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"200 U.S. soldiers caught using Gov't charge cards at

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Strip joints." says the Associated Press(7-18-02).

" Some 200 army personnel used gov't charge cards to get 38 grand in cash that they spent on 'lap dancing and other forms of entertainment' at strip clubs near military bases" say Senator Charles Grassley. " The soldiers used their military ID and gov't travel card to obtain cash from adult entertainment bars and then spent the money there."

The General Accounting Office who conducted the investigation said the clubs charged a 10 percent fee to supply the soldiers with cash, billing their travel cards for the full amount as a restaurant charge.

So does this come as a surprise to you; and how do you feel about the way that your american tax dollar is being spent?:tank::aright::no:

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Originally posted by LavenderMenace

hmmm... there's something missing here... oh yeah... my sense of shock... :rolleyes:

I'm hearin ya on that:half:

....Not sure 'bout how I should feel about it yet..

I mean it's not too great an amount for 200 soldiers. But it's still illegal to use these charge cards for personal expenses...

Well, still ponderin, thinkin......

:confused: :confused:

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So what, they also put their lives on the line just so we can sit home and have our TV, Air conditioners, cars, food on the table, so that everyone is entitled to an education, a fair chance in life, and freedom.... should I go on??? they are entitled to a little fun. It's the government itself that needs more scrutiny.

Why beat up a few soldiers cause they are normal (and most likely young and horny) human beings... Granted it may be a bit much but.... Much worse things are going wrong in the US, than a few horny soldiers getting their rocks off.

Answer to the problem, give them a warning, next time it happens give them a daily spending cap on their cards. But let them have some damn fun!

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Originally posted by abortionator

Eh, let em have a little fun every once in awhile, they gotta protect the country and shit or something

But hey, If we allow people or these soldiers to get away with things like these, which they know are illegal, don't you think it might affect their ability as good soldiers, like in battle and strategy.

Like the saying goes, "You give an inch, they take a mile (and in this case, in the wrong direction)." So we have to draw the line somewhere. Or else it may have a domino effect that lowers the quality of our country's leadership.:shades2:

As if this hasn't already happened:rolleyes:

But someone has to put the foot down :cuss::spank:

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I used to be a soldier... and trust me 38 grand to the army is a drop in the ocean... they're wasting shitloads more than that... try 10 grand on a toilet seat or 8 grand for a hammer (there are documented cases of this). Hey, at least the 38 grand went to a good purpose :D but you all should be worried about the other 100 billion a year that the military wastes, not this 38,000

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Originally posted by gmoneyjive

I used to be a soldier... and trust me 38 grand to the army is a drop in the ocean... they're wasting shitloads more than that... try 10 grand on a toilet seat or 8 grand for a hammer (there are documented cases of this). Hey, at least the 38 grand went to a good purpose :D but you all should be worried about the other 100 billion a year that the military wastes, not this 38,000

Yeah, I heard that on the news at least a few years ago, aboout how screwdrivers in the gov't being bought for 300 dollars a pop: REEEEdiculous:no: :blown:

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Originally posted by bustaknut2001

Not to mention the head of the US Army sold all his Enron stocks and was part of the California electricity scandal.

PAAAAthetic, I must say:unhappy: :no::blown:

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