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Who Da Funk @ Exit, 8/23

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FRIDAY, AUGUST 23rd 2002

You've been to the clubs. You've heard the song a million times. And you've danced your ass off. Now see one of the latest club anthems performed live at EXIT². Who Da Funk will be belting out their mega-smash "Shiny Disco Balls" for the Friday crowd. You're going to want to be in the house for this one.

As always, the sounds of resident DJ Tony Draper will bounce off the walls and land in your ears. In the Secret Room, check out KTU's own DJ Riz getting busy.

General admission is $30, $25 on the Clubplanet guestlist for all.



Two words: Junior Vasquez. Need we say more?

General admission is $30, $25 on the Clubplanet guestlist for all.

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solution....don't go to Exit, ever again. Next time they have a guy like Scot Project there, just remind yourself that it sucks, drive by 56th street and yell "fuck you" out the window, drive yourself over to Roxy and knock yourself out to the tunes of Mike Rizzo.

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Originally posted by djmikebugout

OR (solution number 2)

he can drive by exit and yell Fuck You on his way to roxy to see Sasha, Digweed, Judge Jules, Tiesto and some other DJ's in a place that actual has people that speak english.

whichever u prefer robin...

Mike Bugout

there ya go, and add to the list, a staff that treats their patrons with the greatest respect in a friendly manner. While you go to exit to listen to world renowned tony draper, I'll be able to meet and greet with the likes of Tiesto and PVD.

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Originally posted by roninmess

there ya go, and add to the list, a staff that treats their patrons with the greatest respect in a friendly manner. While you go to exit to listen to world renowned tony draper, I'll be able to meet and greet with the likes of Tiesto and PVD.

oh my fucking god dude...I don't want to make this a big argument. But you people are forgetting that this past Winter/Spring/summer Exit had the likes of Christopher lawrence (twice) Judge Jules, PvD, Tiesto, Tall Paul, Scot Project, Cosmic gate, LES, Paul Oakenfold, Edgar V, Scott Bond, the list goes on....

During this time, what Internationals did Roxy have coming in?????? Oh, my bad, I totally forgot about Who's da' Funk and Dirty Vegas. Please dude. Roxy has these big plans for the FUTURE. But where the fuck were they when Exit was bringing in this type of Talent. Answer, nowhere on the map. Better question, how many times were YOU at Exit when they had these guys coming in? Roxy can have bragging rights AFTER these guys throw down sets inside their doors, not before. Hey, i'll be at Roxy next weekend to see SB and EV, no doubt about it. But these first stops this summer were at EXIT. hey, come the end of the fall, Roxy may be the main place that i frequent. but AFTER theydeliver. You guys are all on their dick for fucking Johnny Vicious and Mike Rizzo. thats almost funny when you think about it. oh, and I'm in no way trying to make any negative comments about either...but for fucks sake, the two of them aren't exactly Cosmic Gate. Hey, I respect that you don't have to pay to get into Roxy...if I had those cards I might be singing a different tune. But turn off your bias towards roxy and realize that they haven't even come close to delivering the talent that Exit has. And the music is the most important thing too me, not their fucking security or a free drink here and there.

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Originally posted by djmikebugout

OR (solution number 2)

he can drive by exit and yell Fuck You on his way to roxy to see Sasha, Digweed, Judge Jules, Tiesto and some other DJ's in a place that actual has people that speak english.

whichever u prefer robin...

Mike Bugout

on another note, what a fucking ignorant comment. I'm assuming that you're referring to the Asian population in Exit. Hey, if you can't have a good time because the guy next to you is Asian then the problem is your own.

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I can see your point on the exit having so and so during this past year, but would can compete with marivis's wallet? $80,000 for a night of PVD??? come on now, and besides, these djs were all booked well in advance, and roxy started in the winter, so they had to wait for dj's to be free. Yes i was at tiesto both times, and pvd, and judge jules both times... i made my own fun, but getting shitty treatment from the staff, and having a really horrible disgusting crowd is not cool with me. They brought the downfalls on those nights. Musically, sickness.

Now having these sick dj's come to roxy, on a superior sound system(compared to exit) with a respectable crowd and staff... come on now, that should make for an even better time.

Well my birthday weekend I'll be at Roxy..... Thursday October 31st..... sasha, Friday November 1st, PVD.... come say hi.

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Originally posted by zeeker

on another note, what a fucking ignorant comment. I'm assuming that you're referring to the Asian population in Exit. Hey, if you can't have a good time because the guy next to you is Asian then the problem is your own.

honestly...the roxy vs exit thing is played so i dont feel like arguing it out. But you assume a lot. Like I've never been to exit or something. Lemme give u an example. Lets say u go see a movie on opening night and there dorks throwing popcorn everywhere, a couple sitting next to you not speaking english and more importantly, speaking throughtout the whole movie so u cant enjoy it, people standing, sitting, making u move....ectect..you're not gonna be too pleased. Thats what happened when we went to see these Int'l guys at exit. Now granted most clubs ur gonna get bumped into and such, but honestly-- going to see a DJ at exit is like getting teeth pulled, and i dont even wanna get into what its like actually spinnin there.:rolleyes:

Having my balls groped while 10 asian drug dealers walk by security isnt too cool with me either. (nothing racial, if they were italian drugs dealers i wudda said the same)

What u dont understand is this: while roxy has been bad in your opinion, they have been building whats called a "base crowd". So that once they do bring in these big shot dj's its not packed that week and dead the rest....

exits winter #'s went like this.....not accurate but like, 6000 for PCD, 2000 next week, 1000 next week, 6000 for oakie...

meanwhile roxy will be on a smaller scale obviously b/c its a smaller place, 3000 for Tiesto, 2000 for the next week, 3000 for sasha, you understand....?

And i dont even wanna get into the comment about being on JV and Rizzo's dick....bro--if u cant apprieciate the talents we have in our own backyard who made house and trance big over here, then somethings wrong with u. I'll agree that Cosmic Gate is prolly a larger name, but it doesnt mean they're any better Their exit set was dope, but nothing spectacular, at least the kiddies didnt throw glowsticks at them that nite (theres some other djs that nite who werent treated as nice)

The pt is this....u like exit, go there. Get shit on and let them steal 30-50 bucks from u. U want a nice clubbin experience, go anywhere but there. Roxy is a nice place. How many drink tickets has Marvesi ever given out? Did u know that until last year Draper had to pay for a beer WHILE HE WAS SPINNING!!!! this is the truth.

Mike Bugout

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Originally posted by djmikebugout

honestly...the roxy vs exit thing is played so i dont feel like arguing it out. But you assume a lot. Like I've never been to exit or something. Lemme give u an example. Lets say u go see a movie on opening night and there dorks throwing popcorn everywhere, a couple sitting next to you not speaking english and more importantly, speaking throughtout the whole movie so u cant enjoy it, people standing, sitting, making u move....ectect..you're not gonna be too pleased. Thats what happened when we went to see these Int'l guys at exit. Now granted most clubs ur gonna get bumped into and such, but honestly-- going to see a DJ at exit is like getting teeth pulled, and i dont even wanna get into what its like actually spinnin there.:rolleyes:

Having my balls groped while 10 asian drug dealers walk by security isnt too cool with me either. (nothing racial, if they were italian drugs dealers i wudda said the same)

What u dont understand is this: while roxy has been bad in your opinion, they have been building whats called a "base crowd". So that once they do bring in these big shot dj's its not packed that week and dead the rest....

exits winter #'s went like this.....not accurate but like, 6000 for PCD, 2000 next week, 1000 next week, 6000 for oakie...

meanwhile roxy will be on a smaller scale obviously b/c its a smaller place, 3000 for Tiesto, 2000 for the next week, 3000 for sasha, you understand....?

And i dont even wanna get into the comment about being on JV and Rizzo's dick....bro--if u cant apprieciate the talents we have in our own backyard who made house and trance big over here, then somethings wrong with u. I'll agree that Cosmic Gate is prolly a larger name, but it doesnt mean they're any better Their exit set was dope, but nothing spectacular, at least the kiddies didnt throw glowsticks at them that nite (theres some other djs that nite who werent treated as nice)

The pt is this....u like exit, go there. Get shit on and let them steal 30-50 bucks from u. U want a nice clubbin experience, go anywhere but there. Roxy is a nice place. How many drink tickets has Marvesi ever given out? Did u know that until last year Draper had to pay for a beer WHILE HE WAS SPINNING!!!! this is the truth.

Mike Bugout

ok, you're either misunderstanding what I'm saying, or just not listening. Yo, I like Roxy. i like the place a lot for that matter. I've never ever said that I don't like the place. I've never had a bad time there and the way it's run i doubt that i will any time soon. But I'm just saying, wait until PvD gets there before you start all the praise for the talent they bring in. Because until this weekend, they haven't done the best job with bringing the top guys in. Let's wait to see how they handle PvD's crowd come the fall. if you were at Exit to see him you know how fucking packed that place was. whats gonna happen at a place like Roxy which is less than half Exits size. We'll have to wait to see what happens.

secondly...opinions are opinions. If you think that Mike Rizzo is at the same Level as Cosmic gate, who am I to disagree with you. But I'm having a hard time believing that you actually do feel that way. again, who am I to disagree.

Third...about the numbers issure. Exit never ever brings in less than 2000 heads. Probably not even close to that low a number. The last time I was at Roxy, they only had half the floor open, and the people that were there cleared out by like 4:00.That night it rained, what was Roxy's head count? I was actually at Exit that night and they had a nice sized crowd. Last week, forget about it, Exit was packed. So, yeah, I disagree with your whole numbers argument, although I definitly agree with you about Roxy and them trying to get a steady base crowd, which in the llong run is obviously a good idea.

4th point...the comparison to little kids throwing pop corn in a movie theater and the whole glowstick throwing comment. I could be wrong, but wasn't there a group of CP people throwing glowsticks at people that night? actually i'm not wrong about that one because I just re-read the review. So, i guess we can just write you guys off as those annoying little kiddies who like to throw pop-corn in movies right.

5th point...that shit is hilarious and i was doing the same.

on a side not...one of my friends from work is promoting hard core for this Scott Bond event next week. he's like the biggest Asian promoter at Exit and was telling me that he has a lot of heads coming next week. should be interesting....

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Originally posted by zeeker

But turn off your bias towards roxy and realize that they haven't even come close to delivering the talent that Exit has. And the music is the most important thing too me,



and if music was important to you, i am suprised that youre not pissed off that during tall paul and the second tiesto show half the fucking sound system was turned off


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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

and if music was important to you, i am suprised that youre not pissed off that during tall paul and the second tiesto show half the fucking sound system was turned off


OMG I agree with you about that. Interupting Tall Pauls set for that strip-show was just offensive. Humor me though, musically, which is the better club....Exit or Roxy? And I mean based on recent events, not furture line-ups. Your answer, if honest, will be the end of this debate/argument. Seriously though, if you guys can't concede to this point then your delusional, or in denial.

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Originally posted by zeeker

OMG I agree with you about that. Interupting Tall Pauls set for that strip-show was just offensive. Humor me though, musically, which is the better club....Exit or Roxy? And I mean based on recent events, not furture line-ups. Your answer, if honest, will be the end of this debate/argument. Seriously though, if you guys can't concede to this point then your delusional, or in denial.

Dood, you do make a point about Exit's internation talent vs Roxy's regualar Dj's..Whenever you put up Tiesto or PVD against the likes of Rizzo and Jv, You're gonna lose.. But lets forget that for a minute and talk about Exit's pride and joy--Tony Draper. Can you sit there and honestly say he's a better dj than anything Roxy has to offer?

Mike Bugout has point with Roxy's consitency. Roxy, at first, didnt bring in the big names, but they had hot music week in and week out. Could the same be said about Exit? If Pvd or Tiesto aren't at Exit, who's there? Tony draper...

I also agree about Exit's crowd.. Regardless of the fact that a large part of Exit's population is Asian, who wants to see a bunch of little kids, running around, twirling glowsticks while looking for their next hit of "E'?? At least at Roxy, I know I'll have a good looking, mature(mostly) crowd that doesnt disgust me...

..just my 2 cents.

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everytime I start typing up a defense for exit I always ask myself why. i mean, I'm NOT some clueless little kiddie that went to exit for the first time and goes back because I've never been anywhere else. i mean, I've been to pretty much all the bigger clubs that NY has to offer and some smaller ones too.

Ok, first of all, I really wouldn't consider Draper Exit's pride and joy by any means. I mean, didn't he almost get fired last month, and Exit knew better then to try and bring in Draper for afterhours when guys like Pvd and Oakenfold were there. He's more like their money maker. I mean, if you were at his Back to The Future party, you can see that the guy does have a following. I'm definitly not part of it by the way. i do recognize and admit that he pales in comparison to guys like DT, JV, JP etc...

I don't have a clue where this is going. but to sum it all up, I think that a lot of these Exit Haters hate it because every time they go, they go expecting to have a bad time. Oh, and that question still stands...Roxy vs. Exit soley based on music.

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Originally posted by zeeker

everytime I start typing up a defense for exit I always ask myself why. i mean, I'm NOT some clueless little kiddie that went to exit for the first time and goes back because I've never been anywhere else. i mean, I've been to pretty much all the bigger clubs that NY has to offer and some smaller ones too.

Ok, first of all, I really wouldn't consider Draper Exit's pride and joy by any means. I mean, didn't he almost get fired last month, and Exit knew better then to try and bring in Draper for afterhours when guys like Pvd and Oakenfold were there. He's more like their money maker. I mean, if you were at his Back to The Future party, you can see that the guy does have a following. I'm definitly not part of it by the way. i do recognize and admit that he pales in comparison to guys like DT, JV, JP etc...

I don't have a clue where this is going. but to sum it all up, I think that a lot of these Exit Haters hate it because every time they go, they go expecting to have a bad time. Oh, and that question still stands...Roxy vs. Exit soley based on music.

you said "i mean" four times in that post... just an observation...

oh yeah, and exit vs. roxy is NOT soley based on music... exit's staff is rude and uncurteous... roxy's staff is pleasant and accomodating. roxy know's how to treat their patrons right...

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Originally posted by mssabina

you said "i mean" four times in that post... just an observation...

oh yeah, and exit vs. roxy is NOT soley based on music... exit's staff is rude and uncurteous... roxy's staff is pleasant and accomodating. roxy know's how to treat their patrons right...

i mean i mean I mean I mean, 4 more times

:tongue: see, this is the bullshit response i knew that i'd get...JUST BASED ON MUSIC. not difficult.

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