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spin/burridge review


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last but not least......a big - - "HOW YOU DOING?" to that cute bartender at Spin, Heather.....thanks for the free drinks and for that free Comp. for Spin....i cannot wait to see u again very soon....:love:


i loved that little sailors hat that u had on....:love::love2: :love2:

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Hi every-1! :grin3:

Well, I must say it was great to finally meet some more of the faces behind this board! (Acasta, Digital, Nightstar(u were jamming the whole night girlie-girl!),Pod...I think I waved to Mackfunk...not sure now...hmmm....and any-1 else I met and left out, sorry...but good meetin' ya 2!) I told you I was going.(That goes out to all you non-believers...u know who u are...lol:tongue: ) Good seeing Jimmy, Jesse and Nikki again(girl, I saw u more than 3 times! lol....even one time b4 u left up in the hiphop...any recollection? lol...4getabowdit..long night!)

Anyways, I was lost 4 a bit b/c it was my friend'd B-day and my whole group of pals and I were all hangin out by his table. Plus at the beginning, it was soooo packed that I was hot and uncomfortable. (and i had some catching up drinking wise to do! lol)I must say though that I thought Lee threw down a great great set. I was impressed to say the least. I'd never heard him in person before and truly enjoyed his set. The best time for me though was when every-1 (out of my group)except my friend and I had left and it was just the two of us going off dancing downstairs when Lee was throwing down some naaasty break beats. It was so funny bc she'd never really heard breakbeats like that b4 in a club...and she just turned to me while we were dancing and said "I feel like I'm at a rave!" needless to say I started LMAO. We were at Spin until about 4:15 I'd say....not sure, alcohol doesn't let me get a good look at my watch, lol. After that we decided in our slightly drunken stupper to go to Space to catch part of PVDs set. Not bad IMO, but honestly, my feet hurt to damn much to stay too long so we were only there 4 maybe an hour.

For those of you who I didn't meet, but were there...I'm gald you all had a blast....and I'll be lookin foward to meetin u the next time!:D

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

Sunnyhost - Definitely a pleasure finally meeting you. I was looking for a red puppet in the club until someone introduced us and I finally realized you look nothing like your avatar lol. Next time mabye we all can hang out a little more :)

Man, It's soooo funny that you say that b/c when I saw you I was like "whoa, ur not fat", no offense or any harm meant....lol..but I guess since ur names is georgeacasta I pictured u fatty like him. lol.:tongue::laugh: 'till the next time kiddo!

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i wish i wouldn't have been so tired that day. i would have enjoyed lee's set a lot more, but nonetheless his set was still amazing, i personally like his style in breaks, not Floriduh DJ ICEY type breaks. Off all the DJ sets i've heard from lee, i liked that one the best, it sure beat last year @ crobar by a whole lot.

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277


Lol.....sorry Jess...I just found that funny considering the fact that you didn't seem 2 b a champ urself w/the liqour;) :tongue: Just playin...lolol....every-1 deserves to get that smashed from time to time! Hell yeah:beer:

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Originally posted by sunnyhost

Lol.....sorry Jess...I just found that funny considering the fact that you didn't seem 2 b a champ urself w/the liqour;)

i drank like a champ this week...more than lawler and no incident...i told ya, as long as i stayed away from pizza rustica i was fine...i come from a long line of alcoholics, so i represented this week...btw, how much did u drink???:confused:

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

i drank like a champ this week...more than lawler and no incident...i told ya, as long as i stayed away from pizza rustica i was fine...i come from a long line of alcoholics, so i represented this week...btw, how much did u drink???:confused:

Man...lol...I don't even know how much I drank to be honest with you. We had some bottles,finished those...then moved on a few black with a splash of sprite 'beverages' and then at the end coronas....yup...I had a good buzz:D :grin3:

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Saturday night I had a great time(at least what i remember)

It was nice hangin with the CP crew: GA2, Nightstar, Mimid,Digital7, Macfunk,Sunny, Dizzy, Joey, POD, Lulamishka, MrMattas, BBFlux... (hope i didnt 4get anyone)

Lee ripped it !!! Breaks, Tribal, Funk...When psycho Ex-Girlfriend came on the place was goin off.... Love that track Roly's been playing it in the patio for a while now... Caught the end of "Who da Funk" @ Crobar ...They were banging away...

Awesome night ,and yes Nikki... Im very greatful you made my night Kiddo... your awesome!!!Gotta love hanging with Nikki;)

p.s. - special thanks to BIZ for hookin it up as usual... Great time bud thanx!!!

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well, i must say that this was one hell of a weekend! it all started in miami on friday night when i saw lee @ spin. his set was wicked good. much better then his set back in nov.@crobar. he started out with some techy stuff and then went strait into breakbeat and electro sounding stuff. played that robot track that was on Mr.C's essential mix. tords the end of his set he played some more melotic stuff like wavy gravy & cosmos and the like then it was over.

got home at like 7am and slet til around 12pm then it was up and off to orlando with mimi and danny...

got there around 8pm. found a cheesy gheto hotel and got ready to hit icon. got to icon at around 10:30pm and ran right into carrie, rob, megan, john keading(sp?) and a few others. after some drama with a friend we headed inside. there was hardly anyone there at all, but it was early. it didn't get bussy til like 1am or so and it never got packed. when it did finely get bussy the crowd seemed to love it as they were yelling and screaming and dancing all night. went up stairs and hungout for a bit. lucy shows up with her jetset blue sunglasses and is the center of attention for like 10 minutes (picture time folks). i then see this huge skyscraper of a guy that kinda looks like a bean pole named geoff...glad you made it out! then maya walks in and soon after lee goes on. it was like 12:30am or so. if i thought lee's set in miami was good then i was in for a treat because his set in orlando blew miami out of the water! it was like he took his miami set and edited out all the best tracks and then played them in orlando! god am i glad i went! it was much to short though, ended at 3am but the fun was just starting!

after they kicked everyone out we all hungout behind the dj box for aboub 15 minutes while lee sorted out the after party then we all went outside and said our goodbys to those that would not be going (you lot missed the best set of the year!).

got into the car with lee, erminio from balance, his wife dawn and her friend and headed off to mike herazika's(sp?) house. got there around 3:45ish and mike was playing. he was on for about 45 minutes or so then justin scott dixson came on for about the same...then it was the moment we had all been waiting for. Mr. lee burridge took the decks at around 5am and it was all mental from there! i've been hearing over the years from all the londoners say the tyrant after partys are the sickest things ever created but i had never experianced one first hand til now. boy are they right! this was the best set i've heard all year and one of the best i've ever heard in my life! take a trippy, dubby base ala craig richards groovetech & tyrant vol.1, add 1/2 cup of swayzak and a 1/4 cup of terry francis...then a table spoon of trippy vocals and a tea spoon of horn solos all piched between 100 & 120 bpms and you have one of the best sets ever! that is exactly what lee sounded like at this after party! awsome!! def. mind fuck music!! this is what i've waited for for years and this is what it is all about! this after party was better then both the miami set AND the icon set. had to leave at like 9am cause my only ride back to the hotel (lucy) was leaving and i couldn't aford to miss it as if i did i would have been stranded in orlando.

any way. got back to the hotel, slept for like 2 hours and then started the long trip back to fort lauderdale. got back here at around 5pm and promptly fell on my face. wasn't able to peel it off my bed til like 12am.

what a weekend! def. one of the best i've had and well worth it! it was good to see the whole crew again! i had a blast! we must do it again sometime soon!!

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Barbie......nice pics!:tongue:

Jesse.....Didn't we share a shot???:eek:

Jimmy.........where's the pic with the boys wearing "all yellow"....nice amo!!! :laugh:

Dizzy and Sunny.....nice meetin' you gals.....we gotta hang out some more!;)

Mina, Danny, and Marick....glad you guys had fun in Orlando!:)

I had loads of fun on Friday.....hangin with the cp mafia....I love you guys!!!:aright:

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Originally posted by nightstar01

Jesse.....Didn't we share a shot???:eek:

Jimmy.........where's the pic with the boys wearing "all yellow"....nice amo!!! :laugh:

yes we did...i actually took ur left over (1/3 of a shot)...we def. have to hang again, had tons of fun with u and lee and the rest of the Mafia....


i have the pic with the boys wearing all yellow, and it aint getting back to Jimmy for a while....:tongue:

i think that shot affected my hand to drink abilities, a little while after...i dropped my drink by the staircase...remember???:(

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

i think that shot affected my hand to drink abilities, a little while after...i dropped my drink by the staircase...remember???:(

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ...yeah.....I do remember you spilling your drink, nobody even bumped into you! No problem though, at least it didn't fall on anyone!....lol.....:laugh:

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Originally posted by marick

.....this was the best set i've heard all year ...

I emailed Lee last night about how jealous I was that Orlando got an afterparty, right? So he emails me back today and rubs it in my nose alittle about he finished @ 5am THIS MORNING!!! :eek: signs it "ME" and seals it with a "X". :splat::rolleyes:

oh well.... :D

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WOW, what a weekend!

I gotta give props to the CP Clan. You guys were in full force! It was nice chillen with Clan members: Dizzy (you da bomb girl), Sunny, Lavos, Matas, Funk, Ed and Lilly. The mafia was also in full effect with: Mimi, Marick, BB, Calix, Lor, Leo Luv, Phrank, Monica, Treep, Joey, Geoff, Lee, Zuly, Junkies- Nick & Sarah, da "notorious" Dan Vidal, Felipe (FX), Kris Leigh and Jedi Master Biz Solo (the son of the son of the son of the son of Han Solo) :D

Im glad I followed Lee around Florida like a stalker cuz he was off da chain! His Spin set on friday was the best of the two sets that I've heard him down here in Miami. His Icon set in Orlando was defenitely the best I've heard of Burridge yet. It was that dubby tech sound that I love to hear pefectly blended with some nu-skool breakz. Eddie Amador's Psycho Ex-Girlfriend, Sasha's Wavey Gravey, Confucious' remix of Pink Floyd's "Hey You" and Underworld's Two Month's Off were the most noticable tracks he played throughout his stay in Florida. He tore shit up in his typical way and watching him spin is a spectacle in itself. The man has energy, I dont know how he dose it, he just dose it. Relentless on the tables like people I know called DT & DH. This by far was the best booking Spin / Space could have ever done, kudos to Kris and the Space kru for picking him up. BTW, Bring him back! (to Spin ofcourse :)) ... what a weekend is all I have to say, Im pretty much speechless like the rest of you. What vibe, what energy, what choons this guy could mix ... incredible


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