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I hate the Middle East, but...

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why in a sack?

it would have been more fun if they had hung him up in the sack like a pinata (sp) over the edge of the cliff and let the kid's family poke him with pointy sticks until the sack broke. then he could fall down the cliff....

hey wait, (some) priests rape little boys in this country. and we do have the grand canyon, zion canyon, kings canyon, the black canyon of the gunnison...hmmmm. :idea:

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Originally posted by joeg

whoa... I hadn't even checked nb today...

guess i'm not as original as I had thought...

yeah, if it was a girl, they probably wouldn't have done a thing... they're severe whackos over there...

read the thread again.

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Originally posted by phatman

what's the punishment for that?

do we take away your mods?

I think public humiliation is the punishment... so throw up a few laughing smileys at my expense if i'm convicted...

abstrakt: wow, nb really puts us to shame with insightful replies... and yeah, I re-read it.

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it's funny how someone can hate a place they've probably never been to nor know anything about except the bullshit that cnn and fox puts out...:rolleyes:

btw, that is not a normal punishment for people in the middle east...only in fucked up countries like saudi arabia and iran they'd so shit like that...that wouldn't happen in other countries for sure...

life in prison yes. but what the fuck is this...they must be so bored out of their minds, they think of creative ways to punish people...that asshole deserves it.

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Originally posted by sassa

it's funny how someone can hate a place they've probably never been to nor know anything about except the bullshit that cnn and fox puts out...:rolleyes:

btw, that is not a normal punishment for people in the middle east...only in fucked up countries like saudi arabia and iran they'd so shit like that...that wouldn't happen in other countries for sure...

life in prison yes. but what the fuck is this...they must be so bored out of their minds, they think of creative ways to punish people...that asshole deserves it.

I'm pretty sure I know enough about it to never want to go there... and I'll go out on a limb, and say I never want to be a citizen of any country without democracy... seriously...

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Originally posted by joeg

I'm pretty sure I know enough about it to never want to go there... and I'll go out on a limb, and say I never want to be a citizen of any country without democracy... seriously...

and what makes you think this country is a purely democratic one? did you know that socrates once said democracy was one of the three worst forms of government humanity can implement? along with tyranny and oligarchy?

we are slowly being stripped of our priviledges and rights in this country...many of you might think i'm some dumb bitch but wait and watch for it to happen....it's a joke. this country is purely oligarchical in nature, you have a few fat cats that are mainly WASPs and have a lot of money running this country...why don't you see minorities or more women? because they want it that way. they also want the american public to remain ignorant and moronic so that they won't challenge them when the government implements their bullshit policies...look at the support bush has...any well knowledgable person would certainly contest many of his policies, and laugh at his hyppocracy (his recent speech on cracking down on corporate corruption...come on...who's he to fucking talk, especially with the cheney DICK being sued for sketchy dealings when he headed a company?)

open your eyes people....

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Originally posted by sassa

and what makes you think this country is a purely democratic one? did you know that socrates once said democracy was one of the three worst forms of government humanity can implement? along with tyranny and oligarchy?

we are slowly being stripped of our priviledges and rights in this country...many of you might think i'm some dumb bitch but wait and watch for it to happen....it's a joke. this country is purely oligarchical in nature, you have a few fat cats that are mainly WASPs and have a lot of money running this country...why don't you see minorities or more women? because they want it that way. they also want the american public to remain ignorant and moronic so that they won't challenge them when the government implements their bullshit policies...look at the support bush has...any well knowledgable person would certainly contest many of his policies, and laugh at his hyppocracy (his recent speech on cracking down on corporate corruption...come on...who's he to fucking talk, especially with the cheney DICK being sued for sketchy dealings when he headed a company?)

open your eyes people....

don't get me wrong, this country is FAAAARRR from perfect...

BUT... this country is setup nicely for me, and I know i'm never going to have to worry about anything serious while i'm here...

Theres a way around most of the stupid laws, anyway...

so for ME... which is the only person i'm speaking for... This country works for me, and I wouldn't want to live in another, ESPEICALLY in the middle east...

I'm not standing on some soap box (see my thread from a day ago), ranting about how fucking great the US is... all i'm saying is that i'm not getting thrown off a cliff in a burlap sack because I was speeding on the highway... they just write me a little ticket, and i do it again 30 seconds later... and no one cares...

(gross overexaduration, but you get the point...)

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Originally posted by joeg

I'm not standing on some soap box (see my thread from a day ago), ranting about how fucking great the US is... all i'm saying is that i'm not getting thrown off a cliff in a burlap sack because I was speeding on the highway... they just write me a little ticket, and i do it again 30 seconds later... and no one cares...

(gross overexaduration, but you get the point...)

And you do it again and again and again until you kill some one, so maybe, just MAYBE they should throw your ass off a cliff

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Originally posted by joeg

don't get me wrong, this country is FAAAARRR from perfect...

BUT... this country is setup nicely for me, and I know i'm never going to have to worry about anything serious while i'm here...

Theres a way around most of the stupid laws, anyway...

so for ME... which is the only person i'm speaking for... This country works for me, and I wouldn't want to live in another, ESPEICALLY in the middle east...

I'm not standing on some soap box (see my thread from a day ago), ranting about how fucking great the US is... all i'm saying is that i'm not getting thrown off a cliff in a burlap sack because I was speeding on the highway... they just write me a little ticket, and i do it again 30 seconds later... and no one cares...

(gross overexaduration, but you get the point...)

so you're basically saying that for YOU it's good because you can get away with the illegal shit that you do? how nice...

btw, they wouldn't throw you in a burlap bag for speeding....they would most likely do this nutty shit to you if you throw acid in a girl's face, rape someone, kill someone, or other serious criminal activities...

as long as it's set up nicely for YOU, it doesn't matter that 80% of the world's population is starving, dying, and living with disease because many of their leaders launder money from the country that is meant to go to them, WHICH the US and European banks gladly accept and even cooperate with to help them do that? what a fucking lovely world...:blown:

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Originally posted by abortionator

And you do it again and again and again until you kill some one, so maybe, just MAYBE they should throw your ass off a cliff

they definately should, but they won't... because the media would be all over it, making it look like i'm just making an innocent mistake and the government went whacky...

and THAT... is what ensures my rights.

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Originally posted by sassa

so you're basically saying that for YOU it's good because you can get away with the illegal shit that you do? how nice...

btw, they wouldn't throw you in a burlap bag for speeding....they would most likely do this nutty shit to you if you throw acid in a girl's face, rape someone, kill someone, or other serious criminal activities...

as long as it's set up nicely for YOU, it doesn't matter that 80% of the world's population is starving, dying, and living with disease because many of their leaders launder money from the country that is meant to go to them, WHICH the US and European banks gladly accept and even cooperate with to help them do that? what a fucking lovely world...:blown:

sassa, i believe your original argument with me was that I can't "hate someplace i've never been to"... stick to that argument please, i don't care to argue the problems of the world...

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Originally posted by joeg

they definately should, but they won't... because the media would be all over it, making it look like i'm just making an innocent mistake and the government went whacky...

and THAT... is what ensures my rights.

good point , for once. the media is a dangerous and powerful beast because they can twist reality around to their own liking and people are going to believe it....PERCEPTION IS REALITY to many...but it's not the entire truth.

people complain about the news and how it's depressing, but shouldn't they be concerned with WHY it's depressing? and why nothing is being done? it's easy to be wallowing in your own little existance and those around you, but is that going to improve things for generations to come? maybe we should just nuke ourselves now...because it's definitely a huge possibility for the future at the rate we are going.

i'm a mega bitch today....don't take my words personally, i'm just venting from a long humid today in this shithole of a capital.

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Originally posted by joeg

sassa, i believe your original argument with me was that I can't "hate someplace i've never been to"... stick to that argument please, i don't care to argue the problems of the world...

nice try for a comeback, but are you saying this because you have no answer? or no clue? ever heard of going with the flow in a conversation? guess not. it's alright though, i don't expect you to argue with me anyways.

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Originally posted by sassa

good point , for once. the media is a dangerous and powerful beast because they can twist reality around to their own liking and people are going to believe it....PERCEPTION IS REALITY to many...but it's not the entire truth.

people complain about the news and how it's depressing, but shouldn't they be concerned with WHY it's depressing? and why nothing is being done? it's easy to be wallowing in your own little existance and those around you, but is that going to improve things for generations to come? maybe we should just nuke ourselves now...because it's definitely a huge possibility for the future at the rate we are going.

i'm a mega bitch today....don't take my words personally, i'm just venting from a long humid today in this shithole of a capital.

no personal offense taken. I think this is actually the first intellectual thought i've seen on CP all day...

I agree with you about how fucked up it is... but maybe my opinion differs about it changing before I die...

so my opinion is to just ride it out, and benefit off it... It SOUNDS really fucked up to say that...

but, think about being 75 (and thats a generous estimate for me, i doubt i'll be around that long) and laying on your death bed with some terminal disease they couldn't cure because they spent the research money on sending dogs to jupiter so the media would marvel at how advanced our government is... All the while, you thought you could help change it... atleast i'll be able to say (assuming I haven't gone mute from the disease) "well... Atleast the last 74 years were good, because I benefitted off the thinking that is the reason i'm not going to be cured"


just another perspective to think from...

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Originally posted by sassa

nice try for a comeback, but are you saying this because you have no answer? or no clue? ever heard of going with the flow in a conversation? guess not. it's alright though, i don't expect you to argue with me anyways.

I don't care, and its not relevant to the topic at hand... which was me stating that I hate the middle east.

To be honest, I probably don't have an answer, I pay very little attention to other contries and their stupidity, because of said media bias.

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Originally posted by sassa

reading your posts makes me laugh at you hysterically also...see, we have something in common now! :rolleyes:

...actually, we have a lot more in common than you think...BUT...a few posts ago the word "you" was smothered everywhere...that to me is the epitome of personal...but that's just me...as long as joeg doesnt mind...

i should actually thank you...you've inspired me to go home and reread my copy of Socrates' Republic...esp. since i think that's where your reference is coming from and i think it may be a bit out of context...but good reading nonetheless...tanx...

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