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Reward For a Job Well Done

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. . I may seem like a shit talking elitist to all of you, but in my real life I'm quite a different person . . . I take pride in what I do, no matter what conditions I'm thrown into . . I managed to survive 3 years in the circus that Corporate America is and moving here to New York, I believed for a time things would be different . .

.. I spent eight months unemployed from when I first moved up here in late August of 2000 . . . I was about to give up and move back to the Sunshine State when I managed, by some great luck, to get a job lead with Westchester Community College up here in Westchester . . . The position was only hourly, but I was happy to take anything to put money in my pocket and allow me to regain my painfully lost independence . . .

. . I signed on in April of 2001 as a tech assistant to continuing ed classes here at the college. My days were pretty much filled with helping our Professional Development and Mainstream (retirees) students get positive reinforcement during classroom instruction . . My job, in effect was to make sure that the room full of students I was teching in kept up with the teacher . . . A task at times because many times the adjuncts (temp teachers) that they hired were not the sharpest with the subject matter they were teaching . . . Yeah, they were great teachers (most of the time) but they weren't 'geeks' per se . . Many times at the conclustion of class the students would beg me to stay and reinforce the subject matter . . I would many times teach them three hours of information in the span of 15 minutes. . . At the end of each class span all students are required to fill out a quality form grading both the teacher and the tech during the progression of the course . .. This is where I shined . . Many MANY times I read reviews that the Deans would come back to me with saying how I was the only thing that saved the class . . *I* was the only reason that they learned anything . . That *I* had a gift (yes several of them called it that) of explaining things so clearly that the class would have been better served by me teaching it and the teacher running around and helping . . .

. . . It made me feel good that I was doing a good job . . I would dress up every day for work when the other techs would wear whatever . . I would never leave the room . . I did everything above and beyond the spec that they asked for. . . and in turn I got rewarded with a permenant position with the county in the matter of 2 months, when it takes many temp and provisional workers a minimum of 2 years to do so . . .

.. . I got a phone call one day and the Dean of the division I worked in asked me if I'd like to interview for a workstation engineering position down in the new site they were opening in Yonkers . . I jumped at the chance and July first of 2001 the adventure began . . .

. . . I went into my new position with at the acumen of a seasoned veteran in the IT field . . I received all 135 computers, built a ghost image for all of them and set them up in their respective classrooms . . Over the course of three weeks from the end of August to our start date in September I did all of this . . From faculty machines, to student labs to our own rack on the back end . . I either deployed single handedly or helped deploy all of the computers in that site . . I remember on 9/11 I was moving a stack of monitors into position when I looked down the south end of the building and saw the clouds rising . . I sat in awe for five minutes then continued working . . . All the computers were fully equipped and deployed by the open house date and when classes started they worked flawlessly . . .

. . . I received accolades up and down the chain of command for the job well done . . . They loved me . .

. . . Months went by and we went through the growing pains of a newly deployed site . . All of our problems were due to the back end at the time . . trying to get Novell to work with Windows 2000 . . I would have to, numerous times, come up with on the spot plans to save the computers so they'd work for the night and day classes because the server went down . . those . . no, MY computers always worked . . THEY ALWAYS worked . . and I knew, at the end of the day I did my job . . .

. . December came around and we got the furniture that we were originally supposed to get for the classrooms . . I then single handedly broke down all of the 125 computers in the lab and placed them in the PC vue (monitor and box sit INSIDE the desk, they're a PAIN IN THE ASS TO SETUP) desks that they were originally intended for . . . It was done during the break when students weren't there . . . I worked for free many times due to lack of OT funding because I HAD TO GET THE JOB DONE . . and at the days end, it was done . . to perfection . . Once again, they sang me praise at all levels . .

. . . The spring semester came and my boss said we were migrating to XP and that a build would have to be made for the classes. . . I harvested the software list, deployed all of it and stress tested it on my lab box . . It worked flawlessly . . The XP build was even more efficient then the one they were using on main campus . . Praise again . .

. . . In june my boss approached me with the dean who had hired me and told me of a plan to open up a Site in Mt. Vernon . . They explained to me that I had been 'volunteered' to go over there because they didn't have a justification for buying 110 new computers unless someone from the department was on the payroll . . Seeing as how the division who handles the remote sites isn't the most flush with cash, they decided to split my and my cohorts responsibilities between the two sites (Mt Vernon and Yonkers) . . but only I would be on Mt. Vernon payroll . . Which meant that in the event that there was a delay with Mt. Vernon, my job was in jeopardy . . . I ate the news and continued working as I always have . . Just recently we argued in front of the county legislature for more money and they passed it unanimously, I thought I was safe . .

. . . This July after classes let out we were ready to deploy the XP build . . I had all my ducks in a row so when my boss called three weeks ago, I could deploy at a moments notice . . I got that phone call and worked tirelessly to ghost all of those machines . . .I crawled around in my dress clothes, chaining hard drive after hard drive so they would be operational . . . The conclusion of that work ended today . . .

. .. Today I also had a meeting with my boss and that same dean . . they said that we had indeed received the funding for the site in Mt Vernon but now there were problems with getting the person who owned the property to comply . . . It was explained to me that if they don't have a plan to roll out by January 1st of next year exact, I would no longer have my position at the school . . . I asked them what they thought and they said simply that they just didn't know yet . . . but the look on their faces tells me a different story . . .

. . . So now here I sit, uncertain that I'll have a job but four weeks from now (October 4th is the decision deadline) . . . I did my job above and beyond what they required of me and I was, in effect, cashed in for 110 new computers that are now probably never going to see the light of day . . .

. . . This is the thanks I get for perfection . . .


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I remember when you were doing all of that shit... you really worked your ass off for them...

I say start looking for another position while they 'figure' out whats going to happen... you can probably grab a nice pay increase with a new position...

Corporate America Sucks.

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I'm not going to get into however, I'm a Senior Application Architect with 8 years in the industry. In the last 3 years I've been layed off twice. I'm tired of it!

I'm ultimately not going back into this field for a couple years, during this time I am determined not to fall out of the technology arena by keeping my skills sharped working on personal projects.

I keep hope alive thinking that the industry will somehow recover and that the influx in the workforce of semi or non professional technology individuals will hit rock bottom. Senior professionals such as myself will again have the value we once did during the internet boom.

okay..... so I got into it. It's a real thorn in my ass.

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Originally posted by max3

There's no such thing as perfection!

But it sounds like anyone with your skills and exp. will not have a problem finding another job.:)

i know a lot of people with tons of skills that cant find jobs. its not what you know, its who you know.
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wow mike, that really sux.. im sorry to hear this happened to you. on the positive side, you have 4 weeks to find a new, better job. the market sux but if you dont focus your energies on your current job & instead focus them into finding a new job, you will find one in no time. otherwise the porn site idea is not a bad one... :tongue:

i dunno, we should puff one later, you will feel better. :idea:

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Originally posted by somebitch

otherwise the porn site idea is not a bad one... :tongue:

ladies and gentleman we have a volunteer!!

seriously it'll be great! c'mon it's like "the girl next door" those amateur sites make so much money.....but it'll be "the girl on some board" instead.....people would be jumping on that shit.....pervs always need a new fetish this could be totally it!!!!

we'll make lots of money....so what if your muff is on the net, you'll get a fat check!

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Guest tilly

(big hug)

everything happens for a reason!


it will all be ok cuz in the end you have ppl that love and care about you and your well being~

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Originally posted by dr0ne

ladies and gentleman we have a volunteer!!

seriously it'll be great! c'mon it's like "the girl next door" those amateur sites make so much money.....but it'll be "the girl on some board" instead.....people would be jumping on that shit.....pervs always need a new fetish this could be totally it!!!!

we'll make lots of money....so what if your muff is on the net, you'll get a fat check!

you said you use irc right??? do you come to #trance??
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