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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

For all the True House Heads


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Hey guys,

I don't usually write on this board, but I read it every once in awhile and I thought it was time. I want to remind those true house heads out there that without your constant support, great parties like Aquabooty (and their Dirty Little Funky thing) and amazing local dj's like DHM, can not continue.

Unfortunately Miami and it's SOBE is very commercial for different reasons, but there are a few out there like those above that are trying to keep it real. I don't know what I'd do without them. So let's show the club owners that only care about the buck and open the minds of the rest of the masses that don't have clue, what a real party is all about by supporting and dancing our butts off all night. If not, the mainstream will win and we will be left with headaches at club land once again.

See you all at Lola on SATURDAY....

Peace and HouseMusic


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In a utopian world, it would be all about the music but those club owners have to care about the buck before caring about the music cuz they gotta pay rent, staff plus make a living out of it. I, personally, like DHM a lot and have a lot of fun at their parties at Lola, Marlin, Blue, anywhere really so I'd say to support good music as they say. Those $5 I pay at Lola I pay them happily cuz I know I am getting much more for what I am paying.

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It is very hard to do what we do. I personally walk the beach, bomb little Havana, Miami U, design district parties, art shows, funky restaurant, hotel consierges, media every week, blast retail & music stores, into shopping mallls and the some. It is hard to bring people out to listen to music they don't know or understand. Catch 22. This thread as given me a great feeling. Thank you for understanding.

I ask you all this. Please come out this Saturday to LOLA. I know the boys are also playing at Space on Sunday, please remember us. We work hard to get DHM's name out there and feel a part of their success is due to our hard wok. I'm not saying don't go to Space. Please do, just don't miss them at their HOME, OUR HOME, YOUR HOME for house music. LOLA on Saturdays. Only a $5 cover charge, open 'til 7 am and no attitude. Thank you and I will now get off my soap box!!!!!

Joe Budious

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Thanks for the replies,

but in reference to the utopian world...cities like NY or San Fran among others are part of this world, and it just so happens that they have clubs and parties that continue to bring great music to the masses. somehow they manage to pay their rent and staff as well, so it's not so farfetched. the clubs in Miami are another story. impatience and greed is a big part of their problem.

that is why it is important that we support Aquabooty as much as possible, if we want to also enjoy DJ's like Dixon, Harvey, Miguel Migs, Ron Trent, King Britt etc..... because no other club promoters will bring them down, except during WMC. they are too busy trying to bring Danny T and the likes for the 20th time during the rest of the year. At least some of them have come to their senses somewhat and have opened their doors to DHM.

Have a great day!!!

:eek: :eek:

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best of luck down there.. it's such a shame the way the scene is run down there. i totally agree with you on your points and can relate with some of your frustrations. just hang in there and keep getting the word out.

respect for keeping it real!

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what a crock of shit!

I cant beleive this bullshit elitist attitude has started here in Miami now too......a bunch of 22 year old kids that used to love Sasha & Digweed last week now think they know what true house is because they bought a Miguel Migs CD and went to hear DHM twice.....born-again house-heads....psssssss.....


If you just take a little time to educate yourselves you will realize that what you think is so new and great has been going on for the past 15 years.....things are always great the first time around, but when you were there, front and center, for the first installment , you move on and try to break new ground (never forgetting where you came from.....

BTW: I hope they bring DT down 52 times a year.....DT was down here playing your precious "true house" as a resident at a small dingy gay club "Cheers" well over ten years ago...My partner Ralph and I would bring him our latest "true house" productions so he could play them on a decent system for us and it meant everything to us then (just like it does now)

The only problem is back then we didnt have the luxury of categorizing music as "true house music". It was just "HOUSE" to us...and continues to be to this day.....not "tribal, progressive, deep, dark, soulful, hard, TRUE!!!" ....just HOUSE!!!




BTW: I enjoy DHM and respect what they are doing.....

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Oscar -----> you rule.

I personally am getting sick of all the uppedy house heads. I know I'm not one to talk b/c I do my fair share of 'fairy trance' bashing, but just listen to what you like and realize that some types of music are going to be more popular than others.

As for the true 'house heads' - GA2 is right - there are a lot of people just like him from this messageboard who have been supporting DHM, Aquabooty and all the other deep house events week after week. I think you're preaching to the wrong crowd.

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oscar g you don't know me, so i wouldn't try to explain where i come from....

i think everyone got a little overly sensitive and misunderstood what i am trying to say...

it's great that those that participate in this board do support good music and parties that bring more VARIETY to our house nights here in Miami, which many others haven't heard...

i didn't mean to offend, all i was saying was spread the word for something i feel STRONGLY about and i think is special...

once again PEACE and housemusic ya all....


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Originally posted by djoscarg


The only problem is back then we didnt have the luxury of categorizing music as "true house music". It was just "HOUSE" to us...and continues to be to this day.....not "tribal, progressive, deep, dark, soulful, hard, TRUE!!!" ....just HOUSE!!!




BTW: I enjoy DHM and respect what they are doing.....

Exactly why I REFUSE to get labled as an "_____insert___style___ here __" DJ

Today it's one name tomorrow it's something else !

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