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>>ADJUSTiNG to your DANCE Environment...

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Ok...well we all wish that we could go out and have the perfect floor,room,space, environment to dance...unfortunately this is a rarety...

so we must adjust to what we are given....

...here are some of them:

1-The Floor is Wet Dance (requires minimal leg movement, its all bout the arms)

2-The Floor is on a Slant Dance (requires most movement favoring one side of your body)

3-The concrete Floor Dance (this you pay for the next day...ouch!Knees)

4-The Mud Dance (if you were at BOO 6 you know what Im talking about...must be light on your feet)

5-The I just fell because the floor is wet dance and have to pretend that didnt just happen Dance

6-The I'm on the Stage or Speaker Dance (requires that you bust out your best Moves because you feel the entire club is watching you...)

7-The Oh my God this guy is grinding me from behind Dance (requires cute subtle moves to get away from him as Fast as possible)

...Got any more to Add?

:) :) :)

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1) The DH VS. DT dance - where your forced to dance with your eyebrows because your locked shoulder to shoulder against two hairy, shirtless, reaking i-talians.

2) The "Oh my f'ing god its Sven Vath!" dance - where you hover a good 3 feet off the gound and do the "Frog in a Blender" dance.

3) The "I could dance to this but im not exactly feeling it" dance - where you dance with just your head bobing around but your body refuses to move.

4) The "Id rather be clubbing" Dance - when you get stuck babysitting so you put on your favorite electronica cd and then proceed to teach your little 2 year old cousin how to "Rave" using a milk bottle and a baby rattle as glow sticks.

And my personal favorite

5) The "I cant decide how to dance to this" Dance- where you take the "frog in a blender" technique and combine it with a trippy version of "fish out of water."


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What happened to the hmm, all this alcohol in my system demands that I put extra focus into my balance so as to not fall on my drunken ass dance?

And then there's the holy shit this girl is cute so I have to dance with her but I can't do the somersaults and the hydarulic spins or I'll accidentally beat the shit out of her dance.

Even better, there's the oh my goodness this track is so good so even if my joints are hurting I'm going to dance twenty times longer than I usually am even if it means I'll permanently dislocate my knees dance.

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

5-The I just fell because the floor is wet dance and have to pretend that didnt just happen Dance

7-The Oh my God this guy is grinding me from behind Dance (requires cute subtle moves to get away from him as Fast as possible)

:) :) :)

:laugh: :laugh: i hear ya on these!!!

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Originally posted by gothzane

1) The DH VS. DT dance - where your forced to dance with your eyebrows because your locked shoulder to shoulder against two hairy, shirtless, reaking i-talians.

2) The "Oh my f'ing god its Sven Vath!" dance - where you hover a good 3 feet off the gound and do the "Frog in a Blender" dance.

3) The "I could dance to this but im not exactly feeling it" dance - where you dance with just your head bobing around but your body refuses to move.

4) The "Id rather be clubbing" Dance - when you get stuck babysitting so you put on your favorite electronica cd and then proceed to teach your little 2 year old cousin how to "Rave" using a milk bottle and a baby rattle as glow sticks.

And my personal favorite

5) The "I cant decide how to dance to this" Dance- where you take the "frog in a blender" technique and combine it with a trippy version of "fish out of water."


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

How 'bout the...THiS music is TOO freakin' amazing that I cant even move my legs or arms just drop my jaw to the ground Dance...

..or the Oh man Im on a Boat Dance(requires a immense sense of balance)

...or the Baktun Tronic Mondays practically dancing on top of the DJ Dance...

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Originally posted by gothzane

2) The "Oh my f'ing god its Sven Vath!" dance - where you hover a good 3 feet off the gound and do the "Frog in a Blender" dance.

i thought that was the -- "oh my god i'm so glad i didn't spend 40 or more bucks to see carl cox and richie at the seaport and deal with the masses in the rain and now i'm seeing him at tronic treatment the following monday for a mere 5 bucks and he's drinking ridiculous amounts of champagne and totally bangin' the shit out in a frenzy of beats and distorted noise!" -- dance.

5) The "I cant decide how to dance to this" Dance- where you take the "frog in a blender" technique and combine it with a trippy version of "fish out of water."

ya know, i've been Waiting so many years for someone to come up with the words to describe how i dance all the freakin' time.

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How 'bout the...THiS music is TOO freakin' amazing that I cant even move my legs or arms just drop my jaw to the ground Dance...

This happened about 10 times when i saw Jules @ Exit, i think can only be achieved with a superior sound system.

Or how bout the I want to keep dancing because this song is so good but my heart feels like is going to explode if i don't sit down

Or the Ooop! i just elbowed you in the neck while striking one of my raver poses.

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Originally posted by thehacker

i thought that was the -- "oh my god i'm so glad i didn't spend 40 or more bucks to see carl cox and richie at the seaport and deal with the masses in the rain and now i'm seeing him at tronic treatment the following monday for a mere 5 bucks and he's drinking ridiculous amounts of champagne and totally bangin' the shit out in a frenzy of beats and distorted noise!" -- dance.

:laugh: :laugh:

Originally posted by rocksteadyct

Or the Ooop! i just elbowed you in the neck while striking one of my raver poses.

:laugh: :laugh:

Originally posted by bigpoppanils

seems very similar to "the un-even grassy field dance"


....These are Great!

How 'bout The My shoe just came off Dance...gotta pretend its more funny than embarrasing...

...or the I'm making fun of all the old fuNNy dances that came out in the 90's...ex:cabbage patch,running man,roger rabbit

...or the Let me pretend Im a Booty Dancer and shake my butt around cuz I think its funny, but in all actually deep down inside I really like doing it Dance!

...The waiting on an hour long line to go to the bathroom Dance(this dance is incporperated by movements to help you control your blatter from bursting)

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What about the dance walk? Does anyone else do this?

When you are really into the music but have to go talk to your friends or you are trying to walk through the dance floor without it seeeming like you are a non-dancing tool. So you kind of do this little hop up and down running man type thing to get from one place to another, i find it works best going backwards.

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

6-The I'm on the Stage or Speaker Dance (requires that you bust out your best Moves because you feel the entire club is watching you...)

:) :) :)

the i'm on the speker dance can also be combined with the wet florr dance for minimal leg movement for fear of falling off.

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how about The your on the stage where DJ Feelgood's tables are and you are really bumpin to his set and you make him skip and have to be told over the loud speaker to get off the stage and you have hide your face from embarassment dance.oops

:shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :eek:

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Originally posted by rocksteadyct

What about the dance walk? Does anyone else do this?

When you are really into the music but have to go talk to your friends or you are trying to walk through the dance floor without it seeeming like you are a non-dancing tool. So you kind of do this little hop up and down running man type thing to get from one place to another, i find it works best going backwards.

i do that one all the time...

except i bop my head up and down

and exaggerate lifting my knees

as i walk, in time to the rhythm.

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the look at these weirdo's dancing around like their cool or some thing

the ewwww that girl is dancing with a ugly kid and he's probley gonna fuk her tonight cause she looks druged up and ish

the this club is wack i shall bounce head around while heading towards the exit

the this club is ugly i refuse to dance and sh1t cause i do not wanna fit in with these rejects

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How about the "What the hell is this gross girl doing dancing with me....is she trying to make me look bad?" dance when you got that dumb look on your face and you start looking around for the best escape route.

Or the "look at the hottie" dance when you may or may not be dancing with someone else but your focus is on the hottie to the left.

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Originally posted by phatman

..strange but true...the pants are too long dance where you somehow incorporate a move to pull them up so as to not trip on them in the middle of dancing...

lol... I know that one all too well... sometimes it pays to take some safety pins with you to the club! :idea:

How about the "I invited my non-clubber friend to go clubbing with me and now he's dancing too close to me and it's ruining my flow" dance?

... or the "I'm flailing my elbows more than usual because you're moving into my space and I'm hoping a solid blow will send a non-so-subtle hint" dance?

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Originally posted by hoke

lol... I know that one all too well... sometimes it pays to take some safety pins with you to the club! :idea:

How about the "I invited my non-clubber friend to go clubbing with me and now he's dancing too close to me and it's ruining my flow" dance?

... or the "I'm flailing my elbows more than usual because you're moving into my space and I'm hoping a solid blow will send a non-so-subtle hint" dance?


lol- i like yours-

REally- Back off people! hate that:tongue:

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