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Anybody here ever tried DMT?

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I've been hearing a lot more about this substance lately and while I've researched it on erowid and read user accounts, I am still looking for more peoples' experience with it. According to info on erowid, almost everybody has experienced the same hallucination (to different degrees) - passing into another world/dimension, feeling the presence of another being (usually foreign/alien-like), intense fear or comfort. Can anybody comment on their experiences. I'm thinking of writing a paper on this topic (I'll explain after I get a few responses.) Thanks guys!

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I've done a lot of research on it, too. Mostly from reading Erowid. I think it's crazy that nearly everybody is greeted by the "DMT Elves" when they get there. That's too crazy to be coincidence, maybe it really does take you to a different plane for a while.

Hell, they even had the DMT elves on South Park. The character Tweek sees em in the middle of the night when he can't go to sleep. And I'm pretty sure that the Smurfs, the Keebler elves and the Oompa Loompas are other pepole's rendition of the DMT elves, too.

I'm pretty sure that wither a person's experience is good or bad is based on their own mental stability and how much guilt they have built up. Since I've been a real good boy this year, I'd love to try it out, but the kind of people I trust wouldn't do this stuff and I don't think it'd be comforting to black out for 3 minuites around the kind of people that do do this stuff.

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i wish! ive been hunting it (not with much effort tho) for many years...guarenteed i will do it when the time arises and i find it...the only person i know personally that did it said he went into another world..his portal was a flower..like a sunflower..he basically thought he flew into it and wham he was gone...

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Be careful with this stuff. There is NOTHING in the world quite like it. If you venture to do it, make sure you have a sober trip sitter watching you the whole time. This drug is a psychedelic rocket to the brain, it cannot be compared to anything else. And no matter how "ready" you are for the intensity of this trip, you aren't. Be safe and good luck...

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I'm not planning on trying it, just researching it for a paper I'm thinking about writing and I would like personal accounts. Have you tried it? Would you be willing to tell me about your experience? I'll tell you the topic of the paper after I get more responses (and so I can see if my theory makes sense.) Thanks!

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