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Finally.Quoth's fuckin Roxy review(not like ne 1 cares)

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I fuckin contemplated bout going cause i really wanted to see Crystal Method at Centro but eh....Roxy was free :tongue:

Anyhow..i get in there...and immediately go to the bar to start my binge that i havent done since May 26th and i see legend38 and roninmess across the bar from me and they yell..jesus you just here and yer already at the bar?? lol...So i wonder around and see the plethora (such a fuckin homosexuALE word yet i just used it) of CP people and shit and wow....i cant describe the ear to ear smile you guys gave me when you all greeted me like i was the fuckin mayor of CP lol...(well DUH...i mean i AM!! the fuckin mayor or maybe the governor of CP ;) ) but anyhow...last night was the biggest release i needed other then the beer shits i released this morning when i came home. To see so many familiar faces and so many chilled muthafuckas deeply impressed me and some of you who know my personal situations of my mom and the girl i was seeing know damn well that going out last night was the best thing for me.

Now i cant even begin to shout everyone cause there are toooooo many to type..but if you came in contact with me last night it was much appreciated and i had fun either talkin with you or crackin you depending on who you were lol.

I must though...thoroughly thank...phatman and trancend for buying me drinks....it was both unexpected and a severely cool gesture on yer parts cause that shit dont happen everyday but i definitely dont forget shit like that and next time..its my turn to buy. But yea...my tolerance was extremely low from being away from alcohol for so long just as i thought...i had 2 kamakazies...and 4 Heinekens and WOW!!! Quoth was DDDDDDDDDDONE!

I must really and totally man to man and not kissin his fucking ass one single bit...thank BobG for hookin it up and having some intelligent conversation. People lemme tell ya, you may only see him post on here and only know him by face as one of the head guys for Roxy fridays...but i can honestly say he is prolly one of THEE most chill and cool as fuck older adults if you will that there are...seriously one cool muthafucka who KNOWS EXACTLY what he is doing with his business and should not be second guessed even if you think Roxy blows or that they gone commerical with the KTU stuff...take it from me...BobG is the man with the masta plan...what is now...doesnt mean it will always be so chew on that thought for a while ;)

Also..it was veryyyy nice meeting reenichole.....fuckin totallllly reminds me of spygirl personality wise..even though they are both pretty cute but no doubt very nice having some intelligent conversation with u about VARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND I STRESS VARIOUS TOPICS!! :laugh:

But lastly...Mike Bugout...i told you muthafucka...we were there for YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and despite the outcome...nothing can EVER change the fact that you came you went you played AT ROXY ON THE PHAZON!!!

Oh and some quick shouts even though i said i wasnt gonna do them but

kingarthur-u still one of thee most chill and cool as fuck no bullshit russian kids around

bebby6919-I reallyyyyyyyy appreciate that you actually came on your own and sat next to me to talk about shit and that shows yer an extremely caring person to take timne out of having fun and dancing to talk mildly bout my personal shit and i thank you for that.

legend38-Brotha man...i know damn well as i said to you..some people may say this and that bout being religious or faithful...but when you really need it...all joking is put aside and the lord listens. Though i am not really religious i am DEFINITELY spiritual as hell and i know for def that my prayers will be answered. so thanx.

Djjonstephen- muthafucka you know damn well it is always a pleasure and a half to see u out and about...yer one of the very few people i DO in fact like outside the boards and with givin me hospitality and souvlaki and beer at times...also ONE DAMN GOOD HOST!! lol


rdancer- what else can be said? people are people...differences are differences...shit though..DOES IN FACT HAPPEN and life is just really too fuckin short to worry or think about the idiotic things in life no matter how much they bother us or how much they provoke an apology or upset someone...shit is ALWAYS GONNA HAPPEN. And next time u wanna buy me a drink..least make sure you have loot. :P

Hitokiri24- always good to see yer black ass out and about chillin with us tall lanky white boys haha...but yo...i was obviously drunk cause I DO NOT AND NEVER HAVE GLOWSTICKED but when u gave me em i said eh fuck it what the hell..hope i didnt look too bad lol.

Siceone- mr big beefy black man...always a pleasure and half to see u out and about as always...i definitely gotta start eatin my Wheaties.

Roninmess- Brotha...you know damn well that u were one of the peeps that i was glad to see cause fuckin i know u know my deal as does a lot of people but i definitely enjoy the fact that yer still a good negro regardless of anything.

Codica-Hun...yer lucky i didnt tear off yer almost non-existent clothing last night...you looked very nice and very fuckable.

Mssabina- DAMN!! what the hell am i chopped liver lol...you dont say hi until yer leaving? haha...but yo..looking gorgous as always so fuckin keep the shit up and keep the man or men happy..nice seein ya.

anyone else i forgot....trust me i DIDNT forget you...the memories will last forever...but this thread will last until it gets bumped down to page 2 lol.

peace everyone.


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Originally posted by hitokiri24

no doubt yea u weren t too bad pretty good considerin u dun do it an u know i ll see ur lanky ass for howells tonight so u can practice some more hehehehehehehe

eh idk about tonight at Howells....the loot situation i gotta look at cause if not...i think i'll just go with some chic to see the new austin powers movie and keep it local....but hey..


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Originally posted by quoth

eh idk about tonight at Howells....the loot situation i gotta look at cause if not...i think i'll just go with some chic to see the new austin powers movie and keep it local....but hey..


that is true u never know where da mayor might be gettini into somethin illegal:eek: :laugh:
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Originally posted by hitokiri24

that is true u never know where da mayor might be gettini into somethin illegal:eek: :laugh:

OH SHIT!! :laugh: :laugh:

Cop: Mayor Quoth we have recently found yer semen on a board members clothing...now you can either resign or be brought to trial

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Originally posted by quoth

Codica-Hun...yer lucky i didnt tear off yer almost non-existent clothing last night...you looked very nice and very fuckable.

Hmm.. I dunno whether I should take this as a compliment or a warning.. LOL.. thanks my dear, it was a pleasure seeing you as well.. I guess I'll be seeing you later when we make our way up to hear Howells.. let's just hope you know how to get to Vinyl..

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Originally posted by quoth

I must though...thoroughly thank...phatman and trancend for buying me drinks....it was both unexpected and a severely cool gesture on yer parts cause that shit dont happen everyday but i definitely dont forget shit like that and next time..its my turn to buy.

no prob bro....i owed you from your bday hehe

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Originally posted by djshaned

damn...i missed out on meeting mr. quoth....i guess that's what i get for showing up so late....oh well...next time bro

hahah in due time my brotha the feelings mutual cause i still have yet to meet you or yer infamous brother, mikeyd.

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Damn,, u were THERE, dude?/?

I got there w/ Destiny and her friend, we were the 1st on line. That was weird, cuz ive NEVER been 1st on line to a club, but at least there was no waiting :D

Where the F*ck were u all night>? I had to split at 2:30, so it was an early leave 4 me :(

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Originally posted by quoth

[bI must though...thoroughly thank...phatman and trancend for buying me drinks....

...i owe you more than one but unfortunately i regressed that evening into a 16 year old and got too shitty...drinking four lemon drop shots in one glass at one time put me into the twilight zone...ended up having a one on one with the mens toilet later on in the night...so fuckin embarassing...but fuck it...it happens...

it was CPville that night and it was a great vibe...got to dance a bit, meet and greet new and old faces, hear almost all the sets, and prowl a bit...btw do i have a sign on me that says i'm from jersey??? i dont get it..

not being biased but bugout was ridiculous...he had everyone jumpin...but who knows...freddy mercury could have come up to me and said hi and i wouldnt have known it was him....

good to finally meet you mike...

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Originally posted by phatman

...i owe you more than one but unfortunately i regressed that evening into a 16 year old and got too shitty...drinking four lemon drop shots in one glass at one time put me into the twilight zone...ended up having a one on one with the mens toilet later on in the night...so fuckin embarassing...but fuck it...it happens...

it was CPville that night and it was a great vibe...got to dance a bit, meet and greet new and old faces, hear almost all the sets, and prowl a bit...btw do i have a sign on me that says i'm from jersey??? i dont get it..

not being biased but bugout was ridiculous...he had everyone jumpin...but who knows...freddy mercury could have come up to me and said hi and i wouldnt have known it was him....

good to finally meet you mike...

haha werd thats just what i like to hear.



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It really was great seeing you out again man, I am glad you feel better and I am glad we got to talk. Last time we talked we had our heart to heart at Summer Madness LOL.

Hope to see you out more often man :)

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