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Jerzey Guidos

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hmmm why do people do juice. well i am not lazy and im not doing it to meet the hot guidettes. if they want me they'll find me always have. However I am considering doing a cycle of deca. The only reason is i am 5'8 and 170 lbs i use to be almost 190 lbs.

then had some personal probs and stopped lifting. I just want to get to where i was im not looking to be huge just in the shape i use to be in. As far as not being able to sit there with free weights, well i look foward everyday to throwing on my headphones with some bangin fist pumpin music and pushing my body to the limits. I don't really enjoy the punishment but like results. Its nice to have great genetics

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its sad that there are so many guys that fit the description. and some girls actually like these fuckin homos. they look like a bunch of retards with there high kicks. do you actually think that looks good. FUCKIN HIGH KICKS...ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! you guidos should have been in the hotel down the shore that burned...yous are a cancer...and as for this dork peice of jew shit that calls himself a the moo...what the fuck is a moo anyway. i hope your website gets hacked to shit. :blown:

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Originally posted by stonedcl

Im lazy as hell and smoke alot of pot, But I swim like 40 Laps in the pool everymorning and that shit hurts and makes me huff and puuf so I get Cardeo, I cant just sit and lift freewieghts at a gym..

Just not ME!!

At least you are honest:)

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Originally posted by tripper

its sad that there are so many guys that fit the description. and some girls actually like these fuckin homos. they look like a bunch of retards with there high kicks. do you actually think that looks good. FUCKIN HIGH KICKS...ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! you guidos should have been in the hotel down the shore that burned...yous are a cancer...and as for this dork peice of jew shit that calls himself a the moo...what the fuck is a moo anyway. i hope your website gets hacked to shit. :blown:

Your a meanie :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by tripper

its sad that there are so many guys that fit the description. and some girls actually like these fuckin homos. they look like a bunch of retards with there high kicks. do you actually think that looks good. FUCKIN HIGH KICKS...ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! you guidos should have been in the hotel down the shore that burned...yous are a cancer...and as for this dork peice of jew shit that calls himself a the moo...what the fuck is a moo anyway. i hope your website gets hacked to shit. :blown:

Yeah this guy def. has issues...................... :puke:

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Originally posted by SiDFresh

Yeah clubbing in NY/NJ kinda sux because of some of them.

I've partied in London, Italy & Ibiza, the BEST part is, they are all GUIDO free. I didn't see ANY Guido's in Italy!!!!:)

Where in Italy do you party w/o Guidos?

That doesn't even make sense ...........................

Your an obvious idiot........................

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Originally posted by stonedcl

Why do people do juice anyways?

I ask all me sauced up friends and they cant answer me?

If its to get in shape, Im sorry to say you might look great and in shape on the outside by inside your all fucked up..

Is it to get girls, cuz I must admit the Guido Juicers do have the hottest hunnies on there arms, But i am not into girls likeing me for what I have Instead of who I am, But thats just me, Wouldnt mind any of that guidoette pu-tang though..

So why guys do you do juice, wanna hear some of those reasons!~

I think the reason guys do it is because of an insecurity issue or a bad self-image (either of their body or themselves as a person). To some extent laziness as well (I hate to hear about an 18 yr old who's been lifting for 3 months say he wants to juice, cause he's not growing fast enough). But it's probably the same reason girls get implants or lipsuction or collagen injections or nose jobs.....etc .........The only way I can see justifying doing the sauce is if A) you're an undersized football player and need addition size & strength to keep from getting squashed (and at least a semi-pro at that, not for flag football purposes), or B) you're a pro bodybuilder that actually gets paid to look the way you do, and your livelyhood depends on looking a certain way. Outside of that, it's a waste of your time, money and health. (And your WEE WEE, :D :D :D )

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Originally posted by ou812

I think the reason guys do it is because of an insecurity issue or a bad self-image (either of their body or themselves as a person). To some extent laziness as well (I hate to hear about an 18 yr old who's been lifting for 3 months say he wants to juice, cause he's not growing fast enough). But it's probably the same reason girls get implants or lipsuction or collagen injections or nose jobs.....etc .........The only way I can see justifying doing the sauce is if A) you're an undersized football player and need addition size & strength to keep from getting squashed (and at least a semi-pro at that, not for flag football purposes), or B) you're a pro bodybuilder that actually gets paid to look the way you do, and your livelyhood depends on looking a certain way. Outside of that, it's a waste of your time, money and health. (And your WEE WEE, :D )

Good point. More than half the people in my gym juice and like they deny it. It's obvious, you can connect the dots in their backs. Also getting big by juicing makes you unflexable. Half the guys at my gym can't scratch their own backs.

The reason guys juice, is to feel and be very masculin. Most of them believe by being huge they'll get more women. :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Anyone can get by juicing but how many are willing to look good the natural way!?!?!?

All I know is that alot of men are going to have probs down the line that i don't think even Viagara can solve.

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Originally posted by saynotodrama

I have been spectacular! How are you? Making any appearances this summer?

I made one about a month ago - do not really remember much of the night - my usual behavior when down the shore........this is why I am trying to limit myself. It just seems really different this year - a lot of different faces...

I think I will probably be coming down for one last time in August....

How about you?

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In all honesty, it takes lots of cycles and proper knowledge of self medicating before significant results are seen... Your diet must be in check as well as all the other drugs you have to take to combat the side effects....Which includ... Nolvadex/Liquidex as an anti-Estro. Also Clomid or HCG for after the cycle to get your nuts started again...Milk Thistle and Cranberry Extract....for the liver and kidneys...Always watch the Blood pressure and kidney pains...Infections from needles and abssesses can also ruin a good cycle and cause tremendous pain......It also means drinking lots of water and not drinking to much....I am not going to even get into the psychological effects juice can have on one.......

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Originally posted by boomtown16


Some people though no matter how much they work out will never get big, my brother for instance.......... works out every damn day and is still small...... yes he does do it the right way also.

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Originally posted by NJstacked

In all honesty, it takes lots of cycles and proper knowledge of self medicating before significant results are seen... Your diet must be in check as well as all the other drugs you have to take to combat the side effects....Which includ... Nolvadex/Liquidex as an anti-Estro. Also Clomid or HCG for after the cycle to get your nuts started again...Milk Thistle and Cranberry Extract....for the liver and kidneys...Always watch the Blood pressure and kidney pains...Infections from needles and abssesses can also ruin a good cycle and cause tremendous pain......It also means drinking lots of water and not drinking to much....I am not going to even get into the psychological effects juice can have on one.......

What is this, story time or something? I prefer Jack and the Beanstalk

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Originally posted by themoo

Just want everyone to know The Haters Anthem was sent in by a reader and not written by NJGUIDO.com

And for the record, I don't do juice, and I am Italian and catholic not jewish.

And Moo is a nick name derived from my last name.


Any thing else?

does it look like anybody cares.............:blown: :blown: :blown:

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:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

every post creates so much drama on this board!!! RELAX! Every one is entitled to their opinions, if you are offended by what someone says, just shrug it off and think that you are better than they are (which everyone does anyway) :rolleyes:

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