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so im leaving to go to the hospital.... im bumming :*(

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Hey guys,

just wanted to Vent, lol im leaving for DC, to go to a hospital down there, Cause i recently found out i have Gastric Stomach Cancer, and alot of my friends are just finding out, and its Really hard, i know a few of you know my drama as of late, so this has been Very hard on me, my best friedn was gonna go with me, but i told him not to, and now i kinda wish i didint, but now hes going to his boyfriends in mass, and its to late, cause im about to leave soon. i hate hospitals, and i dont wanna go alone, did i mention im in love with my best friend? lol soooooo

god life seems un-fair, Trying to face the fact somone u love so much, just loves u as a friend, and is in love with this Model, and i compare myself to this kid, and i look at me and i look at him, and i know why he's not with me, i might be good looking, but im not a fucking Model.....and than having to go alone to the hosp, and knowing i have something people die from.

is god testing me or what? lol

anyway, i just wanted to say, i hope everyone has a good weekend, and i hope everyone, (even if i dont know you) is safe

huge the people u love, lol


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Hey man, I don't really know you but I've read alot of your posts as you probly did mine.

My grandmother is 66 and was diagnosed with lung cancer two years ago. She has had her lung removed and little tumors have showed up here and there, but they have been treated with chemo.

Overall, she's doing pretty well.

You are a lot younger than she is, so you have a much better chance of fighting it off.

Just be STRONG and have FAITH.

I don't know if you're a religious person, but you need to have faith.

We all answer to a higher power no matter who we believe that higher power is.

Good luck and here's a hug from me. (( ))

God Bless You

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damn man! that shit is rough.

hey, you can't do anything about the model thing....but you can with the cancer. keep the good attitude brother. i've got lots of friends and family who have had cancer. almost without exception, those that do well are those that don't want to be beat. be strong and believe that you're not gonna let that shit win!!!

all the best,


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Best of luck to you, man. I have a big personal history with cancer in my family, and it's good that you've caught it now, before you get older. Perhaps God is testing you, but you should have faith regardless. You'll be in my prayers! :)


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Man, you gotta give me the fuckin lowdown first before you die and all...hit me up via PM......oh uh and feel better. :tongue:

nah but seriously i wish you the fuckin best..there aint enough laid back gay dudes in this world.

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Oh my God Jaysea. I was just informed of this. I hope you're ok and wish you well. I know your best friend should be with you.

The most important thing is keeping the faith. God is watching from above and is who you should focus on. Is your family with you?

Blessings and all our thoughts are with you.

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Hey Everyone, im back, ummmm

ot much to really say, i am going to see a surgen today at 10am, and we are going to discuss my options, DC was really scarey, and it was very Draining on me, i think i hit rock bottom at about 2pm on saturday, i dont have much family, and the one person i have, was not there for, me cause he was else where, in a way yea he was there for me, in my mind he was, and in my heart, but it wasent good enought...uhhhh

not much to really say. :(

i miss my old friends, and i wish my familly was there for me, and mostly, i wish that my best friend would see what i really am, and wake up and love me, Cause god i really need that love right now, but im sure it was not meant to be....

i will know more about my Stomach after today, and ill keep everyone in formed, thank you, for your commet's. even though they might feel corny, they touched my heart, for the people that no me on this board and the ones that dont, Thank you :)


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