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Here is the problem with CP today

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You can all not care about CP, but some of us do. For alot of us, this is where we started posting. This is where friendships were made. And for most of us, this is where we waste time while we are supposed to be doing other things. Entertainment. I don't care if you want to post about your favorite underwear, but when you are making jokes about issues that are not now and never will be funny, its just pathetic.

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Originally posted by cmb1975

You can all not care about CP, but some of us do. For alot of us, this is where we started posting. This is where friendships were made. And for most of us, this is where we waste time while we are supposed to be doing other things. Entertainment. I don't care if you want to post about your favorite underwear, but when you are making jokes about issues that are not now and never will be funny, its just pathetic.

but it may be funny to me and a few other ppl. for example...the midget at matrix in poughkeepsie. if u didnt go up to matrix to see mike bugout spin, then u have no idea wut we're talkin bout. but for a group of about 20 of us...its a good joke. so u cant really decide wuts funny on here and wuts not. it may just not be funny to u


im not trying to have an attitude here, even though im sure it looks that way, so please dont take offense

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Originally posted by xtcgspot

but it may be funny to me and a few other ppl. for example...the midget at matrix in poughkeepsie. if u didnt go up to matrix to see mike bugout spin, then u have no idea wut we're talkin bout. but for a group of about 20 of us...its a good joke. so u cant really decide wuts funny on here and wuts not. it may just not be funny to u


im not trying to have an attitude here, even though im sure it looks that way, so please dont take offense

midget tossin what a night!!!:laugh: :laugh:
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Originally posted by dr0ne

i'm actually an angel on this board compared to the shit that goes on irc hehehehe.

but those were the old days and i got tired of irc.....it just lost its edge i dunno why :rolleyes: guess i got softer as i got older... :laugh:

i irc sometimes too... i havent in a while but i have a lot of friends there & i have met a lot of people. youre right though, the people on there can be brutal. thats why i like it. :laugh:

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Originally posted by xtcgspot

but it may be funny to me and a few other ppl. for example...the midget at matrix in poughkeepsie. if u didnt go up to matrix to see mike bugout spin, then u have no idea wut we're talkin bout. but for a group of about 20 of us...its a good joke. so u cant really decide wuts funny on here and wuts not. it may just not be funny to u


im not trying to have an attitude here, even though im sure it looks that way, so please dont take offense

Ok thats all fine and great, we all have inside jokes. Please explain to me how Aids Exchange and a picture of an aborted fetus is funny?

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Originally posted by cmb1975

Ok thats all fine and great, we all have inside jokes. Please explain to me how Aids Exchange and a picture of an aborted fetus is funny?

very good point. i never said that was funny. i was more referring to the "postwhore" rant a few of us went on last saturday and things like that. i dont try to offend anyone...i try to stay nuetral...not post anything offensive. u would never see something like those 2 exampls in my sig or in one of my posts thats for damn sure
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why would u want a moderator to allow this and not that or whatever? if this is a country based on the freedom to say what we want when we want why is it not allowed here? it has been said before, this is just an internet messageboard to post whatever. no harm or foul comes from writing words on here for others to read. if u dont like what is said than just simply ignore it. it will go away just as quickly as it came. if u give it attention you are only inviting more. and once someone figures out how to piss u off they will just continue for there own enjoyment.

as for the 2nd sn's ppl use if they want to have an "alter ego" for whatever reason who cares. u pick a name on here and after a while you might not like it or for other reasons (stalkers) u want to change it; what is wrong with that? the US government allows you to do it in real life, why not do it in this pretend world on here?

just my outlook on this whole situation, thanx for reading:D

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Originally posted by cmb1975

I have to state for the record, you are an idiot.


Seeing in that there is this nifty option of turning off signatures and so forth, I would like to call you an idiot. I will never understand people who piss and moan about things that can be averted.

It's like complaining about flies in the house but yet you have the window open.

Close the window and guess what...no flies(:tunnelbandit 3:16:)

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Originally posted by tunnelbandit


Seeing in that there is this nifty option of turning off signatures and so forth, I would like to call you an idiot. I will never understand people who piss and moan about things that can be averted.

It's like complaining about flies in the house but yet you have the window open.

Close the window and guess what...no flies(:tunnelbandit 3:16:)

Point taken. And yes I could turn off the sigs. For the amount of time I spend on this board, it really wouldnt matter all that much. The point was why would anyone have it in their sig? What deranged, attention needing, mama didn't hold me enough, mental case would think an aborted fetus or AIDS were funny?

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Originally posted by cmb1975

Point taken. And yes I could turn off the sigs. For the amount of time I spend on this board, it really wouldnt matter all that much. The point was why would anyone have it in their sig? What deranged, attention needing, mama didn't hold me enough, mental case would think an aborted fetus or AIDS were funny?


But just like I say to everything else..."ehhh oh well"

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