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Fighting speeding ticket tonight in court... help!!

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I'm going to court tonight to try to get out of this ticket... I have a few things going my way since the cop screwed up in multiple ways - the ticket says I was traveling "16 MPH in a 45 MPH zone" (he should have written 61)... its has the wrong date on it (in fact I was @ work on the date and time on the ticket, and have 3 letters of proof from my boss & coworkers in case it becomes an issue), "Radar" is not checked as equipment used on the ticket even though that's what he used, my address is slightly wrong, etc...

The ticket is for $98 and 4 points on my license... (assuming it transfers over to PA, which some ppl told me it wouldn't, but the court claimed it would)... if possible I'm gonna try to make a deal with the prosecutor to plead guilty to a lesser charge, prolly paying the same amount but with either 2 or 0 points (hoping for 0 since the ticket is so screwed up). I don't really mind paying whatever, but points on the license really suck. If that's not possible then I'm just gonna fight it, will have to question & discredit the cop...

Any suggestions/past experiences/helpful websites?? Any help will be appreciated...

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Originally posted by gmoneyjive

yeah I hope it won't be a problem... I've just never fought one before, and never had to question a cop in court before... this should be interesting...

yeah let me know how it went because i have to fight a ticket in august

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im the master of fighting tickets. i have fought about 10 and always leave in a much better situation then i went there in.

the key is: just show up, be on time.. usually the cop will pull you aside and ask you to plead guilty to a lesser charge which is like 50 in a 45 or failure to obey traffic device, which is nothign anyway. goodluck.

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