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A fucked up thought...that maybe has crossed yer mind..

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Ok well...this has happened to me a few times...

you ever be fuckin driving like on a highway or busy roadway and yer behind a big long flatbed tractor trailer carrying some big shit with a sign that says OVERSIZED LOAD or WIDE LOAD...and as u start to pass it on yer left..u think about if it god forbid fell off the truck and into yer car???

Well if someone were to ever survive it in the 1st place...i think that...dollar signs is all they would see in their eyes.

So anyone else happen to wish that a flatbed truckload fell near or into their car but yet lived?


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No can't say that passes thru my mind as I pass a loaded flat bed or the flat bed passes me. My thought is please let it get past me without running me or someone else of the road or killing someone.

Everytime I see a truck like this over turned I hope that everyone is o.k.

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the tracking is so bad on my car here that it wanders all over the road at will, theres no way that i can steer with my knees whilst making a spliff, the thing just pulls to the right..

as i'm overtaking massive trucks, whilst drifting to the right, i have the tendency to close my eyes and breathe in as if this will make my car thinner.....anyone in the passenger seat has a tendency to flinch and make that noise like a little in take of breath (similar to the intake of breath made by mechanics whilst looking at your car, before they say..well its going to cost ya)

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Originally posted by psychojo

the tracking is so bad on my car here that it wanders all over the road at will, theres no way that i can steer with my knees whilst making a spliff, the thing just pulls to the right..

as i'm overtaking massive trucks, whilst drifting to the right, i have the tendency to close my eyes and breathe in as if this will make my car thinner.....anyone in the passenger seat has a tendency to flinch and make that noise like a little in take of breath (similar to the intake of breath made by mechanics whilst looking at your car, before they say..well its going to cost ya)

My kinda woman, you take the third input? :aright:

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I have similar thoughts often - just not to that extent... I wish someone would hit my car causing cosmetic damage, but not enough to make it undrivable. Ever since someone rear-ended me 5 years ago and I got a check for 2 grand even though the damage didn't look that bad and in no way affected the car's driving, I've been waiting for this to happen again. Since my car was a big peice of shit I didn't care what it looked like, I took the insurance check and bought a computer and used the rest towards college tuition. Even though there are plenty of stupid drivers out there and I seem to be on the road a lot everyday, it has yet to happen again.

Back when I was in the army, there was this short one-way coming into the parking lot next to our barracks that was quite inconvenient and a lot of people just said fuck it and went the wrong way... this would happen a lot on friday & saturday nights, and I'm sure quite a few of these people were drinking (the average GI is not the smartest person in the world). After seeing this for a while, I had the idea to wait just around the corner, and when someone came the wrong way to turn in, and get in a relatively slow collision (even if the other car stopped and you hit him, they would be screwed because they were going the wrong way, and probably a 50% chance that they had too much to drink on a weekend night)... yeah its a fucked up thought, but woulda had a nice payout if the guy was drunk & you came up with some sorta fake injury. But neither I nor anyone else had the balls (stupidity?) to try this due to the possibilty of severly injuring yourself and it being on purpose, so it never panned out.

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No I never thought about a truck falling over sideways on me but sometimes I wonder if I'm behind a truck carrying something that it might unattach and slam into me..

Blahh.. it has nothing to do with trucks.. but I hate driving behind people on motorcycles cause for some reason I'm always afraid that they are gonna fall off and I'm gonna run over their body laying in the road.. *shiver* :shaky: :shaky:

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...i always gun it passed 18 wheelers for fear of being sideswiped...worse when you're doing it on the furthest left lane with a guard rail or wall next to you...

...ever since i started driving years ago, i have this fear that one day i'm going to be going too fast and run into traffic that is at a dead-stop - hitting a stopped vehicle and causing my death...this is probably due to the fact that i have laid some major rubber in the past by speeding and not paying attention to traffic...at one point, the sun blinded me from a cop in the middle of the intersection whilst i was speeding..i skidded about 30 feet and then gunned around him missing his vehicle by about 6 inches...fortunately no ticket or accident but you cant help but feel you dont have too many of those "close calls" left in you as the years go by...

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Originally posted by phatman

...i always gun it passed 18 wheelers for fear of being sideswiped...worse when you're doing it on the furthest left lane with a guard rail or wall next to you...

...ever since i started driving years ago, i have this fear that one day i'm going to be going too fast and run into traffic that is at a dead-stop - hitting a stopped vehicle and causing my death...this is probably due to the fact that i have laid some major rubber in the past by speeding and not paying attention to traffic...at one point, the sun blinded me from a cop in the middle of the intersection whilst i was speeding..i skidded about 30 feet and then gunned around him missing his vehicle by about 6 inches...fortunately no ticket or accident but you cant help but feel you dont have too many of those "close calls" left in you as the years go by...

something very similar happened to me... back in my earlier (dumber) driving days I was going 90 on a highway in the pouring rain, and coming around a corner I realized that the 2 trucks blocking both lanes were at a dead stop... I hit the brakes (not too hard cuz I still had enough room) but they didn't work worth shit because it was wet out - older disc brakes that aren't anti-lock don't work well when wet, you have to pump them to dry them out - so I started pumping the breaks but realized there was no way I could stop. I switched to the other lane where the 2nd truck was further ahead, blew past the first truck at about 60 mph... then when I knew I couldn't stop for the 2nd truck I aimed for the approximately 5 or 6 foot gap between the 2nd truck & middle median, all while pumping the brakes... miraculously I only scratched the mirrors on both sides (at separate times, the gap was just a little wider than the car)... and didn't come to halt until about 100 feet after the truck. Scared the shit outta me cuz his bumper was as high as the middle of my windshield, so the car wouldn't have stopped until after it took my head off :worry: Since then I've gone a little slower in the rain...

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Originally posted by phatman

...i always gun it passed 18 wheelers for fear of being sideswiped...worse when you're doing it on the furthest left lane with a guard rail or wall next to you...

...ever since i started driving years ago, i have this fear that one day i'm going to be going too fast and run into traffic that is at a dead-stop - hitting a stopped vehicle and causing my death...this is probably due to the fact that i have laid some major rubber in the past by speeding and not paying attention to traffic...at one point, the sun blinded me from a cop in the middle of the intersection whilst i was speeding..i skidded about 30 feet and then gunned around him missing his vehicle by about 6 inches...fortunately no ticket or accident but you cant help but feel you dont have too many of those "close calls" left in you as the years go by...

I've had a few close calls with careless trucks... If my car was any slower, i'd probably not be here today...

Abortionator: Remember the 2nd day I had my liscense??? ;)

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Originally posted by techno

why the fuk would u think about something like this?

because its natural to think of things like that..... humans have fears u know... u mean to tell me that u never think of urself in a dangerous/life threatening predicament just to see how ud feel about it or for whatever reason...... idk.... i do this sometimes.... and i also think about what i would do if something happened to someone close to me.... then i get sad and go give that person a huge hug hehe hug.gif:love:
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