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Are you comfortable dancing?

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Some comments a fellow CP member made to me about my dancing a few nights ago made me really self-conscious... but I got over it relatively quickly. I realized how far I've come since the days (just a couple years ago) when I'd stand around looking at the dance floor and feeling very inhibited. These days I'm usually one of the first (or only) people dancing, and generally don't care what people think at all... :D

Are you comfortable with your dancing? Are you self-conscious? Don't care? How long did it take you to get where you are today?

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i like to dance where everybody can see me (and where i have sufficient space to myself) and then hopefully they all start dancing too so i can bounce my energy off them...

i don't care how supid it looks - dancing makes me feel so good.:)

btw - good topics today, hoke

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Originally posted by hotcheme

i like to dance where everybody can see me (and where i have sufficient space to myself) and then hopefully they all start dancing too so i can bounce my energy off them...

i don't care how supid it looks - dancing makes me feel so good.:)

btw - good topics today, hoke

bouncing off energy isnt the right phrase...intimidating them is more appropriate (abyss, for example)

not that its a bad thing....;)

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Originally posted by codica3

I'll give you ONE FUCKING GUESS. :aright:


ehh, I used to... but if the music is good enough, i'll dance... I tend not to dance if i'm not into it, because its halfass dancing, and i'm self concious about that...

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Pretty comfortable, especially at a club, a little less at dance parties, but still comfy. I don't care what people think, and if the music is good, I'm goin all out on the dance floor.

I'm confident enough that when I do something stupid and get laughed at, I can always make it up by pulling a hot move or something and making them shut up, :tongue: .

I also like learning and trying stuff I see other people do and try to incorporate it into my style. sometimes that ends up looking stupid, but practice makes perfect. :)

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Originally posted by bustaknut2001

Yeah, who cares about what people think of the way you dance? They're the ones who are self conscious about it because they're making the comment in the first place. And, they're noticing you instead of dancing themselves.

Good point... one reason that I stopped caring so much is that I realized that people dance might look silly, but at least they're dancing! (Which is why I'm there in the first place...)

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if i hear good music, i can't stand still and i don't give a fuck if no one else is dancing or not... my friends yell at me b/c (outside of clubs) if i hear something i like, i'll start dancing.. lol.. the best is when you're completely without inhibitions and just taking in the music.

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I must admit I like having a few drinks before dancing to take the edge off... then again I'd like a few drinks just about anytime (say, right now) to take the edge off. I used to be extremely self conscious like back in early high school I would rarely dance... and usually only after 15 beers or so :D I guess I cared way too much what other ppl thought of me... now I don't give the slightest fuck... dancing is fun!!

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