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Exit 8/30 review

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This whole Asian Population debate at Exit is getting old...Anyways, back to the point of this thread...yet again, false advertising or promotion on Exit's part. I bought 4 pre-paid tickets for the Playmate party, gurranting admission into the White Room, entering the club at 55th directly into the White room. Well, we walked around the block to the back entrance only to have some random guy tell that entrance wasn't open that night. When we finally got into the club, I was the only one allowed into the white room as it was overpacked and out of the 4 of us, I was the only girl. On a brighter note, I"m not the biggest Draper fan, so I chilled the entire night in both the Red and white rooms...Yeah Evo, you rocked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I only wish you spun for longer! Shoutouts to the Danbury crew, Pauley, and his awesome dancer friend from Jersey with the denim skirt and addidas...had much fun tearin it up with her! Oh yeah, and Zeeker, I looked for you, but instead RocksteadyCT found you...maybe next time!

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u know what i dont like about exit. it's not that there are so many chinese i mean chinx. (lol) there. it's just that there are too much of one nationlity. i am black and i like diversity i like to mix it up. i don't like to go anywhere and see all of one nationality or culture.(that's y i like when jp plays all kinds of shit from caribbean to disco to old skool to everything in his beats) but i hate being anywhere with all black people lol. but yea i like italians, chinese, russains, everything. can't do without foreign girls with accents. god dam i saw this chinese russian girl at factory once and omg wooooo. any ways exit has too many chinx. end of story.

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Originally posted by donnie

u know what i dont like about exit. it's not that there are so many chinese i mean chinx. (lol) there. it's just that there are too much of one nationlity. i am black and i like diversity i like to mix it up. i don't like to go anywhere and see all of one nationality or culture.(that's y i like when jp plays all kinds of shit from caribbean to disco to old skool to everything in his beats) but i hate being anywhere with all black people lol. but yea i like italians, chinese, russains, everything. can't do without foreign girls with accents. god dam i saw this chinese russian girl at factory once and omg wooooo. any ways exit has too many chinx. end of story.

you trying to humor us with your racism?

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Haha well i guess when some people are minority in a place and they arent used to it, the first emotion they feel is anger! Damn crackers are to used to having the majority everywhere. I mean exit can be a little intimidating for sure, but once you are in the party spirit it all works out fine. Bout Fri night though, it was good but I dont even bother with the main floor till after 6 now, cus i found where they keep all the hot women at..the RED ROOM. The vibe in there was nice, its liek a seperate club...its a small room, but it seems way more diversified than the rest of the club..the girl/guy ratio was actually almost 50/50! And there were people of all types (asian/guido/cracker whatever you like) just having a good time. But to reiterate on what my clubbing partner said, i did feel ripped off at the door and the white room, but i guess you get what you pay for! Fun night..and Zeeker its Aaron, see you next time! ha

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Originally posted by djmattreid

Masi & Mello were off the hook

they always do a good job but the place doesnt really appreciate there music like drapers. but personally i was there the whole time listening to them and they were really good music was good, the mix were on, couldnt ask for more. o and alot of remix which they produced.

def look of for them next time and go check them out:D

dean masi is the dj on friday nights at my bar in jersey... so i get hear him quite often ;)
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Originally posted by donnie

u know what i dont like about exit. it's not that there are so many chinese i mean chinx. (lol) there. it's just that there are too much of one nationlity. i am black and i like diversity i like to mix it up. i don't like to go anywhere and see all of one nationality or culture.(that's y i like when jp plays all kinds of shit from caribbean to disco to old skool to everything in his beats) but i hate being anywhere with all black people lol. but yea i like italians, chinese, russains, everything. can't do without foreign girls with accents. god dam i saw this chinese russian girl at factory once and omg wooooo. any ways exit has too many chinx. end of story.

please refrain from using any derogatory terms in your post. this just shows how ignorant and biased someone like you can be. speaking of ignorance, not 100% of the asian crowd at exit are chinese. please think it over before making any other such comments. ;):blown:

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Hey…. I was at Exit and I had a great time, place was packed… The girls were hot that night… I think the playmate thing killed everyone’s roll for about a half an hours or so… I met a lot of great people there; I’ll be there next weekend to party with you guys again…. Zeeker you have to give up soccer man so we can keep on going and having a great time…. And we have to get Kevin to come for now on, he is a cool kid…

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Hey…. I was at Exit and I had a great time, place was packed… The girls were hot that night… I think the playmate thing killed everyone’s roll for about a half an hours or so… I met a lot of great people there; I’ll be there next weekend to party with you guys again…. Zeeker you have to give up soccer man so we can keep on going and having a great time…. And we have to get Kevin to come for now on, he is a cool kid….

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Hey…. I was at Exit and I had a great time, place was packed… The girls were hot that night… I think the playmate thing killed everyone’s roll for about a half an hours or so… I met a lot of great people there; I’ll be there next weekend to party with you guys again…. Zeeker you have to give up soccer man so we can keep on going and having a great time…. And we have to get Kevin to come for now on, he is a cool kid….

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Originally posted by rocksteadyct

cus i found where they keep all the hot women at..the RED ROOM. The vibe in there was nice, its liek a seperate club...its a small room, but it seems way more diversified than the rest of the club..the girl/guy ratio was actually almost 50/50! And there were people of all types (asian/guido/cracker whatever you like) just having a good time.

uh, yeah WTF! every time I ventured up into the Red Room it was wall to wall with hot ass girls. the vibe in there has been very cool lately. Every time I'm up there I just get too restless though. I don't have the attention span to be in that small of a room for long periods of time. i'll tell you where else all the hotties were..right in front of the stage...there and the red room are gonna be my two new spots.

yo, haha, you ever go to Rosey's diner in Groton by the way? We used to hit that place up every single Thursday and Saturday night after coming in when I was up at Conn College. Sorry random...I still can't believe that you make that trip.

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Zeeker, I def have to meet up with you next time (I'm RocksteadyCT's partner in crime...lol) ANyways, I'm from Groton too, but now i live in Fairfield, CT b/c i go to school down here. I can't believe you know Rosie's!! Way too small of a world! I just gotta keep dragging Rocksteady down here so I have somone to go clubbing with this semester...I'm still working on the roomates who are all virgins to the wonderful world of clubbing...anyways, next time you're at Exit, let me know.

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Originally posted by clubgyrl00

Zeeker, I def have to meet up with you next time (I'm RocksteadyCT's partner in crime...lol) ANyways, I'm from Groton too, but now i live in Fairfield, CT b/c i go to school down here. I can't believe you know Rosie's!! Way too small of a world! I just gotta keep dragging Rocksteady down here so I have somone to go clubbing with this semester...I'm still working on the roomates who are all virgins to the wonderful world of clubbing...anyways, next time you're at Exit, let me know.

yeah, that sucks that we missed each other. The only thing I knew to look for was a blue hat. Next time though. I hit up the city pretty much every Friday. the only thing is that soccer season has started for me at school and we have games most Saturdays. But, I think I'm probably about due for an injury soon anyway. Or at least a fake one. So, next time you go let me know, chances are I'll have plans to be in NYC anyway. Where in CT are you going to school by the way?

Originally posted by codica3

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:


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