A bit of $......7 lbs......medium degree dehydration

Fun: Priceless!!

Caravan to go home is set......connection @ SF set-up.........

No line for any of the peeps in the caravan.

Many of the 'regulars' @ TEMPS & SF are going straight 'home'.

All attempts to stay home Friday being out into place but we all know how that goes come Friday 5pm...managa!!!!

All aboard!!!!

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