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Road Rage @#$!*#

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ok so what gives you the most road rage??? :blown:

for me its 2 things (well more than that, but i'll keep it short)

1. People who pull out in front of me causing me to slow down. i hate that...don't do it if you can't make it and speed up in time :mad3:

2. People who drive BELOW the speed limit in the fast lane on major highways. ok these people need to be shot because its absolutely rediculous and uncalled for :frust::cuss:

phew...i feel better now :biggrin:

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people who drive slow in general give me road rage... but the worst is people in the left lane that drive the exact same speed as the car in the right lane (whether it be 80 or 45 mph)... if they're goin slow in the left lane and I can just blow by them on the right I do, but the ones who sit there at the same speed and block the highway make my blood boil... FUCKERS!!! :mad:

if you're gonna get in MY lane to pass someone that's fine... just make it quick & get back in one of the other lanes... on the rare occasion someone does come up behind me (apparently 90-95 is not fast enough for some ppl), I show them the same courtesy and get out of the left lane... then of course I tail them by a couple hundred feet to use as a good speeding ticket shield... but if you just set there in the left lane for more than 30 seconds without making any progress, expect to be honked at, flashed, yelled at, flipped off, and if you're really dick about it I start throwing things... :D

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . considering the fact that I'm the best driver in the Tri-state area (except for my father, who put me through the cop interceptor driving class . . ;) . .), YOU along with everybody else who pilots a car gives me road rage . . .

OH please. im the best driver.

anyway, back to the topic at hand...

i fucken hate when people drive in the left lane and arent passing. they are going like 40 in the left lane and you have to pass on the right then u know they are saying "oOoooH look at that asshole passing on the right". they need to get the fuck over just because their car doesnt go over 40 up a hill doesnt mean it is ok to be in the left lane.

a lot of people on the road play little road games. they see you coming up to pass, they speed up so you cant, or youre trying to pull out and they speed up so you cant. it is so petty.. i have come to the conclusion that they are all lacking control in their lives and that this is their only time to feel like the "big man".

anyway, sorry to vent. :finger::cuss::biggun::what:

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Originally posted by somebitch

OH please. im the best driver.

. . . . Listen, I'm glad everything is going well for you in that Land-O-Sunshine dreamworld you're living in, but this is real life darlin, and behind the wheel, I reign supreme. . . . :aright: . . .

. . . My hangups on the road (other than what was stated by me earlier):

People in the left lane doing less than 20 miles an hour (up to 30 depending on the highway in question) ABOVE and beyond the speedlimit . . . There's a teiring system kids, and it goes from slowest to fastest, right lane to left lane . . not the opposite . . .

Cars with more than 4 passengers in it . . . I've found, through experience, that the more people above spec that you cram in the car, the greater the chance that they're gonna drive at least 7 miles below the posted speed limit, 12 miles below if they're hispanic (no offense!) . . .

Pedestrians who believe they're more important than me in my car. When i'm coming through the intersection straight at you. . you have one of two choices : 1) die (do the gene pool a favor) or 2) GET OUT OF THE FUCKING WAY . . . At NO TIME are you (the pedestrian) to stop in the middle of the road and stare with a bewildered face at "that big object that seems to be coming right towards me . . I wonder what it is. . " . . . :rolleyes: . . I swear, pedestrians are like Canada Geese . . . Run at them on foot and they move away . . . Send a Cadillac Coupe Deville clocking in at all of 3000+ pounds screaming right at 'em and they just stare idiotically at the front of the grille . . .

Unexplainable Traffic Breakpoints: This one warrants a book by me alone, but did you ever notice how traffic will slow down then magically start going faster for no reason? Usually after passing a certain part of a highway? . . . I do too, and I can't explain it either . . .

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I hate curiosity slowdowns. Backups for miles for absolutely no reason other than to watch some jackass change his tire on the OTHER side of the road.

I drive a manual. I have a heavy clutch. Stop and Go traffic is uncomfortable and stupid.

I also hate riced up cars who think they're proving something by revving at you and trying to act all hard. If you have an exhaust, 18" chrome rims and 12" subs in the trunk, you are not a racer.

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

Cars with more than 4 passengers in it . . . I've found, through experience, that the more people above spec that you cram in the car, the greater the chance that they're gonna drive at least 7 miles below the posted speed limit, 12 miles below if they're hispanic (no offense!) . . .

:laugh: i see cars with like 8 kids in the back up here going 20 in the left, back bumper dragging from the weight n sh1t.
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Originally posted by gmoneyjive

the worst is people in the left lane that drive the exact same speed as the car in the right lane (whether it be 80 or 45 mph)...

YES! i hate that too!!! it's like your fuckin trapped behind these idiots:mad:

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Originally posted by cintron

I hate curiosity slowdowns. Backups for miles for absolutely no reason other than to watch some jackass change his tire on the OTHER side of the road.

I drive a manual. I have a heavy clutch. Stop and Go traffic is uncomfortable and stupid.

I also hate riced up cars who think they're proving something by revving at you and trying to act all hard. If you have an exhaust, 18" chrome rims and 12" subs in the trunk, you are not a racer.

. . I hear you on the clutch . . . My car's got a pretty strong bite to it . . . Driving it up the loop-d-loop at the Cross Bronx/Thruway interchange on a 100 degree day, in a sea of Jersey drivers all ready to hit that break pedal when someone in Delaware says its raining, is NOT an enjoyable experience . . .

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ppl who block the box,

ppl who pass others while they are trying to parralel park... (the worst is when they pull around them and there is a car in from of them so now there is a car that can move into a spot, and a car that cant pass on the other lane causing a lock up...

ppl who drive at 10 mph in the fast lane...(especially those ghetto cruisers that zip onto the highway at 80mph then fly to the right lane and then go 40 mph... WHY DO THAT???)

ppl who just have no regard for any traffic laws or have no type of courtesy... there is so much... but this is all i have time to type..

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

Pedestrians who believe they're more important than me in my car. When i'm coming through the intersection straight at you. . you have one of two choices : 1) die (do the gene pool a favor) or 2) GET OUT OF THE FUCKING WAY . . . At NO TIME are you (the pedestrian) to stop in the middle of the road and stare with a bewildered face at "that big object that seems to be coming right towards me . . I wonder what it is. . " . . . :rolleyes: . . I swear, pedestrians are like Canada Geese . . . Run at them on foot and they move away . . . Send a Cadillac Coupe Deville clocking in at all of 3000+ pounds screaming right at 'em and they just stare idiotically at the front of the grille . . .

hahahah:lol3: canadian geese:laugh: thats so true!

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . Oh and I'd like to add all drivers that pilot Audis, SAABs and Volvos to my hate list . . . NONE of the above owner groups can properly pilot an automobile . . . :aright: . . .

actually in all seriousness since ive been driving ive noticed that minivan drivers, camry drivers, thugs/guidos, and ghetto cruisers with their or girl or just a girl in the car are the worst drivers on the road... anyone who disagrees with this statement never drove in newyork anywhere... (excluding cabs b/c were conditioned by them already and tolerate their vehicular behaviour)

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Originally posted by gmoneyjive

one more thing... all the porsches, corvettes:peeleft: M3s and other fast cars that I blow by everyday on the way to work with my peice-of-shit civic... if yer gonna pay that much for a car, at least fuckin use it, don't drive 5 mph under the limit.. :blown:

perfect time and place everything... no sense in driving wild when not neccassary or when it can put other drivers in harms way... maybe we can drive these cars because our insurance rates are low from careful driving... (knock on wood 3x's...) plus no need to show off... we all know our cars our perform most why bother proving it everytime we get on the highway... do you see black belts walking down the streets of manhattan just beating the shit out of ppl walking next to them??? doesnt make sense, no rhyme or reason to it... so its not done...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

actually in all seriousness since ive been driving ive noticed that minivan drivers, camry drivers, thugs/guidos, and ghetto cruisers with their or girl or just a girl in the car are the worst drivers on the road... anyone who disagrees with this statement never drove in newyork anywhere... (excluding cabs b/c were conditioned by them already and tolerate their vehicular behaviour)

. . . I will disagree with that stament almost wholehearteadly .. .

Minivan drivers are usually more aggressive (if they're male, which, oddly is the sex that I see driving m-vans most often these days), therefore they make great radar detectors. Think about it . . how immasculated would you feel if you were forced to drive something that was the norm for soccer mommies several years ago? . . .

Volvo owners are usually pussies who are afraid of the world, and their skills behind the wheels show it. Buying a volvo IS NOT a substitute for good driving skills, cause I figure the reasoning of these prozac'd idiots goes something along the lines of: "Well, I'm a pussy who can't drive . . so . . instead of making an effort and actually learning how to drive, I'll just by a car that will keep me alive when I get hit for driving like an idiot . . ". . .

SAAB drivers always believe their driving the "other" import car type and therefore usually over extend themselves when they get confronted on the road. . . Just because it's a SAAB doesn't mean you have shifting technique . . .And if it's an Automatic SAAB, well . . there's just no excuse for that . . .

Finally, Audi drivers are like the above group except that they're in denial that all their cars are simply over engineered Volkswagons that themselves were over engineered. . . I think it really stems from the styling issues as well . . Audi's are probably the most boring cars on the market as far as agressive stance, performance (mostly) and styling (definitely) are concerned . . . I mean, please now . . the whole Audi line screams: "Lets rail some prozac." . . .

. . . I'm sorry, but I'll take my coffee leaded. . . hold the decaf . . :aright: . . .

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Originally posted by so54

ok so what gives you the most road rage??? :blown:

for me its 2 things (well more than that, but i'll keep it short)

1. People who pull out in front of me causing me to slow down. i hate that...don't do it if you can't make it and speed up in time :mad3:

2. People who drive BELOW the speed limit in the fast lane on major highways. ok these people need to be shot because its absolutely rediculous and uncalled for :frust::cuss:

phew...i feel better now :biggrin:

I agree and people who don't move over for you when lanes of highway or road are available when your trying to merge onto the highway.

Women who drive there huge family type vehicles and cant see over the sterring wheel

Anyone who thinks cuz they drive a SUV, then own the road and can run me off it......... Not realizing if we collide they can really hurt me in my Jetta............

There that's all

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Originally posted by perns2002

I agree and people who don't move over for you when lanes of highway or road are available when your trying to merge onto the highway.

Women who drive there huge family type vehicles and cant see over the sterring wheel

Anyone who thinks cuz they drive a SUV, then own the road and can run me off it......... Not realizing if we collide they can really hurt me in my Jetta............

There that's all

. . . I don't know which is worse, Jetta's or SUV's . . . I guess it depends on the type of SUV, although I'm prone to hate on all of them . . .

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . I will disagree with that stament almost wholehearteadly .. .

valid argument... and im simply stating from my experience.. thats all... and since your preffrence on autos is simply based on your likes and dislikes its a topic that cant be argued... like debating a girls beauty, you might find her repulsive i might find her attractive you might find her gorgeous i might find her hideous... somethings just dont have a right/wrong answer...

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . I don't know which is worse, Jetta's or SUV's . . . I guess it depends on the type of SUV, although I'm prone to hate on all of them . . .

Hey ........... Leave the Jetta out of this...................

I don't like non-driving m-fuckers, who are safe and threaten my life............

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