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The Official FUCK Space Thread


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Dumbo you still don't get it... It does not matter to us what Edgar did, in fact it was not a big deal to us. We understand that he has to deal with your club's DISORGANIZATION. And that is ultimately your fault, take ownership of that wuss. We don't go to your fucking club to pay rediculous drink prices and be harrassed by your small brained bouncers... We go to hear Edgar and we simply tolerate the club.....dumbass.

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Originally posted by spacious

"Dear Spacious , so your saying that you are relying, on other peoples account of the situation. Where you even there ?"

As a matter of fact I was Tony. I was in the office when I heard a loud scratch and the needle come off the record. So now it's my turn...where you there?

Not Edgar nor anyone else had the right to do what he did last night. It was a total lack of respect for the club, it's management, staff, employees and customers. He was employed to do a job just like any other employee and he took his responsibilities and his job for granted. This is the second time it happens and I guarantee you it will never happen again.

I was not there , as I stated in my previous post. under no circumstances do I support Edgar's behavior. conversely when people react in an extreme manner; it is because something has happen leading up to the action.

I'm sure Edgar didn't take his job for granted.if anything he overreacted to a situation. as we all have done at some point in our lives.

obviously there are unresolved issues. for the sake of everyone who enjoys Space, and the talents of Edgar V. I would hope that some common ground could be reached..

p.s. Edgar V vs Jorge Acosta would set new club attendance records.. make it happen ... :D

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First choice, use live shrimp or a small live bait fish. If you cant get that use ballyhoo and cut it in one inch sections accross. Do not use a metal leader, use a nylon leader. Cast 2-3 feet off the mangrove and let the bait settle. After the hit , let the line run 1-2 feet before attempting to set the hook. Take your mosquito repellant they are nasty right now, but wash your hands clean bfore touching the bait. dumbass.

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Guest saleen351

The saleen interpretation

Edgar is a little bitch....

If he did this in the corprate world he would of gotten axed.. Hes crying for a lousey hour! I'd say fire his ass........ which probably he did...... IF THIS GUY IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD THEN WHY DOESN'T HE HAVE A RESIDENCY:confused: Cut the cord spacious, this guy has got to go...

spacious do u yourself a favor don't have PPK resurection playing in your 93.1 radio spots... You club sounds cheesy in those ads... may i suggest:

Oliver Lieb - Subsonik (Filterheadz Remix).mp3

Shmuel Flash - Chilling Moments (Bedrock).mp3

any word on the times superchumbo will play?

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Originally posted by saleen351

The saleen interpretation

Edgar is a little bitch....

If he did this in the corprate world he would of gotten axed.. Hes crying for a lousey hour! I'd say fire his ass........ which probably he did...... IF THIS GUY IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD THEN WHY DOESN'T HE HAVE A RESIDENCY:confused: Cut the cord spacious, this guy has got to go...

spacious do u yourself a favor don't have PPK resurection playing in your 93.1 radio spots... You club sounds cheesy in those ads... may i suggest:

Oliver Lieb - Subsonik (Filterheadz Remix).mp3

Shmuel Flash - Chilling Moments (Bedrock).mp3

any word on the times superchumbo will play?

a week ago your bitching ,because you had to pay to get into Space. now your all over spacious's cock .. you know nothing about clubbing , and even less about music. you don't know a fucking thing about Edgar; you haven't so much as heard him spin. it's all about Saleen and what you can get for free. hook Saleen up, and he will blow enough wind up your ass to having you floating high above the clouds. your a pompous ass who thinks, his opinion matters. guess what bro.. your a fucking joke, and if it's not obvious to you .it is to everybody else.

"Edgar is a little bitch" the only bitich I know is you bro. you will be anybodys bitich ,as long as they hook you up..

your as phony as fucking three dollar bill..

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by sobeton

a week ago your bitching ,because you had to pay to get into Space. now your all over spacious's cock .. you know nothing about clubbing , and even less about music. you don't know a fucking thing about Edgar; you haven't so much as heard him spin. it's all about Saleen and what you can get for free. hook Saleen up, and he will blow enough wind up your ass to having you floating high above the clouds. your a pompous ass who thinks, his opinion matters. guess what bro.. your a fucking joke, and if it's not obvious to you .it is to everybody else.

"Edgar is a little bitch" the only bitich I know is you bro. you will be anybodys bitich ,as long as they hook you up..

your as phony as fucking three dollar bill..

You are out of the loop skippy... You don't have a clue what went on behind the scenes with the pvd problem. It was worked out. Please refer to post about it, you will clearly see my last reply was n/m which stands for never mind... I'm not on a mission to defame space on here every week, i just point out the problems I have with them. You seem to take personal offensive with everything I say. I thought you were cool and i never once started any thing with you, Please from now on, don't say hello, or hi or anything. I don't want to be associated with you any more.

saleen out..........

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let me give my 2 cents...the only reason im interjecting anything is because i witnessed the entire situation go down...

my 2 cents are going to be in the form of a analogy....

i love baseball..i have loved baseball my entire life..i have always dreamed of playing in the majors....i would give anything to have been given the chance to play in a major league stadium..to wear a major league uniform...i believe those that are given that opportunity are truly blessed...

so...... it is really difficult for me to understand how baseball players can go on strike...to me its a slap in the face to all those who have dreamed of being a pro player...

although...maybe my perspective would be different if i was a pro player...

get what im trying to say??:(

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First Off Excellent Point klubveteran, I totally agree with everything U say.

When I say Fuck Space, I want everyone to Know First I love the place and the service it provides

BUT, This one incident Has set me off Bigtime.............................................................

There Have only been a handful of clubs in the world that have been able to rise above the rest in the quality and amount of international talent that it brings to its patrons. And it is those Clubs that bear the burden of setting the bar high for the "scene" and everything that it encompasses.

I believe that Space has fallen into this category. Therefore Louis, his mangement, promoters, djs, all the way down to the bouncers, have the huge task of leading the industry in a direction that will allow "Our Music" to be viewed by both us and the world in an upright and respected way.

More often then not Space comes out looking like they are in it for the money not the music. It always appears as though the "Politics" take precedent over the cause.

I started this thread not to bash Space but to bring to everyones attention (although it is already apparent to the majority) the underlying actions in Miami that sabotage the esscence of the movement. It should not be about supposedly misrepresenting yourself in other countries, It should not be about open bar and free admission, It should Not be about contracts and set times, It should not be about conforming to whats popular, and It should not be about greed and fame.

Although all of what I have just stated will always be a part of the bigger picture, It should not be the Picture. So I look to Space to step up and assume the role that everyone has been waiting for them to take. This is to Cut out the Bullshit that causes these problems to arise every weekend. Space must remember that at the end of the day they represent The People ,The Scene, and The Music which is my life.

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Originally posted by saleen351

You are out of the loop skippy... You don't have a clue what went on behind the scenes with the pvd problem. It was worked out. Please refer to post about it, you will clearly see my last reply was n/m which stands for never mind... I'm not on a mission to defame space on here every week, i just point out the problems I have with them. You seem to take personal offensive with everything I say.

I don't give a fuck about, your space problem and PVD, and whose ass you kissed to make amends after you went off half cocked. I am happy you’re not on a mission to defame Space. what the fuck does that have to do with anything ?? I don't take personal offensive to everything you say, because you rarely have anything relevant to say. however I do take personal offensive when, you call someone whom I know and respect a bitich. who the fuck do you think you are? you don't know Edgar..

Originally posted by saleen351 I thought you were cool and i never once started any thing with you, Please from now on, don't say hello, or hi or anything. I don't want to be associated with you any more.
trust me bro I got nothing to say to you, so don't flatter yourself. if you want to say something, it should be an apology to Edgar. but I don't think you’re quite up to that..
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Originally posted by spacious

And you wonder why I don't reply to posts and answer PMs.

BTW Does anyone know what kind of bait I should use to catch mangrove snappers? I am going fishing tonight and I want to make sure I use the right bait.

I got a Question SIR, yeah I said SIR, because you seem to be a cocky prick, so ill address you like im sure your staff does. I still dont know why you dont reply to pm's. How about you reply to mine now, when ur bouncers "Catch" people doing things, they find it neccessary to feel cool and assault people, im just curious.

Hope you can just answer that one for me. Im a little bitter about it still, space needs to do something about its bouncers, just ban PANTS WITH POCKETS, cause you cant even grab a cigarette without looking suspicious in that club anymore. Getting a bit ridicolous.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by sobeton

I don't give a fuck about, your space problem and PVD, and whose ass you kissed to make amends after you went off half cocked. I am happy you’re not on a mission to defame Space. what the fuck does that have to do with anything ?? I don't take personal offensive to everything you say, because you rarely have anything relevant to say. however I do take personal offensive when, you call someone whom I know and respect a bitich. who the fuck do you think you are? you don't know Edgar..

trust me bro I got nothing to say to you, so don't flatter yourself. if you want to say something, it should be an apology to Edgar. but I don't think you’re quite up to that..

They contacted me. Not the other way around. It clear what he did by the statment of the owner and the other dj. I haven't been around Miami long but with this the second time hes done this how can you say hes not a bitch? Shows no respect for his crowd, or the club, or his employer. We are always out of the loop of knowing the truth about situations but taking the needle off the record shows the lack of respect and maturity of this so called great dj. Where am i going wrong here? How can you defend someone when its clear what they did was flat out wrong? I'm not sure if you ever worked in the corprate world, but I've been on Wallstreet to times square and I'll tell you, if something like that happend, you'd get fired in 1 sec..... Makes me wonder why he originaly got fired. People said it was over a Space Logo his promoters used at another venue or some shit like that, but its clear and obvious there is more to the story. And the fact that Padilla let him play 15 minutes after his alloted time and he still caused a problem is childish. And whats more childish is trying to bash me because you didn't like what i called someone you know and are friends with. Do me a favor, have him come on here and post what happened, until then in the eyes of many he is a bitch for what he did. All he has to do is post the truth and i will apologize and I'll ask shroomy to make it a sticky for a week, so everyone can read it. But we all know he won't post on here. He has you to defend him. Which you are doing a poor job of. This is the no spin zone, you try and defend his actions with BS. Like we should feel pity for him.... For what big bad spacious has done to him...

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Originally posted by saleen351

They contacted me. Not the other way around. It clear what he did by the statment of the owner and the other dj. I haven't been around Miami long but with this the second time hes done this how can you say hes not a bitch? Shows no respect for his crowd, or the club, or his employer. We are always out of the loop of knowing the truth about situations but taking the needle off the record shows the lack of respect and maturity of this so called great dj. Where am i going wrong here? How can you defend someone when its clear what they did was flat out wrong? I'm not sure if you ever worked in the corprate world, but I've been on Wallstreet to times square and I'll tell you, if something like that happend, you'd get fired in 1 sec..... Makes me wonder why he originaly got fired. People said it was over a Space Logo his promoters used at another venue or some shit like that, but its clear and obvious there is more to the story. And the fact that Padilla let him play 15 minutes after his alloted time and he still caused a problem is childish. And whats more childish is trying to bash me because you didn't like what i called someone you know and are friends with. Do me a favor, have him come on here and post what happened, until then in the eyes of many he is a bitch for what he did. All he has to do is post the truth and i will apologize and I'll ask shroomy to make it a sticky for a week, so everyone can read it. But we all know he won't post on here. He has you to defend him. Which you are doing a poor job of. This is the no spin zone, you try and defend his actions with BS. Like we should feel pity for him.... For what big bad spacious has done to him...

bro are you brain dead ?? go back and read my posts, and then read what you just wrote. intellectual capacity is obviously, an issue with you. I'm not going to go back , and rip your post a part. your words speak volumes. you do an outstanding job; of making yourself look like an ass ,everytime you post. so I encourage you to please post away.. in summary bro save the condescending bullshit for someone; who might be impressed. your a fucking joke, and I like said.if it's not obvious to you. it's is to everyone else...

although I enjoy a good debate, your a boring debater. :laugh:

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Originally posted by saleen351

They contacted me. Not the other way around. It clear what he did by the statment of the owner and the other dj. I haven't been around Miami long but with this the second time hes done this how can you say hes not a bitch? Shows no respect for his crowd, or the club, or his employer. We are always out of the loop of knowing the truth about situations but taking the needle off the record shows the lack of respect and maturity of this so called great dj. Where am i going wrong here? How can you defend someone when its clear what they did was flat out wrong? I'm not sure if you ever worked in the corprate world, but I've been on Wallstreet to times square and I'll tell you, if something like that happend, you'd get fired in 1 sec..... Makes me wonder why he originaly got fired. People said it was over a Space Logo his promoters used at another venue or some shit like that, but its clear and obvious there is more to the story. And the fact that Padilla let him play 15 minutes after his alloted time and he still caused a problem is childish. And whats more childish is trying to bash me because you didn't like what i called someone you know and are friends with. Do me a favor, have him come on here and post what happened, until then in the eyes of many he is a bitch for what he did. All he has to do is post the truth and i will apologize and I'll ask shroomy to make it a sticky for a week, so everyone can read it. But we all know he won't post on here. He has you to defend him. Which you are doing a poor job of. This is the no spin zone, you try and defend his actions with BS. Like we should feel pity for him.... For what big bad spacious has done to him...

If you knew anything about Edgar you would know that his fans lost NO respect for him for taking the needle off that record. As attomic said, where ever he is, his fans will follow. You haven't got a clue, and it shows when you post your opinion on a subject based on working on Wallstreet, please, there are other factors that have lead up to this happening!

Just because he doesn't run to post here right away doesn't mean he is at fault. It actually shows the maturity you think he lacks. Why would he have to prove himself to someone like you. You should really stop sucking up to Space, and get all sides of the story before calling someone you don't know, in a situation you didn't witness, a bitch. I look forward to that apology...

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Originally posted by james954

casselle-howells.... now there's a bandwagon i can jump on! you wanna make a splash space, get that duo together. i don't think that combo has ever played in the states, but it's a regular UK treat.

been there and done that. my only complaint was that ashley banged it out way too early. in my opinion, let danny do the entire night. i don't know too many other djs that can warm up a room better than howells.

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ok ok ok ENOUGH!!!

some of you im really upset about because ......

a) just moved to Miami or started clubbing like last week.

B) if you dont know the whole history or the w

hole side to a story like this please dont talk out of your ass.

make this (well really try) to make this a productive post and not an attack on Spacious , Edgar V , Club Space or anyone

dont make these posts your cry for attention. If so go hang from an overpass on I-95 during rush hour- so you can get alll the news media your attention.

now back to writting RESPONSIBLE posts.

follow the example of sobeton, djdekan, and Spacious...then you wonder why spacious doesnt get into discussions as he stated

come on !:rolleyes:

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be the way, i decided to come back and post

Could this be club politics, could this this be deejay egos. I'm not really sure about this because i don't know space or edgar v. Personally, the club plays your wages, you play by their rules. You don't like it, then don't play at that club.

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Level Presents LEVELUTION Music By DJ Eddie G. in the Main Room along with Ariel Baund DJ Tom Laroc in the Blue Room, DJ Touchtone in the Boiler Room DJ Lee Cakebreak in the Mezzanine Level 6: Ubersprockets, Music by the Anti-DJ's (Invitation Only) 10pm

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