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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

**roxy Friday** Dj Eddie Baez

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OK well i wasnt going in with any high expectations due to the fact that with prior history of baez and my growing dislike of trainwrecking... i was honestly thinking i was gonna be posting a shitty review... well baez threw down some hot shit for once... gotta givem props when props are due.... he really threw down a nice set last night... its still gonna be a while before he gets off my shitlist but still he was on last night....

to everyone i chilled with last night.. fucking had a blast.... minus some of the confusion, the drama and whatever else went along with the night

mikey buggout.. nice seeing ya and chattin with ya for the lil while last night

ronimess - i think you the only one from cp that i actually see on a weekly basis... nice talkin with ya last night..

and to everyone else!!!! MEOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! goddamn that shit was good!!!!!!:D

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about baez and roxy last night...everyone I spoke to said baez did a good job..he opened and closed..beginning to end..there are more knowledgeble people about the music on the board then I am..as far as the crowd..it was a little light reasonably so with that fucking rediculous rain..(a nightclubs worst nightmare).The b&t crowd that comes from L.I. , jersey or the boroughs might have stayed home or stayed local..This afternoon I spoke to quite a few people in the club business who had parties last night..they said their nights sucked..the rain killed them...considering we did about 1100 people it wasn't bad but a lot of the regulars weren't there..also not to mention area2 at jones beach which presold 16,000 tickets..lets face it if you didn't buy an advance ticket would you have gone to an outdoor arena last night with that storm..Next week with WHO DA FUNK's first NY show performing "SHINY DISCO BALLS" everything should be back on track...unless it snows

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Originally posted by BRIAN1500

No offense, but I have never seen you post a shitty review of Roxy.

none taken... although i do have a bad review for the place from like 5 maybe 6/7 weeks ago... it was the night with tsettos second time around.. but since then i have been having a great time with great people at the club.. so its hard to complain when you are surounded by great friends, and a great environment...

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