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they should make 911 a national holiday.

Guest gabo

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Originally posted by tastyt

Wow, I really think you need to go back and re-read the original post before making such a harsh accusation.

Anyway... how do you all plan on spending the day? IDK what to do with myself... I guess I'll probably go down to ground zero after work...

Our offices are half a block from the World Trade Center. Because the area will be mobbed that day, most of us will be working from home.

I don't recommend going down there on 9/11 unless you really have to. You can see the ceremonies on TV, and pay your respects at the site at another time when you won't be fighting for space with all the tourists. I think it will be more meaningful that way, too...

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by sassa

you are kidding about this right?

what are people going to do if it is a holiday? the same shit they do when other holidays surface: they barbecue, go to the beach, get drunk, and other stupid shit. i don't see why a day where many people died and so much problems surfaced should become a national holiday. say a prayer for the victims and their families, yes, observe that a year ago today something horrible happened, yes, but a fucking holiday???


sorry, I used the wrong words. when I said holiday I just meant this year only and it will be a day that every bussiness is closed, schools are closed and we just remember... the lives that were lost and the lives that were saved.

btw i heard that teachers are so pissed that they dont have the day off that they are refusing to teach on 9/11

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Personally, I feel people have forgotten the true meaning of a national holiday. Memorial Day and Fourth of July for example was set aside for people to remember our war heroes and to be proud that we live in a free country. Honestly, how many people, including myself think those thoughts? Americans has turned those days of remembrance into an excuse to have a BBQ, go to the beach, go to the Hamptons or the Jersey Shore and get fucked up. It cheapens the holiday and I dont want that to happen to 9-11 since it something we all experienced and it hit so close to home. Honor those that fallen by refecting and by doing the job that you do...just like they were doing that morning last September

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Originally posted by dgmodel

why dont we get off for pearl harbor???

The attack on pearl harbor was a military base, getting attacked by a military base. sounds fucked up but there is nothing wrong with that. This was a bunch of animals that needed to be in a cage flying planes into a civilian bldg. Thats a no no in the rules of war... yes war has rules. Those people werent defending our country ... they were going to work. They didnt have guns and were ready to fight if a attack came like in pearl harbor.
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Originally posted by freshjive

also, not to be a dick -- well fuck it, sorta...

Did we make Dec 7th a paid holiday for the attack on Pearl Harbor? How about Normandy? No, and no. What about April 20th...another tragec anniversary for many in OKC. Again, no. How about this: Remember our heroes and victims while ur busy doing ur part to keep this country strong...by doing something for society (ie: your job), not by sitting on ur ass. Marking the day is one thing...but, i keep hearing ppl say we should have a PAID holiday to remember our loved ones, yet a lot of these same people personally know NO ONE who was killed that day. Imagine the satisfaction Al Queda will have, knowing that they helped to reduce our workforce one more day out of the year. Remember the lost lives and needless suffering in whatever way you choose to...it's still a free country. Ask for the day off if you choose. Just don't insist you should be PAID for it!

Memorial Day, anyone? The rules of war have changed...so perhaps should our ideas about this day. Soldiers, Firefighters, Police, and yes -- civilians too that have died in the name of the US.

Oh...and by the way, pretty much the only ppl that benefit from government holidays are governemt workers...who, if u ask me are already the most UNPRODUCTIVE and OVERPAID group of whiners out there.

There, I said it...flame away!

very excellent points... i agree...

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Originally posted by tastyt

The attack on pearl harbor was a military base, getting attacked by a military base. sounds fucked up but there is nothing wrong with that. This was a bunch of animals that needed to be in a cage flying planes into a civilian bldg. Thats a no no in the rules of war... yes war has rules. Those people werent defending our country ... they were going to work. They didnt have guns and were ready to fight if a attack came like in pearl harbor.

so youre saying due to occupational hazards and location... those ppl who died their lives are worth less or shouldnt be memorialised with a holiday??? come on now...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

so youre saying due to occupational hazards and location... those ppl who died their lives are worth less or shouldnt be memorialised with a holiday??? come on now...

Dude, read the entire thread before posting... I was quoting Gabo on that one... altho I agree w/his reasoning... still I never said that I thought either day should necessarily be declared a national holiday...

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Giving a day of mourning JUST THIS YEAR I don't think is a bad idea..it is a year after and it was probably one of the most destructive horrible acts of terrorism IMO but to make it a National Holiday no way!! If that happens..the true meaning of the day will be lost & it is a time that should be used to bottom line REFLECT on what happened...the world and this counrty isn't going to be at a stand still because this happened....it is a day of reflection as well as optimism towards the future & in NO WAY should be glorified as a holiday

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Originally posted by hoke

There's been a LOT of racism in the wake of 9/11.

...really?...more than usual??...i dont see that...are you thinking of something specific in terms of airports, cities, or what?

...my concern is with its growth but in terms of profiling...many that i talk to feel profiling overrules safety and security...that in its own frightens me...esp. since part of me sees the truth in it...

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Originally posted by phatman

...really?...more than usual??...i dont see that...are you thinking of something specific in terms of airports, cities, or what?

...my concern is with its growth but in terms of profiling...many that i talk to feel profiling overrules safety and security...that in its own frightens me...esp. since part of me sees the truth in it...

I mean racism in everyday life.

I'll put it this way... I'd never heard the term "sand nigger" actually USED before 9/11... Americans have never been terribly fond of people from the Middle East, but 9/11 made it much worse.

Plus, we currently have a "war" of sorts going on, and who's to say that will be over by next 9/11? I'd hate to see 9/11 used as an excuse to rally hatred against Middle Easterners.

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Originally posted by hoke

I'll put it this way... I'd never heard the term "sand nigger" actually USED before 9/11... Americans have never been terribly fond of people from the Middle East, but 9/11 made it much worse.

...i was just watching Casino on cable the other night and joe pesci uses that term in the movie...you know i probably didnt pay attention to it when i watched it the first time but it rather stuck out this time around...could support what you're saying...but all in all, living in this area all my life, racism has never seemed to diminish or grow...it's always been here...just taken on new forms or hidden from sight and sound...unfortunately, it was here before 9/11 and will be here long after...it may be that 9/11 will be the latest variable racists choose for justification but in a way, that is to be expected...:(

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Originally posted by hoke

Lives are lost every day in senseless and/or malicious acts of violence. Who gets to decide which ones are worthy of special recognition? Why should this event be memorialized and not Oklahoma City? Because more people died? Because the terrorists weren't Americans?

I agree with what's been said earlier -- holidays are for celebration. 9/11 did not advance our country in any way, except to remind us that we're not invincible.

I see what your saying, but whats the difference between the Oklahoma City bombing and 9/11, 9/11 could be considered to be like Pearl Harbor was back then. Plus this is the first time the U.S. did declare war on something other then a country, but the first time the U.S. has declared war on Foriegn and Domestic Terrorism.

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Originally posted by phatman

...i was just watching Casino on cable the other night and joe pesci uses that term in the movie...you know i probably didnt pay attention to it when i watched it the first time but it rather stuck out this time around...could support what you're saying...but all in all, living in this area all my life, racism has never seemed to diminish or grow...it's always been here...just taken on new forms or hidden from sight and sound...unfortunately, it was here before 9/11 and will be here long after...it may be that 9/11 will be the latest variable racists choose for justification but in a way, that is to be expected...:(

true.....someone who wasn't racist before 9/11 isn't going to become one after. the huge increase in hate crimes after 9/11 is due to those that were racist before 9/11 and now all of sudden believe that their hate is somehow justified and as such are willing to demonstrate it more openly as opposed to hiding it.

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Originally posted by donstyles

I see what your saying, but whats the difference between the Oklahoma City bombing and 9/11, 9/11 could be considered to be like Pearl Harbor was back then. Plus this is the first time the U.S. did declare war on something other then a country, but the first time the U.S. has declared war on Foriegn and Domestic Terrorism.

You grammar is a little shaky here, so forgive me if I misundertand your point...

9/11 is no more like Pearl Harbor than Oklahoma City was, or for that matter the FIRST World Trade Center bombing. All were overt acts of violence by terrorist groups. The only difference is the number of lives lost.

And this is NOT the first time the U.S. has declared war on something other than a country. We have a "War on Drugs," remember? Should we commemorate that with a national holiday, too?

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Originally posted by hoke

You grammar is a little shaky here, so forgive me if I misundertand your point...

9/11 is no more like Pearl Harbor than Oklahoma City was, or for that matter the FIRST World Trade Center bombing. All were overt acts of violence by terrorist groups. The only difference is the number of lives lost.

And this is NOT the first time the U.S. has declared war on something other than a country. We have a "War on Drugs," remember? Should we commemorate that with a national holiday, too?

Sorry about the grammer, got alittle carryed away... But the war on drugs? If the president actually went to congress to aprove for military action on drugs then i guess im wrong.

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Originally posted by donstyles

Sorry about the grammer, got alittle carryed away... But the war on drugs? If the president actually went to congress to aprove for military action on drugs then i guess im wrong.

It's still referred to as a war, and government resources are allotted to it. Keep in mind that Vietnam was never declared a war, either. It was a "police action."

Regardless, don't get caught up in the political posturing. The term "war on terrorism" is a convenient term to rally public support. The war is really against any Middle Eastern groups that have exercised violence against the U.S. We are not fighting terrorism, the abstract concept (we can't possibly hope to abolish that); we are fighting known terrorists.

But even if you were right, how on earth does a declaration of war merit a national holiday? That's the most horrible reason for celebration I've ever heard!

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Guest gabo

I went over this already. I didnt mean a holiday as in a day where we fire up the grill and invite 25 of our friends over and drink till dawn. I meant it as a day off (this year only) so we can pay our respects.

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