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Wondering. . .

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Since I don’t do much at work I was just sitting here thinking about Tsettos, Rydell, Santana & Lopez all in the same room. How do they decide who plays what song :confused: ? I know all of those DJ, play Renia, LUZ, and others, but who picks out what DJ’s plays what…

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I guess they probably collaborate together before hand. I always wondered that too with Kirk Lopez and the guest DJ at Surf Club on Sundays, sometimes I hear the same song twice in one night, no big deal, but wondered if their is every any collaboration between DJ's before hand, like if they share set lists or whatever.

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DJ's should and you would think they would collaborate or consult each other beforehand, but they don't. Also you would think that the guest or following dj would come in and hour before scheduled to go on, but often does not, therefore you hear the same music during that transition hour. I personally used to take a pro-active approach and would do two things, 1) I would make a conscious effort not to play records that I thought the other dj was going to play, (either from listening to him previously or just common sense) and 2) I would let the dj coming on afterwards know what "hits" or even popular recurrent records I played within the last hour of my set so he wouldn't repeat them. Most of the time it worked. There is enough music out there new and recurrent for all the djs to play, hopefully they will collaborate or at least try to differentiate.

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Originally posted by laurie619

Since I don’t do much at work I was just sitting here thinking about Tsettos, Rydell, Santana & Lopez all in the same room. How do they decide who plays what song :confused: ? I know all of those DJ, play Renia, LUZ, and others, but who picks out what DJ’s plays what…

Work is over rated.......:D

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most of the time it basically goes the last DJ gets to play the hottest sogs everyone before him steps back a bit. However when i was at WMC scribs denny and ojeda were all spinning the same day at clevlander. Each of them played some of the same songs and no one cared people knew the deal. wanted to hear them and knew they were all top DJ's so they would hear on the top shit and it was siiiiiickk

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Originally posted by ou812

So what are you telling me here, there's gonna be 4 DJ's and they're all gonna play the same music over and over and over and over (4x).................that would suck.

Almost as much as spinning yourself around in circles....... :blown:

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Lets hope they all don't play the same stuff over and over, there is way too much music out there. That is my personal pet peeve with the scene on the shore, there is very little diversity in the music, but then again, it has to do with economic and the dj's perception of what the crowd wants to hear. Personally when I djed Surf Club on Monday Labor Day during the summers of 1999 and 2000 I never played anything twice and each set was more than 7 or 8 hours. If I was playing that day, I would make sure I was there for the whole event, listening to what was played when, and I would make sure not to repeat anything from the set prior to mine, while at the same time avoiding tracks that I felt would be better played after my set, Its called courtesy. I have actually played with Kirk and Richie, we never had any repeats and we had a great time, I've never played with the other two guys, but I'm sure we would work it out, afterall they are all professionals so it shouldn't be a problem, I guess we will all have to wait until the 8th to see what happens.

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They are all GOOD Friends for one thing.

They prob wont discuss things but they will all be there all day listening to eachother. Song wont be repeated 4 times, Maybe a few repeats here and their but i wouldnt worry that much. They wont play something that someone already played.

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in a perfect world, they will play according to the lineup, and build the night up accordingly

in other words, whoever is playing early will drop some older songs to build peeps up, next will play some newer and a bomb or two, next will do the same, and whoever is closing will tear the place apart

if the opener is too good, it makes everyone else look shitty, even though they arent...they are all talented and all can hold a room down, so the key for this to work will be collaboration and selflessness


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Originally posted by thepulse

There is enough music out there new and recurrent for all the djs to play, hopefully they will collaborate or at least try to differentiate.

to bad some of the shore djs stick to the same FFFFFing tracks week in week out all summer..... pretty sad :blown:

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Originally posted by wakeup

to bad some of the shore djs stick to the same FFFFFing tracks week in week out all summer..... pretty sad :blown:

Not "ALL" the shore DJ's. . .;) oh and pipdaddy Slowly learning how you spin, as soon as I get it I wouldnt mind taking over :D There aren't many girl DJ's out there, I think I may have to change that....:laugh: if any of you boyz care to help me out please feel free...:tongue:

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The day/night should be good to end the summer, but it will depend on a few variables besides the djs, The weather is a factor, if it rains or is a nice day is definitely gonna effect the night, also how many people have access to the shore house the week after, most people probably don't. The other factor is how many people go all out Labor Day weekend and just decide they are sick of the shore and don't want to extend it another weekend. Its something new, something different, lets just see what happens. Gotta give Sergio credit for trying something new.

Now onto the female djs, I've only met a few and I've never heard any of them, We could use a few female djs. Actually I take that back, I had one open for me one night, she was good, but she was just starting. Personally if a girl has talent, I prefer to play with a female jock, they give a different perspective on the whole thing. In Miami I saw more than a few female djs, and a few of them were off the hook.

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Originally posted by thepulse

Now onto the female djs, I've only met a few and I've never heard any of them, We could use a few female djs. Actually I take that back, I had one open for me one night, she was good, but she was just starting. Personally if a girl has talent, I prefer to play with a female jock, they give a different perspective on the whole thing. In Miami I saw more than a few female djs, and a few of them were off the hook.

So is that a YES you will help me...:laugh:

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Originally posted by thepulse

The day/night should be good to end the summer, but it will depend on a few variables besides the djs, The weather is a factor, if it rains or is a nice day is definitely gonna effect the night, also how many people have access to the shore house the week after, most people probably don't. The other factor is how many people go all out Labor Day weekend and just decide they are sick of the shore and don't want to extend it another weekend. Its something new, something different, lets just see what happens. Gotta give Sergio credit for trying something new.

Now onto the female djs, I've only met a few and I've never heard any of them, We could use a few female djs. Actually I take that back, I had one open for me one night, she was good, but she was just starting. Personally if a girl has talent, I prefer to play with a female jock, they give a different perspective on the whole thing. In Miami I saw more than a few female djs, and a few of them were off the hook. [/quote

i heard space girl spin a few yrs ago and she is sick she spins hard houseyou gotta be in to it tho to like i she is definitley 1 of the bette djs in the rave scene its bee a few yrs since i went to rave i think once i turned 21

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Now onto the female djs, I've only met a few and I've never heard any of them, We could use a few female djs. Actually I take that back, I had one open for me one night, she was good, but she was just starting. Personally if a girl has talent, I prefer to play with a female jock, they give a different perspective on the whole thing. In Miami I saw more than a few female djs, and a few of them were off the hook.


So is that a YES you will help me...

I may help you, how serious are you? do you have equipment, do you spin vinyl or cd. I've taught more than one person the basics, but if you don't have access to equipment to practice, its gonna take a lot longer to learn.

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Tell you what, Denny has been droppin bombs, Breaking alot of new records every week. If you havent heard him lately then DONT comment. Of course hes droppin the Tempts Classics now and then but He seriously has been playin really well. Very Tribally and droppin a lot of new records week in and week out.

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Originally posted by thepulse

I may help you, how serious are you? do you have equipment, do you spin vinyl or cd. I've taught more than one person the basics, but if you don't have access to equipment to practice, its gonna take a lot longer to learn.

OH here's the deal. . .I really would like to learn (only tried it once) dont have my own equipment, but if I get good and find more time to I'll buy it. . ;) I never spun vinyl, unless you count when I was 8 practicing my jazz/ballet routines :rolleyes: But other then that I really want to do this...:D

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Originally posted by laurie619

There aren't many girl DJ's out there, I think I may have to change that....:laugh: if any of you boyz care to help me out please feel free...:tongue:

dont you have to know something about music to be a dj?:confused: i mean, if you rely on Saleen for DJ advice too youll be spinning a tech track into a trance track into a mainstream track all night:laugh:


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