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Weirdest thing to ever happen to you in a club

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What is the weirdest thing that happened to you in a club

Girl walks up to me in Steam in Sobe tells me put out your hand, so i do, she turns it over, opens a jar and says " i always find the bumps" walks off into the crowd and never saw her again.

( well at least thats the weirdest non rated R thing lol)

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Ummm. . .good question* mine would have to be. . .At SF in the winter some girl came up to me and asked if I had any contraceptive. . .I was like "no sorry I cant help you" she was a little upset and turned to her friend and said " why don't girls carry condoms" I just walked away :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by antm28

That was Ryan

lets see,,,,,, at SF back in 98 a girl pulled up her tube top and asked me if i liked her tits and then asked me to feel them...seen a guy light up a rolled up $10 bill smokin it as a cigarette.... watched a guy talk to the wall in the 3rd floor bathroom as i was pissin....many more i cant think of

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Originally posted by wakeup

lets see,,,,,, at SF back in 98 a girl pulled up her tube top and asked me if i liked her tits and then asked me to feel them...seen a guy light up a rolled up $10 bill smokin it as a cigarette.... watched a guy talk to the wall in the 3rd floor bathroom as i was pissin....many more i cant think of

seriously.....factory alone i can name a million......i watched someone smoke a cigarette....that WASN'T there for a good 10 minutes.......but he looked like he was enjoying his NON~cigg!

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Originally posted by wakeup

seen a guy light up a rolled up $10 bill smokin it as a cigarette....

:laugh: I think I was right next toy you & Andy when that kid was doin that, last year. Classic...I asked him why he was doin that and he said "I don't like 100's". Fukin wackoooo:laugh:

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i had a huge transvestite dude hit on me @ palladium back in the day....i was so scared i was like 19....and the "IT" was like 6 ft 3 with boobs...and a mini skirt....uggggghhh....i was so sick after that....


Did IT at least shave the pits or legs. hahahahaha

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

i had a huge transvestite dude hit on me @ palladium back in the day....i was so scared i was like 19....and the "IT" was like 6 ft 3 with boobs...and a mini skirt....uggggghhh....i was so sick after that....


Did IT at least shave the pits or legs. hahahahaha


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a friend of mine told me about a time when he walked into the wrong bathroom at tunnel and a bunch of huge fags were uhhh pleaseing one another. one turned to him and kinda pointed it at him while the other semi blocked his way. he said he blasted through and never went in the bathrooms at tunnel again lol

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

What is the weirdest thing that happened to you in a club

Girl walks up to me in Steam in Sobe tells me put out your hand, so i do, she turns it over, opens a jar and says " i always find the bumps" walks off into the crowd and never saw her again.

( well at least thats the weirdest non rated R thing lol)

Ok I don't have a weirdest thing but I have the worst thing that could happen in a club.. 3# years back i was at roxy with friends and i was wearing a short black dress with thongs on and I was walking up the stairs to go on stage and i tripped and fell and mooned all the transvestites.. Well I at least I know they didnt see anything they were interested in.

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speaking for myself and bmw4jay, every wacked out clown on earth finds their way right next to us no matter where we go. one girl at tempts trips over nothing and almost takes jay down with her...OMG!! 2 weeks ago at tempts, some crackhead all up in my face like he was gonna try and take a bump off my face....issues. then there was the girl at otter's bar bout a month ago that was all g'ed up something.....dropped to the ground for 5 min, didnt even move, then got up and walked away like nothing happened...serious issues. all the fuked up shit happens at factory though.....at underwear party, some dude possibly dead by the front door..almost made it to the light, maybe next time buddy. and then there was this girl running around telling people that she thought she looked like E.T.......girl needed to lay off the crack

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Originally posted by whitecamaro

speaking for myself and bmw4jay, every wacked out clown on earth finds their way right next to us no matter where we go. one girl at tempts trips over nothing and almost takes jay down with her...OMG!! 2 weeks ago at tempts, some crackhead all up in my face like he was gonna try and take a bump off my face....issues. then there was the girl at otter's bar bout a month ago that was all g'ed up something.....dropped to the ground for 5 min, didnt even move, then got up and walked away like nothing happened...serious issues. all the fuked up shit happens at factory though.....at underwear party, some dude possibly dead by the front door..almost made it to the light, maybe next time buddy. and then there was this girl running around telling people that she thought she looked like E.T.......girl needed to lay off the crack

Yo...You're right. I am a magnet for crackheads! They always end up right next to me. I don't get it. That guy at Factory was bad tho...mighta been one of the few that don't make it outta there. I also like the kid that just recently popped up....walkin around all fuked up... " I'm on EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! " :laugh:

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Originally posted by bmw4jay

Yo...You're right. I am a magnet for crackheads! They always end up right next to me. I don't get it. That guy at Factory was bad tho...mighta been one of the few that don't make it outta there. I also like the kid that just recently popped up....walkin around all fuked up... " I'm on EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! " :laugh:

i seriously cant get enough of that kid when we see him out.....he is the highlight of every night.....i really want to know what he's on and how much he took, cause he's not normal

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I was at twilo for paul van dyk in 99, It was towards the end of the night. I see my friend flirting with a transvestike(spelling), he was so fuked he had no clue, i told we're leaving, i gonna wait for him outside in the car, he comes out with two transvestike's, i got stuck giving them a ride to their apt, in queens, going inside ( which i did not want to do) smoke and watch them hook up, freaked out and dragged my friend out. Btw one of them tried to bring me into another room to fuk while the other was going to fuk my friend. Thats a freakin nightmare.

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