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All time favorite club moment

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well after the thread of how old is too old and seeing that my last friend who was inot clubs isnt really into it anymore, i think tomorrow night at deko is my unofficial retirement party. ( too bad denny isnt spinning that would be too perfect)

i figured id ask everyone what their all time favorite moment in a club was.

hmm mine was definatly about 15 yrs ago at joey's i was like 17.

we use to do " kick dancing" almost the same as what people do now. Well i guess me and my friends were like the best of the best. I went to school with all preps and hated them, and they hated the 2 or 3 of us who were guidos in school.

so there was a circle and it had to be 3 rows deep of people watching. This was like my second time at joeys so no one knew me and didnt know them. SO i ripped some guy in a corcle and all my friends were kinda laughing. the song playing was play at your own risk. it seemed like the music stopped for a split second and i dont know how i heard this girl say it but i did. all i heard was " holy shit that guy goes to our school, the one in the circle dancin" i felt like a rockstar that night. best moment i ever had.

its been real all for those of you i have met you are all great people definatly dont fit the club stereotype.

some of you see ya at deko tomorrow

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My best Moment at a Club was about 3 years ago..At Tempts

I was feeling "the best" I ever could....did about 5 bottles of champagne and dancing all nite.....I had this white and black outfit that say "KCUF" all over it.. Im standing on Frankies bar drunk off my ass yelling who wants to fuck me?!!! Of course I was with my boyfriend and a bunch of other friends. I FELT I WAS ON TOP OF THE WORLD THAT NITE AND NO ONE COULD BRING ME DOWN.....


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my favorite moment i had was at the factory a few weeks ago. A combination of E,K, G and adderals put me in my own special world for a little while. I had absolutely no reasoning abilities but somehow i was never happier. I felt like I was a happy 5 year old just bouncing to the music. I'ma work on topping that one this weekend.

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Originally posted by latinaz

My best Moment at a Club was about 3 years ago..At Tempts

I was feeling "the best" I ever could....did about 5 bottles of champagne and dancing all nite.....I had this white and black outfit that say "KCUF" all over it.. Im standing on Frankies bar drunk off my ass yelling who wants to fuck me?!!! Of course I was with my boyfriend and a bunch of other friends. I FELT I WAS ON TOP OF THE WORLD THAT NITE AND NO ONE COULD BRING ME DOWN.....


:laugh: dying over here....................

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Hmmm.............Temptations, Labor Day weekend, Sunday (last night) 1999. That was the most ridiculous night I've ever seen there in my life, we were in there like 30 or 40 heads deep.........dancing, prancing, jumping, bumping (not that kinda bumping, at least not for me), moshing, the double fisted overhead pumping action was in full effect. Water was being thrown, napkins being tossed, I think I threw Mike Abrahms whole tray of lemons and limes into the crowd. Water gun fights with the bartenders and their soda guns. By the end of the night I found my self standing atop the bar, and when the lights came on I was doused in water and I could literally see steam coming off of every inch of my skin, WHOA!!! Needless to say if I knew every night at Temps could be like that, I'd be there every weekend of the summer, but it ain't

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Originally posted by ou812

Hmmm.............Temptations, Labor Day weekend, Sunday (last night) 1999. That was the most ridiculous night I've ever seen there in my life, we were in there like 30 or 40 heads deep.........dancing, prancing, jumping, bumping (not that kinda bumping, at least not for me), moshing, the double fisted overhead pumping action was in full effect. Water was being thrown, napkins being tossed, I think I threw Mike Abrahms whole tray of lemons and limes into the crowd. Water gun fights with the bartenders and their soda guns. By the end of the night I found my self standing atop the bar, and when the lights came on I was doused in water and I could literally see steam coming off of every inch of my skin, WHOA!!! Needless to say if I knew every night at Temps could be like that, I'd be there every weekend of the summer, but it ain't


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Originally posted by harddtime

A combination of E,K, G and adderals put me in my own special world for a little while. I'ma work on topping that one this weekend.

Maybe you'll top it off this weekend, by dropping dead mixing all that together (you're nuts) or maybe some of the rats monitoring this board will come lock ya up. Now that sounds like it would most def top your last weekend!

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SUMMER 99 Closing Party It was an incredible night, that was a great summer of music, we had a great house, we got to tempts around 9pm and closed it out. Haven't seen a night like that since.

Hmmm.............Temptations, Labor Day weekend, Sunday (last night) 1999. That was the most ridiculous night I've ever seen there in my life, we were in there like 30 or 40 heads deep.........dancing, prancing, jumping, bumping (not that kinda bumping, at least not for me), moshing, the double fisted overhead pumping action was in full effect. Water was being thrown, napkins being tossed, I think I threw Mike Abrahms whole tray of lemons and limes into the crowd. Water gun fights with the bartenders and their soda guns. By the end of the night I found my self standing atop the bar, and when the lights came on I was doused in water and I could literally see steam coming off of every inch of my skin, WHOA!!! Needless to say if I knew every night at Temps could be like that, I'd be there every weekend of the summer, but it ain't

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in soundfactory. i was doing the club scene without any drugs but took a pill this night to see what it was like and why everyone loved it. i took it pretty late in the morning like 4am. i'm waiting for it to hit me but felt nothing. i heard jp start playing lately and near the end of the song ballons that were being held on the ceiling began to fall, at the same time the song explodes. that's when i felt the e hit me and man i felt like i was on the top of the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

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Originally posted by drmoxx

in soundfactory. i was doing the club scene without any drugs but took a pill this night to see what it was like and why everyone loved it. i took it pretty late in the morning like 4am. i'm waiting for it to hit me but felt nothing. i heard jp start playing lately and near the end of the song ballons that were being held on the ceiling began to fall, at the same time the song explodes. that's when i felt the e hit me and man i felt like i was on the top of the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

FOr that i was in Exit. I took it for the first time. my friend was drinkingand kept asking me if i was ok but nothing hit yet. Then it hit and all i said was " holy shit toto were not in kansas anymore"

then went by my friends who were rolling and ended up taking 7 more over then next 4 hrs. my friend tara asked me in work if i was getting into an explorer outside exit and said she wish for once she was as fucked up as i looked

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Ya'll are bringing back some memories:

SF when JP played "SUNSHINE" and he played the shit out of it, and all the yellow and red and orange lights came on and it was so hott in there and they were hanging out Ice pops for everyone......... just the people I was with at the moment and the whole night just rocked.............. there are sooooo many to remeber

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Labor Day weekend 1999 at Tempts I grabbed the bar hose and pressed the water button. Squirting it all over the place. Another great moment was Johnny Vicious at Tempts on that thursday this year. He was playing Oris J Trippin and refused to shut it off, the crowd was going nuts and the cops were waiving the handcuffs. I love that shit. I'm calling for an arrest this year!!!!!!! Denny you know we'll go down with you.



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Two things come to mind... my first closing at Tempts was absolutely amazing, the place was completely out control... the girls on the bar, the water flying, every single person in the place dancing like no one was watching, hands in the air, feeling every beat, I think it was the summer of '98. I think it was '99, I thought the roof was going to come off when Denny closed out the summer with Angel. The madness continues every weekend but there is nothing like the energy flowing through a closing party. I am looking forward to it this year!

And the second thing is, I remember the feeling when I walked into Factory for the very first time, hard to describe but I will never forget the first 20 minutes, wow! Things have changed since then, but I give to credit to Jonathan, like it or not he has had the place moving for many years now. Although I'd love to hear another dj with a different vibe absolutely tear it up in there one day.

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Originally posted by harddtime

my favorite moment i had was at the factory a few weeks ago. A combination of E,K, G and adderals put me in my own special world for a little while. I had absolutely no reasoning abilities but somehow i was never happier. I felt like I was a happy 5 year old just bouncing to the music. I'ma work on topping that one this weekend.

Not for nothing, but I hope you realize that k and g should never be mixed together as a cardinal rule. It is a deadly combination which can lead to exactly that. Believe me I def party and am not preaching. You may already know this, but if your gonna bump then bump. If your gonna do a cap, then wait at least an hour or two after your last bump and vise versa. The two mixed simultaneously can stop your heart I believe............I'm no doctor, just be careful.

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this past week's SF closing was definitely up there:D

along with my first time ever on the dance floor, first pill, with all my boys, hearin JP "work" a track for the first time (Andrea brown - trippin)

and sunday of memorial day this summer Surf/Tempts


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Originally posted by stiffler

Not for nothing, but I hope you realize that k and g should never be mixed together as a cardinal rule. It is a deadly combination which can lead to exactly that. Believe me I def party and am not preaching. You may already know this, but if your gonna bump then bump. If your gonna do a cap, then wait at least an hour or two after your last bump and vise versa. The two mixed simultaneously can stop your heart I believe............I'm no doctor, just be careful.

thanks for you input, i'll take it into consideration sunday.

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