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. . . People in Wheelchairs . . .

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. . As I was coming into the lobby of my bulding this morning, I held the door for someone in a wheel chair. . . Now, there's two sets of doors to get in, so after the first set, I quickly went around to the second set. . . Now, here's the interesting part: The person in the wheelchair got like kinda peeved at me because I was trying to be helpful . . . Kinda like a sense of indignation because a 'normal' person was trying to help them . . . Now, I'm a compassionate guy, and I'm almost always polite out in public . . . but I've noticed that I'm getting this kind of attitude from the handicapped ( . . I refuse to use the term 'gimps' . . ) of the world . . .

. . anyone else? . . .

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Look at it in their persepctive. Having that constant feeling that your incapable. My boss walks with crutches, (refuses to use a wheel chair) and I have learned a lot from the way handicapped people see life and deal with there surounding. He is totally aweome and probally and exception to the rule (he will meet us out at packed bars for happpy hour) . I got my chance I guess to see it both ways dealing with a handicapped everyday....................

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Originally posted by perns2002

Look at it in their persepctive. Having that constant feeling that your incapable. My boss walks with crutches, (refuses to use a wheel chair) and I have learned a lot from the way handicapped people see life and deal with there surounding. He is totally aweome and probally and exception to the rule (he will meet us out at packed bars for happpy hour) . I got my chance I guess to see it both ways dealing with a handicapped everyday....................

. . .I can definitely see that . . I was just taken back for a second there at the flash of animosity . . it really did surprise me . . .

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . .I can definitely see that . . I was just taken back for a second there at the flash of animosity . . it really did surprise me . . .

yeah, that stuff's happened to me too. But all you have to remember is that you did a good deed, that you didn't do anything wrong. It's absolutely normal to hold the door for ANYONE, and even more the reason for someone handicapt.

Perhaps certain handicapt persons are insecure in their situation, and don't want to appear "helpless". But this dude should still undertand that you're helping him out, and not putting him in his place ~

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . .I can definitely see that . . I was just taken back for a second there at the flash of animosity . . it really did surprise me . . .

Well I have had peoplewith a handicap, on more then one occasion tell me, No don't worry I got it, or it's ok I got, something to that effect and I am like well alright cool have a good day and then see ya , whatever. I didn't patronize anyone and the person took there indepndent stand........ Folllow???

Like me boss even though I ask him everytime I go get some grub if he wants anything. When he goes he returns the favor........... he finds a way to carry whatever I need.......

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Originally posted by somebitch

sometimes i think its annoying when guys hold the door. especially when they are like 50 feet in front of you and you feel like you have to rush when you could have just opened it yourself.

. . I can explain that one: It's all about the notion of getting laid . . . As males, after a certain age, the quest of nookie becomes an all consuming goal . . . Seeing as how you're a good looking chick, the dude subconsciously held the door in hopes that one day you and him would run into each other outside of the building in one of those movie-esque sequences . . chit chat would ensue and several hours later you'd be playing naked twister while listening to Maxwell and sipping kianti, all thanks to his chivalrous door gesture so many days before . . . . I can almost guarantee that if you were sporting a face that could crack a sink, he'd already be in the elevator by the time you reached the lobby . ..

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Originally posted by gmccookny

yeah, that stuff's happened to me too. But all you have to remember is that you did a good deed, that you didn't do anything wrong. It's absolutely normal to hold the door for ANYONE, and even more the reason for someone handicapt.

Perhaps certain handicapt persons are insecure in their situation, and don't want to appear "helpless". But this dude should still undertand that you're helping him out, and not putting him in his place ~

. . I totally dig PapaSmurf, I felt the warm and fuzzy for myself cause I did a good deed. . . but I can definitely understand the insecurity . . our society is not forgiving of defects . . . .

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i never know what to do in that situation cuz i don't wanna be an ass and not open the door for them, but don't wanna make it seem like i'm doing it cuz i don't think they can do it themself. so i just always do what i would do for anyone else.... open it anyway.

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Originally posted by so54

i never know what to do in that situation cuz i don't wanna be an ass and not open the door for them, but don't wanna make it seem like i'm doing it cuz i don't think they can do it themself. so i just always do what i would do for anyone else.... open it anyway.

If they can do it, they will tell you...... sometimes

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a good friend of mine is in a wheelchair, paralyzed from an accident and I know it's hard to have to let people do things for him all the time, little things we all take for granted

still, holding the door is the thing to do

even if the w/c guy tries to melt you with xray vision

for every one of those evil eye guys is a kewl dude like perns boss or my buddy who still loves to party. he even picks up mad women. girls in bars tired of standing, come over and sit in his lap, lol.

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