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they should make 911 a national holiday.

Guest gabo

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Guest gabo

why we dont get off for that day is crazy. at least give us the day off this time so we can remeber or go to church or whatever it is that yo uwant to do to mourn the loss.

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I'm curious as to why some of you don't think it should be a national holiday.

Anyway, I think we should at least have it off this year. I think my company is giving us basically an extended break during the day, should we want to attend any memorial services. How anyone can actually be expected to accomplish anything that day is beyond me.

God, I can't believe it's almost been a year already. :( :(

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also, not to be a dick -- well fuck it, sorta...

Did we make Dec 7th a paid holiday for the attack on Pearl Harbor? How about Normandy? No, and no. What about April 20th...another tragec anniversary for many in OKC. Again, no. How about this: Remember our heroes and victims while ur busy doing ur part to keep this country strong...by doing something for society (ie: your job), not by sitting on ur ass. Marking the day is one thing...but, i keep hearing ppl say we should have a PAID holiday to remember our loved ones, yet a lot of these same people personally know NO ONE who was killed that day. Imagine the satisfaction Al Queda will have, knowing that they helped to reduce our workforce one more day out of the year. Remember the lost lives and needless suffering in whatever way you choose to...it's still a free country. Ask for the day off if you choose. Just don't insist you should be PAID for it!

Memorial Day, anyone? The rules of war have changed...so perhaps should our ideas about this day. Soldiers, Firefighters, Police, and yes -- civilians too that have died in the name of the US.

Oh...and by the way, pretty much the only ppl that benefit from government holidays are governemt workers...who, if u ask me are already the most UNPRODUCTIVE and OVERPAID group of whiners out there.

There, I said it...flame away!

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Guest gabo

well I do think we should get the day off this year. every bus. should close down and show their respect.

The attack on pearl harbor was a military base, getting attacked by a military base. sounds fucked up but there is nothing wrong with that. This was a bunch of animals that needed to be in a cage flying planes into a civilian bldg. Thats a no no in the rules of war... yes war has rules. Those people werent defending our country ... they were going to work. They didnt have guns and were ready to fight if a attack came like in pearl harbor.

does any of this make sence cause I am in a big rush and I am not proof reading... sorry

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Originally posted by gabo

well I do think we should get the day off this year. every bus. should close down and show their respect.

The attack on pearl harbor was a military base, getting attacked by a military base. sounds fucked up but there is nothing wrong with that. This was a bunch of animals that needed to be in a cage flying planes into a civilian bldg. Thats a no no in the rules of war... yes war has rules. Those people werent defending our country ... they were going to work. They didnt have guns and were ready to fight if a attack came like in pearl harbor.

does any of this make sence cause I am in a big rush and I am not proof reading... sorry

Okay... having a day of mourning this year and making it a national holiday are two entirely different things.

If you still think 9/11 should be a national holiday, then what about the Oklahoma City bombing? Should that be made a national holiday too?

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Guest gabo

true... I guess a holiday every year would be a bit much... but at least lets celebrate the heros and mourn our losses. fuck it I wont go to work

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As the years go by people will gradually begin to forget about September 11th the same way people are forgetting now. And as the years go by and new generations are replacing the old ones, the day will not be as emotionally profound as it is to us. I would HATE if down the line September 11th became just another Thanksgiving, Columbus Day, President's Day or any of the other meaningless and outdated holidays that people just use as a day off. Those holidays may hold importance but the majority of us could care less and it would just lead to parties being thrown on September 10th. And that would negate the whole point of a day of rememberance.

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you are kidding about this right?

what are people going to do if it is a holiday? the same shit they do when other holidays surface: they barbecue, go to the beach, get drunk, and other stupid shit. i don't see why a day where many people died and so much problems surfaced should become a national holiday. say a prayer for the victims and their families, yes, observe that a year ago today something horrible happened, yes, but a fucking holiday???


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Originally posted by sassa

you are kidding about this right?

what are people going to do if it is a holiday? the same shit they do when other holidays surface: they barbecue, go to the beach, get drunk, and other stupid shit. i don't see why a day where many people died and so much problems surfaced should become a national holiday. say a prayer for the victims and their families, yes, observe that a year ago today something horrible happened, yes, but a fucking holiday???

well put. i'm sure there weren't many of us attending memorials the last weekend in May.

It's best if we keep doing what we would normally doing. The last thing I need to hear is someone asking someone "Hey are you going to check out DJ Bigshot's 9/11 bash? He's doing a marathon set...it will be sick! Stay out late...no work on 9/11!" :rolleyes:

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yeah...gabo, i hear ya on the diff between the two. i'm just saying that an act of war is what killed these ppl also. whether they were in a military base or going to a civilian job, they all died as a result of someone trying to fuck with our freedom...an outside group trying to change us and not succeeding because we continue to do things as we have...not to let it stop us in our tracks. i believe it's ok to say memorial day covers that ground. maybe you don't agree and that's cool. i understand why many people want to take the day off to reflect in whatever way they choose. it's great that many of our nation's employers are showing sensitivity to their workers, but it should not become a national mandate. for me, taking the day off just isn't an option...nor does it change how i will be affected one year after the tragedy. i will to pay my respects to the dead...thing is, i'll be doing it at my job. ppl have their hearts in the right place, but i don't think a holiday is in order. just my hot-so-humble opinion.

btw...ou812, i liked that link.

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im absolutely horrified that someone could actually say "why dont we get off work on 9/11" that has to be the most selfish ignorant statement i have ever heard in my life. maybe im taking it a bit seriously but i remember seeing the faces of all the people who were hurt down there and all the people worried about their family. heres an idea, why dont u call out of work that day and stay home, because not working is how well get this country back on this feet, in fact lets not work and make it a holiday so we can celebrate the fact that weve been attacked. its ridiculous, 9/11 is not a day that should be celebrated, if we should learn anything from this its that we need to forget about bullshit holidays in the past (no im not saying veterans day is not important or the fourth of july, but honestly, no one gives a goddamn in this country about veterans on veterans day) but to open our eyes and see whats going on in the world today. hey on september 11th why dont you fucking vote in the primary elections, or try to help someone less fortunate then yourself, give blood, do something. dont ask for a fucking day off. all holidays are today is a reason to stay home and buy shit. how many presidents day sales are there? lots, how many people can name the date of washington or lincolns bday, or martin luther king, or even christopher columbus. holiday is the wrong word, the occasion should be memorialized but thats it. everyone on this board acts like they give a shit about what happened, oh i really care. after 9/11 everyone was like ooh is everyone ok? six months later everything is back to normal, people talkin shit and being assholes, no humanity. youve all learned nothing from the experience, dont pretend like you really care about what happened on 9/11 (and no this does not apply to anyone on the board neccesarilly,but most new yorkers and people i meet in general who talk on the subject as if there experts or as if there mother died.) and then turn your back on people who are suffering. 9/11 should be with you everyday at every moment, i know for damn sure every wife and child of a firefighter or cop will ALWAYS remember what happened, not just for one day, and they will act like it, always

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

im absolutely horrified that someone could actually say "why dont we get off work on 9/11" that has to be the most selfish ignorant statement i have ever heard in my life.

Wow, I really think you need to go back and re-read the original post before making such a harsh accusation.

Anyway... how do you all plan on spending the day? IDK what to do with myself... I guess I'll probably go down to ground zero after work...

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Originally posted by tastyt

Anyway... how do you all plan on spending the day? IDK what to do with myself... I guess I'll probably go down to ground zero after work...

...well we couldnt leave work last year and i dont see it happening again this year...but this is a matter of what you do for a living...i am in the travel industry...last year, we had to watch it on tv only to run back to the phones and computers and scramble to get everyone back home whether it be via train, car, plane, etc...we worked into the late hours that week and all through the weekend...i barely got a chance to really absorb what happened until long after 9/11...i just said the other day that it should be a holiday but in terms of remembrance...this was one of the worst losses in one day for the american people...it is our job to remember when it happened - a day of remembrance is to help us to not repeat our own mistakes, to understand why things happened and to prevent them from happening again...

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In my opinion it should not be a national holiday. It should however be marked on the calander as a day of rememberance... What I do believe is that if you truly want that day off to mourn, pray, for those who were directly effected by it should take a vacation day for themselves. I myself am taking 9-11 off this year to go to the city with a friend of mine and his family who lost there father and I will be attending the memorial activities with them. I feel it is what I should do for both myself being close to the family and for support...

Like stated by someone above... I mean think about it... thousands of people die and here are people who want to celebrate. What is there to celebrate... I mean the sick part

about this country is it took actions like those taken on Sept. 11th for this country to come together... Sad but true...

Looking at it in another way. In my eyes everytime someone in this country dies in the line of duty protecting or saving another human life should be remembered. I don't care if it is one single person or hundreds... Why is it that when you watch the news and see a single firefighter die while saving people from a burning building so many people just change the channel. Like it does not even effect them.

To end this " Preaching " I will close out by saying my deepest sympathy to anyone on this board who lost family members, friends, co-workers on Sept. 11th. I myself did not lose any family member but I did lose alot of people close to me and my family. Members of my family being in And / Or Retired from the F.D.N.Y. I had attended alot of memorials and funerals and had a chance to meet alot of the families who were directly effected and it just makes you look at things alot differently.


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I think it should be a national holiday. Or should i say national "Rememberance" of how Hard we were hit by Terrorism. Everyone was affected by the events of that day. And how else is the whole US going to remember the lives lost on 9/11 other then a national holiday? Unless the whole US goes down to the memorial that is soon to be built!

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Originally posted by donstyles

I think it should be a national holiday. Or should i say national "Rememberance" of how Hard we were hit by Terrorism. Everyone was affected by the events of that day. And how else is the whole US going to remember the lives lost on 9/11 other then a national holiday? Unless the whole US goes down to the memorial that is soon to be built!

Lives are lost every day in senseless and/or malicious acts of violence. Who gets to decide which ones are worthy of special recognition? Why should this event be memorialized and not Oklahoma City? Because more people died? Because the terrorists weren't Americans?

I agree with what's been said earlier -- holidays are for celebration. 9/11 did not advance our country in any way, except to remind us that we're not invincible.

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